Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

FIRST LOVE! It is a Verb and a Fruit…(Part 8)

This message peels back such a huge part of the revelation of love that it will leave you breathless, or at least speechless when you see in reality the significance of love. If you have been asking about a “detailed” understanding of the fruit of love that comes out of our lives and what it looks like, this is the message you have been waiting for. From how we relate to God, how we relate to others, and most of all how the world sees what God has to do with love. We will see the difference in being a child of God versus a child of the devil and how without love our lives are filled with constant stumbling because of the darkness lovelessness brings. I hope that this message will awaken you to love and the words of Jesus when He speaks of love, our First Love.
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This message peels back such a huge part of the revelation of love that it will leave you breathless, or at least speechless when you see in reality the significance of love. If you have been asking about a “detailed” understanding of the fruit of love that comes out of our lives and what it looks like, this is the message you have been waiting for. From how we relate to God, how we relate to others, and most of all how the world sees what God has to do with love. We will see the difference in being a child of God versus a child of the devil and how without love our lives are filled with constant stumbling because of the darkness lovelessness brings. I hope that this message will awaken you to love and the words of Jesus when He speaks of love, our First Love.
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