Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Vexed, Overcoming the Demonic (Part 26) Spirit of Divination (Part 1)

Divination is the practice of attempting to foretell the future or discover hidden or forbidden knowledge through supernatural means. It is considered the Pagan counterpart to prophetic ministry and knowledge received from God's word and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Manifestations of a spirit of divination include fortune-telling, soothsaying, idol worship, astrology, zodiacs, horoscopes, magic, hypnosis, enchanters, diviners, warlocks, witches, sorcerers, wizards, mediums, familiar spirits, clairvoyants, necromancers, conjurers, psychedelic drugs, and rebellion. It is mentioned that a spirit of divination may speak the truth to gain attention and lead people astray. Divination is condemned by God and considered an abomination because it leads people to seek satanic intelligence instead of relying on God's word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The practice involves having other gods alongside Jehovah God, which is compared to a man having other women while being married. The use of altars is discussed, highlighting their role in invoking the presence and power of the supernatural God Jehovah. Altars grant permission for spiritual powers to operate in specific places or territories. God requires the tearing down of demonic altars, emphasizing the importance of purity in one's altar. Idol worship is linked to the occult, as idols and images develop into occult practices, satisfying mankind's desires for knowledge and power. There are two sources of supernatural information: God and Satan. God's knowledge is legitimate and comes from light, while Satan's knowledge is dark and illegitimate, leading to destruction. The condition of one's heart determines what they hear, and divided loyalty hinders one's ability to hear from God. Seeking guidance from idols, horoscopes, and witchcraft practices prevents a personal connection with God. The story of Adam and Eve and the forbidden knowledge of the Tree of Knowledge is mentioned, illustrating the consequences of seeking forbidden knowledge. Witchcraft is described as a driving force to control, manipulate, intimidate, and dominate people and circumstances. Divination is referred to as forbidden knowledge that cannot be obtained through natural means. Sorcery is discussed as the use of magic powers or spells to influence events and achieve specific outcomes. Finally, there is a mention of the deception in the end times, with a warning that even the elect could be deceived if it were possible.
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Divination is the practice of attempting to foretell the future or discover hidden or forbidden knowledge through supernatural means. It is considered the Pagan counterpart to prophetic ministry and knowledge received from God's word and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Manifestations of a spirit of divination include fortune-telling, soothsaying, idol worship, astrology, zodiacs, horoscopes, magic, hypnosis, enchanters, diviners, warlocks, witches, sorcerers, wizards, mediums, familiar spirits, clairvoyants, necromancers, conjurers, psychedelic drugs, and rebellion. It is mentioned that a spirit of divination may speak the truth to gain attention and lead people astray. Divination is condemned by God and considered an abomination because it leads people to seek satanic intelligence instead of relying on God's word and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The practice involves having other gods alongside Jehovah God, which is compared to a man having other women while being married. The use of altars is discussed, highlighting their role in invoking the presence and power of the supernatural God Jehovah. Altars grant permission for spiritual powers to operate in specific places or territories. God requires the tearing down of demonic altars, emphasizing the importance of purity in one's altar. Idol worship is linked to the occult, as idols and images develop into occult practices, satisfying mankind's desires for knowledge and power. There are two sources of supernatural information: God and Satan. God's knowledge is legitimate and comes from light, while Satan's knowledge is dark and illegitimate, leading to destruction. The condition of one's heart determines what they hear, and divided loyalty hinders one's ability to hear from God. Seeking guidance from idols, horoscopes, and witchcraft practices prevents a personal connection with God. The story of Adam and Eve and the forbidden knowledge of the Tree of Knowledge is mentioned, illustrating the consequences of seeking forbidden knowledge. Witchcraft is described as a driving force to control, manipulate, intimidate, and dominate people and circumstances. Divination is referred to as forbidden knowledge that cannot be obtained through natural means. Sorcery is discussed as the use of magic powers or spells to influence events and achieve specific outcomes. Finally, there is a mention of the deception in the end times, with a warning that even the elect could be deceived if it were possible.
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