Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Vexed, Overcoming the Demonic (Part 24) Familiar Spirits (Part 2)

Learn about demonic familiar spirits and what they can do. These spirits require a human host to manifest their evil intentions. They may enter through your bloodline, brought on by demonic lines, spiritual debts, unhealthy soul ties, and generational agreements. Previous generations may have unknowingly entered into covenants, and now these spirits have found their way to your door and your family. They have studied your family for generations, causing family struggles, afflictions, and temperaments. They specialize in causing evil chaos, often attached to a person's mindset and the way the family thinks. You will learn the importance of repentance and the potential consequences of not dealing with this demonic portal to your life. Failure to repent of the sin in your life could cause your dreams, destiny, family, marriage, and ministry to be foreclosed upon, as the tormentor collects the debt owed. It is important to avoid having an empty house or open doors in your life, as there are spiritual laws to be free from familiar spirits. Being aware of possible demonic liens and spiritual debts against you, along with unhealthy soul ties and generational agreements, is vital for getting free from familiar spirits. There may be people around you whose mouths are vexed by demons, and their words are pressing you daily, vexing you, with the goal of stealing your destiny and purpose in life. You will learn how, though it may be the hardest thing you have to do in your life, you will have to confront them, send them away, or separate them from access to you if they do not deal with a familiar spirit in their life. A lien is a legal hold or claim against someone's property until a debt is paid. Satan looks at sins and past sins as a lien against you and your family. Familiar spirits are not looking to possess you as a Christian, but they harass and hinder you and come against your destiny. Those not saved and into witchcraft, palm readers, etc. are possessed by familiar spirits. They can speak to the familiar spirits that have studied you and your family for generations and tell you things about yourself that you know, in the natural, but they do not know. These familiar spirits are like squatters on your property in your life, and this message will give you the wisdom on how to evict them fully from your life, which you must do before you can fully enter into your destiny. Find out how unforgiveness in your life can lock you into a confined life of torment by giving satan and his demons a portal to your life. If this is your case, you will find out how you can turn this around quickly and be set free before the next day's sun sets. Holding unforgiveness is a demonic debt, lien, and a demonic portal in your life, which God allows. These torturers are demons. God's people are destroyed because of ignorance, and satan works through ignorance. This message will free you from the ignorance of how satan has continued to torment you in your life, understanding that Jesus' death on the cross paid in full any spiritual debt or lien you might have had in your life. Satan is a debt collector, and if we allow spiritual debt and liens to continue to be on our lives, he will come, and be allowed by God to come, and collect the debt. In this message, you will discover why Jesus said when you pray, pray to the Father asking Him to "forgive your debt, as you forgive the debts of others." It is way more than just a prayer. It is freedom from the tormentor and feeling of being emotionally locked down and kept from reaching your destiny.  Do not allow the debt collector to foreclose on your destiny, marriage, family, ministry, or life. Learn about this and so much more.
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Learn about demonic familiar spirits and what they can do. These spirits require a human host to manifest their evil intentions. They may enter through your bloodline, brought on by demonic lines, spiritual debts, unhealthy soul ties, and generational agreements. Previous generations may have unknowingly entered into covenants, and now these spirits have found their way to your door and your family. They have studied your family for generations, causing family struggles, afflictions, and temperaments. They specialize in causing evil chaos, often attached to a person's mindset and the way the family thinks. You will learn the importance of repentance and the potential consequences of not dealing with this demonic portal to your life. Failure to repent of the sin in your life could cause your dreams, destiny, family, marriage, and ministry to be foreclosed upon, as the tormentor collects the debt owed. It is important to avoid having an empty house or open doors in your life, as there are spiritual laws to be free from familiar spirits. Being aware of possible demonic liens and spiritual debts against you, along with unhealthy soul ties and generational agreements, is vital for getting free from familiar spirits. There may be people around you whose mouths are vexed by demons, and their words are pressing you daily, vexing you, with the goal of stealing your destiny and purpose in life. You will learn how, though it may be the hardest thing you have to do in your life, you will have to confront them, send them away, or separate them from access to you if they do not deal with a familiar spirit in their life. A lien is a legal hold or claim against someone's property until a debt is paid. Satan looks at sins and past sins as a lien against you and your family. Familiar spirits are not looking to possess you as a Christian, but they harass and hinder you and come against your destiny. Those not saved and into witchcraft, palm readers, etc. are possessed by familiar spirits. They can speak to the familiar spirits that have studied you and your family for generations and tell you things about yourself that you know, in the natural, but they do not know. These familiar spirits are like squatters on your property in your life, and this message will give you the wisdom on how to evict them fully from your life, which you must do before you can fully enter into your destiny. Find out how unforgiveness in your life can lock you into a confined life of torment by giving satan and his demons a portal to your life. If this is your case, you will find out how you can turn this around quickly and be set free before the next day's sun sets. Holding unforgiveness is a demonic debt, lien, and a demonic portal in your life, which God allows. These torturers are demons. God's people are destroyed because of ignorance, and satan works through ignorance. This message will free you from the ignorance of how satan has continued to torment you in your life, understanding that Jesus' death on the cross paid in full any spiritual debt or lien you might have had in your life. Satan is a debt collector, and if we allow spiritual debt and liens to continue to be on our lives, he will come, and be allowed by God to come, and collect the debt. In this message, you will discover why Jesus said when you pray, pray to the Father asking Him to "forgive your debt, as you forgive the debts of others." It is way more than just a prayer. It is freedom from the tormentor and feeling of being emotionally locked down and kept from reaching your destiny.  Do not allow the debt collector to foreclose on your destiny, marriage, family, ministry, or life. Learn about this and so much more.
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