Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Vexed, Overcoming the Demonic (Part 15) The Spirit of Infirmity

In our society it appears that there is a continual growing amount of sickness and diseases. With the growing amount of symptoms and ailments today, often times doctors prescribe medicine without even having the ability to diagnose what the issue is. This could be an infirmity. Did you know that there is a difference between an infirmity and a spirit of infirmity. In this continuing message on Vexed, you will learn about the spirit of infirmity. Not ALL diseases are demonic. Sometimes you don’t need a physician. You need deliverance! In this message you will hear an encouraging prophetic dream about the spirit of infirmity lifting off an entire nation. You will also get sound Biblical references to the multiple encounters that Jesus Christ had with a spirit of infirmity and how He responded to it. You will also learn that a spirit of infirmity cannot just come into our life anytime it wants, but that it can only come into our life when we give it consent. You will learn practical ways to STOP giving a spirit of infirmity consent to take control of your life and also 12 identifiers that could identify a spirit of infirmity is operating in your life. Its time to close every door and cast the spirit of infirmity OUT! In Jesus’ name.
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In our society it appears that there is a continual growing amount of sickness and diseases. With the growing amount of symptoms and ailments today, often times doctors prescribe medicine without even having the ability to diagnose what the issue is. This could be an infirmity. Did you know that there is a difference between an infirmity and a spirit of infirmity. In this continuing message on Vexed, you will learn about the spirit of infirmity. Not ALL diseases are demonic. Sometimes you don’t need a physician. You need deliverance! In this message you will hear an encouraging prophetic dream about the spirit of infirmity lifting off an entire nation. You will also get sound Biblical references to the multiple encounters that Jesus Christ had with a spirit of infirmity and how He responded to it. You will also learn that a spirit of infirmity cannot just come into our life anytime it wants, but that it can only come into our life when we give it consent. You will learn practical ways to STOP giving a spirit of infirmity consent to take control of your life and also 12 identifiers that could identify a spirit of infirmity is operating in your life. Its time to close every door and cast the spirit of infirmity OUT! In Jesus’ name.
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