Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

FIRST LOVE! Would Jesus Really Remove Our Light?… (Part 2)

Jesus speaks to the Church in scripture telling them you are working hard, very hard, and doing many things, but you left your First Love and if you don’t return to it, I’ll come and remove your lamp. What? You don’t hear that preached much today, but “Yes”, Jesus did say that and will be saying that in the future.  In one year in America, 4,000 churches were closed down and 20,000 pastors left their churches and quit the ministry.  In One Year!  What?  Could that be Jesus removing their light, their lamp?  What about ours?  Paul speaks to the Church saying that we need to purify ourselves from ourselves for the purpose of holiness.  What does that mean?  That and so much more will be discussed in this message. Straight from today’s headlines, from the Bible Prophetic headlines this message, I believe, will ring in your spirit, to encourage you to take a second look at the warning of Jesus, and the awesome love we had for Him when He first saved us and how to get back to that place of our First Love.
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Jesus speaks to the Church in scripture telling them you are working hard, very hard, and doing many things, but you left your First Love and if you don’t return to it, I’ll come and remove your lamp. What? You don’t hear that preached much today, but “Yes”, Jesus did say that and will be saying that in the future.  In one year in America, 4,000 churches were closed down and 20,000 pastors left their churches and quit the ministry.  In One Year!  What?  Could that be Jesus removing their light, their lamp?  What about ours?  Paul speaks to the Church saying that we need to purify ourselves from ourselves for the purpose of holiness.  What does that mean?  That and so much more will be discussed in this message. Straight from today’s headlines, from the Bible Prophetic headlines this message, I believe, will ring in your spirit, to encourage you to take a second look at the warning of Jesus, and the awesome love we had for Him when He first saved us and how to get back to that place of our First Love.
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