Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Vexed, Overcoming the Demonic (Part 25) Familiar Spirits (Part 3)

A familiar spirit is a demonic spirit identified by a primary characteristic, which is familiarity. This spirit is familiar because it has often been around you and your family. Perhaps it was present during your upbringing, with your parents or grandparents. There are familiar characteristics of this spirit that manifest through anger, resentment, or silent treatment. Familiar spirits are generational or family spirits that enter early due to a bloodline curse. They are associated with becoming closely linked to a person, place, or thing. There is an antidote for these spirits I am talking about, and that antidote is the blood of Jesus Christ. You will learn explicitly about what you are going through, why you may be experiencing these things, and that there is a remedy. Simply put, a familiar spirit has a demonic assignment to study people groups, particularly family bloodlines. Its goal is to gather history and intelligence that will provide demons with open doors to instigate chaos, destruction, and hinder your destiny. Every person has a destiny. Sometimes, demonic spirits want to trip you up and make you experience negative things. However, their primary goal is to circumvent your destiny. If they succeed, you may feel like you've lost your purpose. Idols and fetishes serve as lightning rods for evil spirits. Unfortunate events may be happening in your life because there is some kind of link, an ignorant connection to these fetishes and idols. Can a demonic object curse your environment? We will learn how one man took what belonged to God, resulting in God's anger against the nation and a weakened military, leading to public humiliation by weaker nations. These cursed objects, idols, etc., can bring a curse to everything around you, including others and a nation's strength. Things will not change until you get rid of these objects, something that you may not realize, but someone dedicated to Satan. It is not ordained in the Bible, not ordained by the Holy Spirit, and not sanctioned by the Lord. It is extrabiblical. This misplaced trust will turn into irrational fear that will bind you if you worship something other than God. It will cause gripping anxiety and deep, dark depression because you have welcomed it into your life. Learn how to be set free. Open your mind and heart to God’s power and the proclamation which will be spoken in this message over you that will break the power of these things to be broken over your life, so that you can live a life of peace, joy, and stability even in the darkest of times.
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A familiar spirit is a demonic spirit identified by a primary characteristic, which is familiarity. This spirit is familiar because it has often been around you and your family. Perhaps it was present during your upbringing, with your parents or grandparents. There are familiar characteristics of this spirit that manifest through anger, resentment, or silent treatment. Familiar spirits are generational or family spirits that enter early due to a bloodline curse. They are associated with becoming closely linked to a person, place, or thing. There is an antidote for these spirits I am talking about, and that antidote is the blood of Jesus Christ. You will learn explicitly about what you are going through, why you may be experiencing these things, and that there is a remedy. Simply put, a familiar spirit has a demonic assignment to study people groups, particularly family bloodlines. Its goal is to gather history and intelligence that will provide demons with open doors to instigate chaos, destruction, and hinder your destiny. Every person has a destiny. Sometimes, demonic spirits want to trip you up and make you experience negative things. However, their primary goal is to circumvent your destiny. If they succeed, you may feel like you've lost your purpose. Idols and fetishes serve as lightning rods for evil spirits. Unfortunate events may be happening in your life because there is some kind of link, an ignorant connection to these fetishes and idols. Can a demonic object curse your environment? We will learn how one man took what belonged to God, resulting in God's anger against the nation and a weakened military, leading to public humiliation by weaker nations. These cursed objects, idols, etc., can bring a curse to everything around you, including others and a nation's strength. Things will not change until you get rid of these objects, something that you may not realize, but someone dedicated to Satan. It is not ordained in the Bible, not ordained by the Holy Spirit, and not sanctioned by the Lord. It is extrabiblical. This misplaced trust will turn into irrational fear that will bind you if you worship something other than God. It will cause gripping anxiety and deep, dark depression because you have welcomed it into your life. Learn how to be set free. Open your mind and heart to God’s power and the proclamation which will be spoken in this message over you that will break the power of these things to be broken over your life, so that you can live a life of peace, joy, and stability even in the darkest of times.
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