Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Vexed, Overcoming the Demonic (Part 16) The Spirit of Haughtiness (Part 1)

In the first of this three-part message on the spirit of haughtiness, spirit of pride, we learn about the foundation of all pride and how Leviathan is king of all the children of pride.  You’ll learn how God feels differently about this spirit than He does any other, openly saying He hates pride, and arrogancy and resists those who walk in it.  You’ll learn about this spirit’s attributes it’s arrogance, smugness, and vanity and how God calls it an abomination.  In this message you’ll learn why this is the only evil spirit which cannot be cast out as you can a demonic spirit because it is a satanic spirit, not a demon spirit.  You will learn how you and you alone hold the key to having it removed from your life by God. You’ll learn that” it’s almost impossible to have a healthy marriage when married to a haughty person because marriage is about give and take.”  We learn about the Leviathan spirit and its attributes and how, in the end, ultimately it will be the Lord Who defeats Leviathan, Satan, with His great and strong sword in a battle royal, even so, you can still be delivered from its grip in your life today.  You’ll discover how this spirit prevents and hinders prayer; how it refuses to join in a covenant with anyone (marriage, contracts); it will never submit to anyone – serve someone; and the person with this spirit would have no problem destroying you and your reputation than be corrected by you, hence the person will not join a church or submit to a pastors counsel.  More of these twelve attributes of a Leviathan spirit will be shared in part 2 of this three-part message on a spirit of haughtiness.
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In the first of this three-part message on the spirit of haughtiness, spirit of pride, we learn about the foundation of all pride and how Leviathan is king of all the children of pride.  You’ll learn how God feels differently about this spirit than He does any other, openly saying He hates pride, and arrogancy and resists those who walk in it.  You’ll learn about this spirit’s attributes it’s arrogance, smugness, and vanity and how God calls it an abomination.  In this message you’ll learn why this is the only evil spirit which cannot be cast out as you can a demonic spirit because it is a satanic spirit, not a demon spirit.  You will learn how you and you alone hold the key to having it removed from your life by God. You’ll learn that” it’s almost impossible to have a healthy marriage when married to a haughty person because marriage is about give and take.”  We learn about the Leviathan spirit and its attributes and how, in the end, ultimately it will be the Lord Who defeats Leviathan, Satan, with His great and strong sword in a battle royal, even so, you can still be delivered from its grip in your life today.  You’ll discover how this spirit prevents and hinders prayer; how it refuses to join in a covenant with anyone (marriage, contracts); it will never submit to anyone – serve someone; and the person with this spirit would have no problem destroying you and your reputation than be corrected by you, hence the person will not join a church or submit to a pastors counsel.  More of these twelve attributes of a Leviathan spirit will be shared in part 2 of this three-part message on a spirit of haughtiness.
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