Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Vexed, Overcoming the Demonic (Part 21) Seducing Spirit (1 of 2)

In the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, doctrines of demons.  Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron…”   I Timothy 4:1-2 KJV When we think of a seducing spirit the first thing most think of is sexual seduction, though that is true, this message will open our eyes to just how widespread this seducing spirit is in the world, and in the church.  Some of the symptoms and manifestations of a seducing spirit spoke about are deceptions, fascination with evil ways, objects, and persons, it is an attraction or fascination with false prophets, false signs and wonders, hypocritical lies, a seared conscience, wondering from the truth, enticements, negative words, and idle words. Ten people who are seduced by a seductive spirit can spread that seductive spirit over an entire nation as we were shown in scripture when the spies returned from Jericho and reported with their words filled with leaven, sin.  They were overtaken by the demonic, satanic seductive spirit which had Jericho.  A little leaven can split a church, cause strife and division, just a little leaven when ten people opened their mouths it seduced 2.5 million people, an entire nation.   The tongue is a world set on fire. Negative words are like leaven.  They can release seducing spirits.  God called the people who do such as evil and He will do to the people what they profess will happen with their own words they sow through a seductive spirit.  What they greatly feared, because they were taken over by a seductive spirit, came upon them.  King Saul lost his destiny as the first king of Israel ending up living a demonically tormented life because of a seducing spirit that pulled him into making choices that he might not have made otherwise.  Satan is after your destiny.  He knocked King Sauls’ crown off his head keeping him from living his destiny, he wants to knock yours off, so you never accomplish what God has predestined for you to do.  This message will give you insight in how to identify a seducing spirit and how to prevent it from seducing you from fulfilling your God ordained destiny.
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In the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, doctrines of demons.  Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron…”   I Timothy 4:1-2 KJV When we think of a seducing spirit the first thing most think of is sexual seduction, though that is true, this message will open our eyes to just how widespread this seducing spirit is in the world, and in the church.  Some of the symptoms and manifestations of a seducing spirit spoke about are deceptions, fascination with evil ways, objects, and persons, it is an attraction or fascination with false prophets, false signs and wonders, hypocritical lies, a seared conscience, wondering from the truth, enticements, negative words, and idle words. Ten people who are seduced by a seductive spirit can spread that seductive spirit over an entire nation as we were shown in scripture when the spies returned from Jericho and reported with their words filled with leaven, sin.  They were overtaken by the demonic, satanic seductive spirit which had Jericho.  A little leaven can split a church, cause strife and division, just a little leaven when ten people opened their mouths it seduced 2.5 million people, an entire nation.   The tongue is a world set on fire. Negative words are like leaven.  They can release seducing spirits.  God called the people who do such as evil and He will do to the people what they profess will happen with their own words they sow through a seductive spirit.  What they greatly feared, because they were taken over by a seductive spirit, came upon them.  King Saul lost his destiny as the first king of Israel ending up living a demonically tormented life because of a seducing spirit that pulled him into making choices that he might not have made otherwise.  Satan is after your destiny.  He knocked King Sauls’ crown off his head keeping him from living his destiny, he wants to knock yours off, so you never accomplish what God has predestined for you to do.  This message will give you insight in how to identify a seducing spirit and how to prevent it from seducing you from fulfilling your God ordained destiny.
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