Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

FIRST LOVE! Are you Asking the Right Questions?… (Part 7)

A preacher shouldn’t be trying to answer questions that people are not asking.  There is also a reality that some might not be asking the right questions.  Sometimes we don’t know what the question is until we see the answer first.  Yet, a question every Christian should be asking themselves is one that has to do with what Jesus says in scripture.  This message helps us see just how amazing God’s love is for us, how He purchased us with His own Son’s blood, because of His love for us.  We get a perspective of God’s love and the conditions of our different hearts that responded to the knowledge of God’s Love, their First Love differently, which some have eternal consequences.  Find how the question that God may ask someone at the end of this life and how to assure that question is not asked of you on that Day.
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A preacher shouldn’t be trying to answer questions that people are not asking.  There is also a reality that some might not be asking the right questions.  Sometimes we don’t know what the question is until we see the answer first.  Yet, a question every Christian should be asking themselves is one that has to do with what Jesus says in scripture.  This message helps us see just how amazing God’s love is for us, how He purchased us with His own Son’s blood, because of His love for us.  We get a perspective of God’s love and the conditions of our different hearts that responded to the knowledge of God’s Love, their First Love differently, which some have eternal consequences.  Find how the question that God may ask someone at the end of this life and how to assure that question is not asked of you on that Day.
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