Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Vexed, Overcoming the Demonic (Part 1) The Origins of Demon Spirits

Pastor John Kilpatrick compassionately teaches bold truth about the reality of the demonic realm which everyone wrestles with as the Apostle Paul writes “For our struggle is…against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” It was Jesus’ assignment by the Father to “destroy the demonic works of satan.” When Jesus first called His disciples to Him to prepare them to minister, He gave them “Power and Authority over all demons to drive them out…and to proclaim the Kingdom of God.”  So many, in the church, have lost or never been taught about, the reality of the demonic spiritual realm. Because of this, many of God’s people, their marriage, families, and churches suffer greatly because of the demonic realm, yet they do not understand what happened due to not being able to perceive any demonic strategy that came in at some point and brought havoc. It is not strange to see the demonic openly operating in the world, but now we are seeing it start to establish itself within some parts of the church, some church leadership, within many Christian marriages, families, and individuals. People are so blind to this truth that they are offended when you try and help them get free. With a worldly-minded church, most offer natural cures that never solve a spiritual problem. We, as followers of Jesus Christ, have the same assignment as Jesus for He sent us, as the Father sent Him into the world. It is time that we, the church, stand up with bold faith, call out what is demonic that is vexing a person or persons and command it to leave the person they are tormenting and vexing. God loves you and others and wants us all to be free. None of us are what we are being attacked with, just as a man who steps on landmine is not a landmine, you are not what you are being attacked with. It is time to stop allowing yourself and others to identify you and others by the demonic realm you, or they, are being attacked with. It is time for FREEDOM! God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Pastor Kilpatrick lays out in this series the knowledge, that will keep you from being destroyed, you will need to be free, stay free and help others be free. For Jesus came to set the captive free!
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Pastor John Kilpatrick compassionately teaches bold truth about the reality of the demonic realm which everyone wrestles with as the Apostle Paul writes “For our struggle is…against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” It was Jesus’ assignment by the Father to “destroy the demonic works of satan.” When Jesus first called His disciples to Him to prepare them to minister, He gave them “Power and Authority over all demons to drive them out…and to proclaim the Kingdom of God.”  So many, in the church, have lost or never been taught about, the reality of the demonic spiritual realm. Because of this, many of God’s people, their marriage, families, and churches suffer greatly because of the demonic realm, yet they do not understand what happened due to not being able to perceive any demonic strategy that came in at some point and brought havoc. It is not strange to see the demonic openly operating in the world, but now we are seeing it start to establish itself within some parts of the church, some church leadership, within many Christian marriages, families, and individuals. People are so blind to this truth that they are offended when you try and help them get free. With a worldly-minded church, most offer natural cures that never solve a spiritual problem. We, as followers of Jesus Christ, have the same assignment as Jesus for He sent us, as the Father sent Him into the world. It is time that we, the church, stand up with bold faith, call out what is demonic that is vexing a person or persons and command it to leave the person they are tormenting and vexing. God loves you and others and wants us all to be free. None of us are what we are being attacked with, just as a man who steps on landmine is not a landmine, you are not what you are being attacked with. It is time to stop allowing yourself and others to identify you and others by the demonic realm you, or they, are being attacked with. It is time for FREEDOM! God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Pastor Kilpatrick lays out in this series the knowledge, that will keep you from being destroyed, you will need to be free, stay free and help others be free. For Jesus came to set the captive free!
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