Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Vexed, Overcoming the Demonic (Part 3) How Demons Enter

Jesus came to set the captive free! Jesus hardly ever went out to minister without having to cast out demons that were in someone’s life.  Scripture speaks of how entire cities came to have demons cast out of many of them. In this message you discover eight ways demons can enter someone’s life, although there are more than these eight, these eight will help you grow in wisdom in how to keep them out of your life, your family’s life, and the lives of those in your church.  There is something about how a spirit can be transferred, good and bad, by the laying on of hands, or by joining ourselves with those who have demonic activity in their life.  The Apostle Paul laid hands on handkerchiefs and the anointing on his life for healing and the deliverance from demon vexation attached itself to the handkerchiefs (somehow) and deliverance happened in the lives a great distance from where he was in the lives of those who touched the handkerchiefs.  This message helps us understand it does matter who we, our children and those who profess to be believers’ choose to join themselves with, and to have a relationship with.  Bad company can corrupt what is good in someone’s life.  You will see how it was people being delivered from demons that set off revivals in entire cities.  In the sharing of the eight ways demons can come into someone’s life you will learn how people can open the door of their spirit for demons to traffic in their life, or at the least vex them.   You will learn how demons can have access to someone’s life through their bloodline, meaning it was not something that child did, but it was something their great, great, grandmother (relative) was involved in, and this access went down to third and fourth generations.  You will learn about how trauma can happen in a way in someone’s life where demons take advantage of this person’s weakest moments and enters into their life. How demons are not fair and do not care.  They are ruthless and seek to completely use up and destroy those they vex and those within the vicinity of those they vexed. You will learn how habitual deliberate sin of any kind can swing the door of our soul wide open for demonic vexation.  You will learn how drugs can open your spirit to demonic vexation and what happens as a result.  Finally, you will learn how the words you speak are not as innocent as you may have thought and that your very words can give permission for demons to vex yours and others lives.    Remember, God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. The wisdom and knowledge you will gain from this message will empower you to understand satan’s schemes and how to get free and stay free from them.  Jesus loves you and He came to set your free!
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Jesus came to set the captive free! Jesus hardly ever went out to minister without having to cast out demons that were in someone’s life.  Scripture speaks of how entire cities came to have demons cast out of many of them. In this message you discover eight ways demons can enter someone’s life, although there are more than these eight, these eight will help you grow in wisdom in how to keep them out of your life, your family’s life, and the lives of those in your church.  There is something about how a spirit can be transferred, good and bad, by the laying on of hands, or by joining ourselves with those who have demonic activity in their life.  The Apostle Paul laid hands on handkerchiefs and the anointing on his life for healing and the deliverance from demon vexation attached itself to the handkerchiefs (somehow) and deliverance happened in the lives a great distance from where he was in the lives of those who touched the handkerchiefs.  This message helps us understand it does matter who we, our children and those who profess to be believers’ choose to join themselves with, and to have a relationship with.  Bad company can corrupt what is good in someone’s life.  You will see how it was people being delivered from demons that set off revivals in entire cities.  In the sharing of the eight ways demons can come into someone’s life you will learn how people can open the door of their spirit for demons to traffic in their life, or at the least vex them.   You will learn how demons can have access to someone’s life through their bloodline, meaning it was not something that child did, but it was something their great, great, grandmother (relative) was involved in, and this access went down to third and fourth generations.  You will learn about how trauma can happen in a way in someone’s life where demons take advantage of this person’s weakest moments and enters into their life. How demons are not fair and do not care.  They are ruthless and seek to completely use up and destroy those they vex and those within the vicinity of those they vexed. You will learn how habitual deliberate sin of any kind can swing the door of our soul wide open for demonic vexation.  You will learn how drugs can open your spirit to demonic vexation and what happens as a result.  Finally, you will learn how the words you speak are not as innocent as you may have thought and that your very words can give permission for demons to vex yours and others lives.    Remember, God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. The wisdom and knowledge you will gain from this message will empower you to understand satan’s schemes and how to get free and stay free from them.  Jesus loves you and He came to set your free!
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