Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Vexed, Overcoming the Demonic (Part 9) Pre-sin and Post-sin

Have you every seen a city or a neighborhood with broken down walls?  The city, the neighborhood is still there, but there are no walls. It is totally unprotected, and criminals can come and go any time.  In this message we’ll learn how scripture explains how some people are like a city with broken down walls where demons can easily traffic in and out of the person’s life any time they want.  These people though they are alive, they  are living a sub-optimal life.  They may be functioning, but never find happiness. They may be married but their marriage is never good. They may be paying for their children to go to college, but their children hate them.  Their spirit is not strong enough to keep the devil out.  The center of all demonic attacks is the mind, the battlefield of the human personality.  It’s pride, spiritual pride, thinking that you're so special you draw demons to yourself. Demons are drawn to everybody.  There are eight areas of attack on the mind:  doubt, with unbelief, confusion, forgetfulness, indecision, compromise, carnal thinking, and insanity.  Areas where demons traffic:  Someone’s Mouth/tongue, Sexual Life, Physical Appetite, Eyes, and Emotions.  Finally, you’ll learn how to keep your walls up by understanding how God created your conscience and how you have a pre-sin conscience, and a post-sin conscience.   Listening to and following your post-sin conscience will keep you from opening doors in your life, creating demonic access in your walls, for demons to traffic.
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Have you every seen a city or a neighborhood with broken down walls?  The city, the neighborhood is still there, but there are no walls. It is totally unprotected, and criminals can come and go any time.  In this message we’ll learn how scripture explains how some people are like a city with broken down walls where demons can easily traffic in and out of the person’s life any time they want.  These people though they are alive, they  are living a sub-optimal life.  They may be functioning, but never find happiness. They may be married but their marriage is never good. They may be paying for their children to go to college, but their children hate them.  Their spirit is not strong enough to keep the devil out.  The center of all demonic attacks is the mind, the battlefield of the human personality.  It’s pride, spiritual pride, thinking that you're so special you draw demons to yourself. Demons are drawn to everybody.  There are eight areas of attack on the mind:  doubt, with unbelief, confusion, forgetfulness, indecision, compromise, carnal thinking, and insanity.  Areas where demons traffic:  Someone’s Mouth/tongue, Sexual Life, Physical Appetite, Eyes, and Emotions.  Finally, you’ll learn how to keep your walls up by understanding how God created your conscience and how you have a pre-sin conscience, and a post-sin conscience.   Listening to and following your post-sin conscience will keep you from opening doors in your life, creating demonic access in your walls, for demons to traffic.
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