Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Vexed, Overcoming the Demonic (Part 20) The Spirit of Antichrist (Part 2 of 3)

Pastor Greg Lancaster passionately teaches bold truth on the spirt of antichrist, how to discern it, how and why to watch for it, how to avoid it and so much more.  The Lord laid this on his heart as a warning for this generation.  There is a major move of God coming to the earth which will be the last days harvest, which would mean the Lord’s coming for His church is near.  Jesus tells us, the apostle John and Paul tell us again and again about those who have the spirit of antichrist, ‘held captive by satan to do his will,’ as Paul tells his spiritual son Pastor Timothy.  For three years Paul never stopped warning the church that those who have this antichrist spirit will come into the church and from among the church, with a goal of ripping the church apart and devouring God’s people the way a wolf devours a lamb.  This spirit of antichrist is against all things Jesus Christ, Him, His Word, scripture, preaching, teaching and evangelizing, witness to others about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Yet, we are warned and told to watch out for those who do such things. If we are praying and watching, we won't fall to the deception of those being led astray by the spirit of antichrist, those held captive by satan to do his will.  Jesus clearly says to some in the church you are neither cold nor hot, I would rather you be cold or hot, but because you are lukewarm, I am going to spit you out of My mouth.  Jesus says if we will earnestly receive His warning and leave our lukewarm life to become hot with a deep loving desire to know and obey Jesus, He will forgive and bring you into His family.  Kent Christmas, a prophet, said that the Lord is going to purge His church of the lukewarm to allow for the harvest to come in.  This message will help you better understand where you are in your temperature with God and if you are lukewarm, how to repent and get on fire for Jesus.  We are seeing a great falling away from the church of those who once were a part of the church and we are told one of the signs of the Lord’s soon appearing to take His church away, the rapture, is this great falling away.  Jesus could come back at any hour.  Make sure you are ready when He suddenly appears for His church.
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Pastor Greg Lancaster passionately teaches bold truth on the spirt of antichrist, how to discern it, how and why to watch for it, how to avoid it and so much more.  The Lord laid this on his heart as a warning for this generation.  There is a major move of God coming to the earth which will be the last days harvest, which would mean the Lord’s coming for His church is near.  Jesus tells us, the apostle John and Paul tell us again and again about those who have the spirit of antichrist, ‘held captive by satan to do his will,’ as Paul tells his spiritual son Pastor Timothy.  For three years Paul never stopped warning the church that those who have this antichrist spirit will come into the church and from among the church, with a goal of ripping the church apart and devouring God’s people the way a wolf devours a lamb.  This spirit of antichrist is against all things Jesus Christ, Him, His Word, scripture, preaching, teaching and evangelizing, witness to others about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Yet, we are warned and told to watch out for those who do such things. If we are praying and watching, we won't fall to the deception of those being led astray by the spirit of antichrist, those held captive by satan to do his will.  Jesus clearly says to some in the church you are neither cold nor hot, I would rather you be cold or hot, but because you are lukewarm, I am going to spit you out of My mouth.  Jesus says if we will earnestly receive His warning and leave our lukewarm life to become hot with a deep loving desire to know and obey Jesus, He will forgive and bring you into His family.  Kent Christmas, a prophet, said that the Lord is going to purge His church of the lukewarm to allow for the harvest to come in.  This message will help you better understand where you are in your temperature with God and if you are lukewarm, how to repent and get on fire for Jesus.  We are seeing a great falling away from the church of those who once were a part of the church and we are told one of the signs of the Lord’s soon appearing to take His church away, the rapture, is this great falling away.  Jesus could come back at any hour.  Make sure you are ready when He suddenly appears for His church.
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