Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Vexed, Overcoming the Demonic (Part 11) The Spirit of Heaviness (Part 2)

The spirit of heaviness, out of all vexations, affects more people than any other.  The spirit of heaviness, which scripture calls it, is a condition in which someone’s personal spirit has collapsed in its capacity to sustain themselves emotionally or physically.  This message will continue to address the spirit of heaviness, but also address the imprisoned spirit. Imprisoned spirit caused by vexation is someone being in deep depression, isolation, and are shut up (closed) and don’t have the ability to go about their day.   Not only will you learn of these vexations, but you will also learn of the authority and power God has given us through Jesus Christ to cast these off your or someone else’s life.  You’ll discover the answer to the question you might have heard, “Who died and left you boss?”  You will learn how many people are being oppressed by their own permission.  They are “Oppressing Themselves” and how you, or they can be gently led in truth where they may “Recover Themselves” from this or any demonic vexation. “God votes for you, satan votes against you, how you vote carries the day!”   Finally, you’ll learn now it's not just the name of Jesus, which is all powerful, but your belief and God given authority by which you speak “that name” of “Jesus.”  If you think things have gotten so dark in your life, in your family, in your community, nation or world, this message will bring the Light of the Gospel in the middle of all the darkness. Never forget when the Light shows up in darkness, darkness always loses, it flees.  You can fact check this by walking into a dark room and turning on the light!  It is time to bring you fully to walking the Light as Jesus is in the Light where there are no shadows.
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The spirit of heaviness, out of all vexations, affects more people than any other.  The spirit of heaviness, which scripture calls it, is a condition in which someone’s personal spirit has collapsed in its capacity to sustain themselves emotionally or physically.  This message will continue to address the spirit of heaviness, but also address the imprisoned spirit. Imprisoned spirit caused by vexation is someone being in deep depression, isolation, and are shut up (closed) and don’t have the ability to go about their day.   Not only will you learn of these vexations, but you will also learn of the authority and power God has given us through Jesus Christ to cast these off your or someone else’s life.  You’ll discover the answer to the question you might have heard, “Who died and left you boss?”  You will learn how many people are being oppressed by their own permission.  They are “Oppressing Themselves” and how you, or they can be gently led in truth where they may “Recover Themselves” from this or any demonic vexation. “God votes for you, satan votes against you, how you vote carries the day!”   Finally, you’ll learn now it's not just the name of Jesus, which is all powerful, but your belief and God given authority by which you speak “that name” of “Jesus.”  If you think things have gotten so dark in your life, in your family, in your community, nation or world, this message will bring the Light of the Gospel in the middle of all the darkness. Never forget when the Light shows up in darkness, darkness always loses, it flees.  You can fact check this by walking into a dark room and turning on the light!  It is time to bring you fully to walking the Light as Jesus is in the Light where there are no shadows.
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