Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Vexed, Overcoming the Demonic (Part 2) The Ministry of Deliverance

This may be the most important message in the Vexed, Overcoming the Demonic, series you listen to.  It is packed with wisdom, one of which is understanding the difference between a demon spirit and the symptoms of a demon spirit being in someone’s life.  Fourteen demonic spirits will be mentioned which are written about in scripture that are the spirit of antichrist, spirit of bondage, deaf and dumb spirit, spirit of divination, spirit of error and lying spirit, familiar spirit, spirit of fear, spirit of haughtiness, spirit of heaviness, spirit of infirmity, spirit of jealousy, a perverse spirit, seducing spirit, and spirit of whoredoms.  So many questions will be answered like: Where do demons come from?  What are demons? Why do demons, a spirit, have an intense craving to occupy a physical person’s body and will even settle for an animal’s body? Why do demons call a person his house and why did Jesus agree with him?  What are the personality traits of demons?  What were the instructions Jesus always gave to every single person He sent out to minister?  How did Jesus bringing the Kingdom of God to earth impact satan’s kingdom?  How did people deal with demons before Jesus Christ?  How did some who had “deliverance ministries” abuse the ministry and how does that abuse impact the church today? Why is demons being present and vexing someone not strange?  How can demons be in the church?  How did Jesus react to people who were vexed with demons?  Was there someone the Bible mentions that was vexed with demons, but after they were delivered, they became a close friend of Jesus?  How can properly following the instructions of Jesus light a movement of hunger in the hearts of the church which it can impact an entire city?  How can one city and church be so impacted that cities and churches, and everyone in a city line up to be set free?  Can you ever get rid of all demons in the world? Finally, does God really give tormenting demons permission to torment someone’s life if they refuse to forgive someone and let go of a grudge?  This may be the most important message you have every listened to after the message of Jesus being the Son of God and coming to pay the price for your sins, and how to be saved.
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This may be the most important message in the Vexed, Overcoming the Demonic, series you listen to.  It is packed with wisdom, one of which is understanding the difference between a demon spirit and the symptoms of a demon spirit being in someone’s life.  Fourteen demonic spirits will be mentioned which are written about in scripture that are the spirit of antichrist, spirit of bondage, deaf and dumb spirit, spirit of divination, spirit of error and lying spirit, familiar spirit, spirit of fear, spirit of haughtiness, spirit of heaviness, spirit of infirmity, spirit of jealousy, a perverse spirit, seducing spirit, and spirit of whoredoms.  So many questions will be answered like: Where do demons come from?  What are demons? Why do demons, a spirit, have an intense craving to occupy a physical person’s body and will even settle for an animal’s body? Why do demons call a person his house and why did Jesus agree with him?  What are the personality traits of demons?  What were the instructions Jesus always gave to every single person He sent out to minister?  How did Jesus bringing the Kingdom of God to earth impact satan’s kingdom?  How did people deal with demons before Jesus Christ?  How did some who had “deliverance ministries” abuse the ministry and how does that abuse impact the church today? Why is demons being present and vexing someone not strange?  How can demons be in the church?  How did Jesus react to people who were vexed with demons?  Was there someone the Bible mentions that was vexed with demons, but after they were delivered, they became a close friend of Jesus?  How can properly following the instructions of Jesus light a movement of hunger in the hearts of the church which it can impact an entire city?  How can one city and church be so impacted that cities and churches, and everyone in a city line up to be set free?  Can you ever get rid of all demons in the world? Finally, does God really give tormenting demons permission to torment someone’s life if they refuse to forgive someone and let go of a grudge?  This may be the most important message you have every listened to after the message of Jesus being the Son of God and coming to pay the price for your sins, and how to be saved.
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