Faith Mountain by A Prophetic Vision: “Children of the Day and Night” Acts and the Movement of God: From Jerusalem to the Ends of the Earth, Insights from Steve Addison Five Keys to Spreading the Gospel: Insights from Steve Addison’s “Movements That Change the World Understanding the End Times: A Conversation on Biblical Prophecy House Churches: God’s End-Time Strategy for Revival, Kim Clement Noah vs. Noah | Nephilim vs. AI: The Modern Rise of AI and Its Parallels to the Nephilim in the Days of Noah The Return of Pagan Gods: A Modern Spiritual Crisis, Jonathan Cahn The Christmas Story Are the Locusts of Revelation 9:7-10 the Drones of Today? “Drone Swarm Battles Are Coming That Will Boggle The Mind.” Elon Musk Forrest Frank: No Longer Bound – How Forrest Frank’s Faith and Family Shape His Success Amazon’s ‘IAM’: A Technological Marvel or a Biblical Foreshadowing of the Antichrist’s Marketplace? Ten Prophetic Signs of the Israel War That Point to the End Times, Jonathan Cahn “You Are Going to Die in 14 Years!” Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty Shares About His Life’s Mission with Tucker Carlson Prophetic Word: Breakthrough in America, the Church, and Your Life – Greg Lancaster Prophetic Word: God Has Started a Shift in America, the Church, Your Family, and Your Life – It Wasn’t Just an Election; It Was a Decision God Is Honoring, John Kilpatrick The Consequences of Rejecting the Return of Christ: A Call to Vigilance in the Last Days Prophetic Dream: From Warning to Awakening – Preparing for America’s Future, Rick Joyner Biblical Prophecy Unfolding? Joel Rosenberg’s Take on Israel’s Current Crisis A Prophetic Shift: Breaking Curses and Releasing Blessings Over America, Charlie Shamp A Prophet’s Dream: Great Darkness, Repentance, and the Rising of the Son in America The Promise of New Heaven and Earth: A Revelation of Eternal Hope From Crisis to Courage: How Cory Mills Led Haiti’s Rescue Efforts Israel Rescue Operations: Solo Mission of Courage – How Cory Mills Rescued American Missionaries from Hezbollah’s Grasp Heaven and Earth Will Be Unified Under Christ: Ephesians 1:9-10 Father Confusion: A Journey Toward Finding True Fatherhood The Life and Legacy of John Alexander Dowie: A Pioneer of Faith Healing Apostolic Ministry and the Role of Apostles, Ken Sumrall Why I Choose to Believe the Bible: A Reflection on Faith and Reason, Voddie Baucham, Greg Lancaster ‘Boys and Men Must Be Free and Accustomed to Fearing Slavery More Than Death’ Plato Man Survives Traumatic Accident and Has Miraculous Encounter with God: The Testimony of Gabe Poirot Acts 2:42 Vision: The Church of Acts and the Combine Harvest! “I saw Jesus face to face.” Chris Reed The Christian Foundations of America: A Response to Modern Misconceptions, Charlie Kirk The Final Division: A Great Harvest of Souls Amidst the Rise of Evil, Shawn Ryan and Tucker Carlson Visions of End Times Persecution | Before the Days of Anti-christis | David Wilkerson Do you Have Faith God can DO THIS? John Kilpatrick Prophecy: The Battle to Focus in These Days of Chaos: We Can Help! Prophecy: Eleven Places Jesus is Found in the Old Testament | Jesus Christ and You Have Always Been on God’s Mind Prophetic: The Rise of the Harlot. A Unified Faith Movement: A Biblical Perspective Family Matters: A Message by Brenda Kilpatrick Dr. Phil McGraw’s Interview with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Israel Defending themselves from the Terrorist Group Hamas Called to Be Loved, to Love, & to Belong, Romans 1:1-6 Prophetic word of knowledge! It’s a War. Battles are not a War, but a War Consists of Many Battles – Don’t surrender just because a battle didn’t go well. Prophetic Word for the Church, North America, (United States) and the Nations, Cindy Jacobs VISION: “The Road Ahead for America” by Terry Bennett WARNING! Invasion, War, Division, Judgment, Physical Battle , Solar Eclipse, 8 Nineveh’s, Terrorism, and More? Prophetic Dream: Welcome to the Arena [Persecution] Pastor John Kilpatrick DESERTED: Standing Strong When Others Have Deserted Their Faith A Prophetic Dream Warning – The Rebirth of America, Chris Reed The Essence of the Dialogue Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. One Another’s Everyone needs a church Family, a Tribe. “We Need Jesus!” Joe Rogan THE LORD WILL REMEMBER FOREVER! Bridegroom Fast 2024 10 CHRISTMAS SONGS TO GET YOUR CHURCH IN THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT As goes Israel, So goes America” warning dream! -Chris Reed -MSJN Special Alert: Israel At War. President Dwight D. Eisenhower Farewell Speech The Lausanne Covenant Billy Graham, “God is tired of people like me getting credit for His work.” The Nature of True Apostleship America: How We Got Here & How We Stay Here!- (Part 2 Of 2) America: How We Got Here and How Do We Stay Here! (Part 1 of 2) Sharing Your Faith 101 From Country Star to Spiritual Guide Discovering Hope in the Midst of Desolation and Grief God’s Building vs. Man’s Buildings: What does it mean to “build a church”? Six Signs of a Jezebel Spiritual Attack – John Kilpatrick 7 Steps to Breaking Soul Ties God’s Divine Plan: Revealing the Unfathomable Grace of Ephesians 1:3-14 Copperheads & Copper Smiths: Bitten in the Line of Ministry Word, Steve Hill From Tragedy to Redemption: Granger Smith’s New Path, Glenn Beck Interview A Righteous Shaking, Removing All that Hinders Love HOPE Market Crash? This Week? Pastor Jack Hibbs, April 2, 2023 Prophetic Warnings: Banks Crashing! Bond Market crashing? Robert Kiyosaki, U. S. Dollar? David Wilkerson, Chris Reed and more 38 PROPHECIES FOR 2023 AND BEYOND The Nuremberg Code SOON AND VERY SOON! Prophetic Dream! What is going to happen to America, the 50 States (Dollar) Prophecy, March 25, 2022 DISHEARTENED? War; Power Outage; Famine; IN AMERICA? OH GOD! FIRST LOVE! Show Me Your Face (Part 18) Jonathan Isaac: Why He Stood! Prophecy! The Perfect Storm: Religion, Politics, Economics, War and Geo-physical events, John Paul Jackson Kent Christmas prophesied what is going to take place in 2022 and 2023. God’s Word at Work in Me Love is the Only Way. Cause Love is the Only Way Supreme Court Upholds Religious Rights, Vindicates Football Coach Who Was Fired for Praying What We Know and The Center of God’s Universe Shocking Discovery Found in Ancient Text That Shows What Pleases the Lord! Happy Father’s Day to Father’s Familiar with “The Struggle” Salt of the Earth FIRST LOVE! Love Your Enemies…Tortured For Christ | Sabina (Part 17) FIRST LOVE! Love Your Enemies…It’s Redemptive! (Part 16) The Mystery FIRST LOVE! Love Your Enemies…Imitating Those Who Have Gone Before Us (Part 15) FIRST LOVE! Love Your Enemies…Great Heavenly Reward (Part 14) Why are there mass shootings? Are You Ready to Get the Hell Out of Your House? How to Dedicate Your House to God. FIRST LOVE! Love With All… As a Passionate Bride (Part 13) FIRST LOVE! Love With All… To the End (Part 12) FIRST LOVE! Love With All… It’s a War (Part 11) FIRST LOVE! Love With All… Means (Part 10) FIRST LOVE! Love Is… (Part 9) Rodeo Bareback Riders on Incorporating Faith in Sport Does God See Me; Does He Even Care; Do I Have a Future? What is God’s Plan for My Life? PROPHECY! God Has Pastors On Ice! God is Raising Up Pastors With His Heart to Lead His People FIRST LOVE! It is a Verb and a Fruit…(Part 8) FIRST LOVE! Are you Asking the Right Questions?… (Part 7) RULE 13 “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Are They Using Tips from #Lucifer to Organize America and the World, but First, Wisdom from the Live of Dr. King, Jr. FIRST LOVE! A Jealous Love… (Part 6) FIRST LOVE! Worry, Anxiety, Awe, & Trust… (Part 5) FIRST LOVE! The Power of Godly Sorrow… (Part 4) FIRST LOVE! Sin Friends Who Pull You Away… (Part 3) FIRST LOVE! Would Jesus Really Remove Our Light?… (Part 2) FIRST LOVE! I Know The Good You’ve Done, But You Have Fallen (Part 1) A Coming Move of God that Won’t Fit in Any Building, But Will Sweep the Streets of the Nation! “GAZILLIONS” of Hippies on the Beaches Flock to Beach Preacher & Listen for Hours! The Jesus Revolution! Part 10 A Coming Move of God that Won’t Fit in Any Building, But Will Sweep the Streets of the Nation! Did God Call Us to Organized Religion or Connected Family? Jack Hollis: The Impactful Life of Pastoring a City PLEASE FATHER! A Desperate Cry of a Humble Grandfather Crying Out For His Lost Grandson Jack and Shelly Hollis, Faithful Stewards of Sharing the Gospel for 27 years The Power of Phileo Love, Brotherly Love for One Another Alcoholic Drunk Cries out to God on Hospital Room Floor to Save the Life of His Wife and Son We Have to Impart the Holy Spirit to Others Does it Take $1.2 Million to Follow God or Just Holy Spirit? Are You Settling for Gold Covered Dust or Dust Covered Gold? When The Holy Spirit Comes HE TAKES OVER! The Holy Spirit Can Move People Three things to Defeat the Devil’s Attacks in Your Life The Power of a Spiritual Covering Testimony of Jack Hollis Birthed in the Jesus Movement “GAZILLIONS” of Hippies on the Beaches Flock to Beach Preacher & Listen for Hours! The Jesus Revolution! The Great Resignation! “38% of Pastors Have Thought About Quitting Ministry” says Barna Group as Gross Darkness Is Increasing in the Land What Does HARK! Really mean? What were the Angels Harkening? IT WAS LIKE AN EXPLOSION! The Jesus Revolution! Part 7 The Vital Role and Impact of Family and Faith in Their Children’s Lives Taking Church Outside the Building Crisscrossing Sweden with the Gospel for Jesus Christ God Uses Hippie to touch Sweden THE FACE OF GOD Gifts of the Spirit – Discernment Gifts of the Spirit – Healing the Blind THE JESUS REVOLUTION! It will be the 1970’s Again! THE WHY? FOR THE CHURCH, IS CHALLENGED BY SIMON SINEK Small is the New Big Phil Robertson, and Kirk Cameron speak on the Church Dynasty and Its Growing Pains into a Better Way Small is the New Big | Super Chickens Study and the American Church, Part 3 Live Every Day Like Its Your Last, Even When Its Your Last The Coming Glory of God in the Glory Zone Are You Willing to Follow the Lord? DAY AFTER DAY! NIGHT AFTER NIGHT! GET, GET, GET, GET READY! How Steve and Jeri Hill Met | Remembering The Wonders of The Lord What does the life of an Evangelist Look Like? Super Chickens and Super Churches? Are they Different, Are they the Same? Jesus Has Called Us to Be Successful. What Does a Successful Church Look Like? The Church Isn’t a Compilation of Specialties; It’s Family THE GRAVEYARD OF PASTORS! The Power of a Yes Walked Out in Faithfulness? What is the Secret to Revival? The Bigger the Mountain the Bigger the Testimony Where does Revival Start? What is the Greatest Thing that Keeps Us from Sharing the Gospel? Remembering the Wonders of the Lord, The Brownsville Revival Dietrich Bonhoeffer, “A Role Model for Christians Today” says Eric Metaxes Humor: Joyce Meyer sharing the Revealing Differences between Women and Men VISION FROM GOD: Christians Serving Darkness and Light – Children of the Day OR Children of the Night? Are They Using Tips from Lucifer on how to Organize America and the world; really? GLOBAL WARMING! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer for Organizing America and the World? DECEPTION! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer for organizing America and the World? COMMUNISM’S POLITICAL PARADISE? – Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world? POLARIZATION! – Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world? ALINSKY’S FOLLOWERS: HILLARY, OBAMA AND ____? Are They Using Tips from Lucifer on how to organize America and the World? PRIDE! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer for Organizing America and the World? THE LAW! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer on how to organize America and the world? WWJD or WWJO- Who Would Jesus Organize? MAKING YOU HAPPY TO GET “THEIR” WAY! Are they Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world? RIDICULE! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world? SUSTAINED MILITANT INTEREST! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World? PRESSURE! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World? ORGANIZE UNCEASING PRESSURE! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World? TERRORIZING THREATS! Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World? Was Our President Selected Before He was Elected? Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the World? Saul Saul Why are you ‘Organizing’ Persecuting Me? Color Blindness; Seeking Justice for Roy Middleton JESUS “THE SUPREME ORGANIZER” PUSHING BIPOLAR NARRATIVES: Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world? CLEAR ALTERNATIVE: Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world? PICK IT, TARGET IT, FREEZE IT, PERSONALIZE IT AND POLARIZE IT: Are They Using Tips from Lucifer to organize America and the world? Perspective Matters I want to lead the world…?, President Bill Clinton WATCH! Financial Collapse in Venezuela, Gangs in El Salvador coming to the United States. Is This the Coming Wave of Humanity? Beheading of American Journalist James Foley – From ISIS to the White House? MERRY CHRISTMAS! President Trump Shares the True Meaning of Christmas Are You being a Watchman? Isis in the Heartland of America? WATCH! Why is President Obama on the side of a Building in Iran in 2014?; and Prophetic Words from John Paul Jackson WATCH! Looking Rapidly at Everything happening in America and the World; What Does God want Us to Do About It? Living in the Last Days: Are You Prepared? Difficult Days are Ahead, But So is the Harvest! It’s Only Going to Get DARKER and DARKER Until We Cry Out WATCH! What does a war with ISIS in Iraq have to do with FBI director James Comey; and a Coming Physical Battle? Is America on the Brink of Judgment? Window of Opportunity to Fully Turn Back to God WATCH! The Humanitarian Crisis on the Border; Illegal Immigrants Being Used for Political Purpose and the Need to Protect the Borders WATCH! Stephen Mansfield’s new Book “Ask the Question”; and How Your Vote Affects Moral Issues Has Much of the Church Become Institutionalized? The Price of Freedom! Jesus Came So That We Could Be Set Free! WATCH! The Devil’s End Game: The Power to Define the Meaning of WORDS; Your One Vote Matters! Your Vote Can Make the Difference- 4% of People Vote in Local Elections WATCH! “Civil War Inevitable”, Rick Joyner- America under attack Russia, Mexico, and Nicaragua Demonic Evil coming from the Southern Border Part 2 WATCH! “Civil War Inevitable”, Rick Joyner- America under attack Russia, Mexico, and Nicaragua Demonic Evil coming from the Southern Border Part 1 Ron Lentine: Helping Leaders Combat Racism Peacefully Through Unity in the Community The Return of Guy Fawkes? Riots in America? Congressman on Terrorism Taskforce Warning us to Be Prepared for Terrorist Attack on America? T.D. Jakes on Race and Religion: God is not Color Blind California Shuts Down Church, BUT GOD had something to say about that! PROPHECY! God’s Justice and Restitution, by Greg Lancaster PROPHECY: Crossing Over in 2020, Time To Cross the Jordan! T.D. Jake Interview: Race Tensions-“God’s Judgement on a Silent Church” PROPHECY! God Shows Greg Lancaster DANGER with the 2020 Election, Use of the god Baal, and What a New Religion in America has to do with it? In January 2020 WAKE UP! It is Your Time to Shine! WATCH! The Lord is doing His best to Wake up America ONE MORE TIME-Perry Stone; What Does it Truly Mean to Live Under the Grace of God?; Prophetic Words have the Power to Change Destiny If they are Spoken Out WATCH! Riots in London, Act of War in Paris, Perry Stone saying 5 cities on fire in America 1963 Kenneth Hagin, Sr. Prophetic Word Regarding America: Darkness, Atheistic Communism, Race Riots, and the Coming Fire of GOD, Tongues of FIRE PRESSURE, by Greg Lancaster WATCH! God Has the Answer for Your Questions by John Kilpatrick and Greg Lancaster WATCH! PROPHECY! “Look and See the Lightning!” and “Saul Will Become Paul” Hank Kunneman Seasons of the Prophetic: Same Mouth Can Speak Right & Wrong Prophetic Words Seasons of the Prophetic: Your Prophetic Season Seasons of the Prophetic: For the Audience of One WATCH! Seasons of the Prophetic Part 2 Seasons of the Prophetic: A Season of Redefining Seasons of the Prophetic: Season of Change Seasons of the Prophetic: Forget Me WATCH! Seasons of the Prophetic Part 1 Seasons of the Prophetic: Looking Back Over Many Seasons Seasons of the Prophetic: Afraid of Your Season WATCH! Seasons of the Prophetic Part 3 Prophetic Word for 2020 Kent Christmas Understanding Hardship; God is Treating You as His Children WATCH! Understanding Hardship; God is Treating You as His Children PROPHECY! The Last Days Beast Economy; It is Happening Now! What Part Do Jeff Bezos & Elon Musk Have in it? WATCH! PROPHECY! The Last Days Beast Economy; It is Happening Now! What Part Do Jeff Bezos & Elon Musk Have in it? Artificial Intelligence, Elon Musk & Neuralink, the Start of the Beast Economy? Glenn Beck “You wont recognize your life by 2030.” WATCH! Artificial Intelligence, Elon Musk & Neuralink, the Start of the Beast Economy? Glenn Beck “You wont recognize your life by 2030.” PROPHECY! New Global Order! What Part Does Elon Musk Play in the End Times Beast Economy? PROPHECY! Economy Falls in 11 Days! Largest Wealth Transfer in the History of Man; Do the Math! PROPHECY! REVIVAL is Soon to Come! WATCH! PROPHECY! Revival Coming Soon + Economy Falls in 11 Days + New Global Order with End Times Beast Economy It is Not What we can do Through Jesus, but What He Can do Through us, as we Abide! “Greatest sin to give Jesus’ attention to inferior things,” Eric Gilmour How People Become Blind to Jesus? Eric Gilmour and Nathan Morris WATCH! How People Become Blind to Jesus? Eric Gilmour & Nathan Morris + Jesus Reveals Himself Powerful to Greg in a Prophetic Dream Encounter…You will be encouraged as he shares about His loving encounter with Him Justin Bieber Tells his Testimony for the Benefit of Others Justin Bieber Shares How God Accepts Us in Our Pain & Our Dirt Justin Bieber Impacted by Others Walking Out Their Faith Justin Bieber On a Path of Self Destruction but a Relationship with Jesus Changed Everything Justin Bieber Answers How He Sees His Relationship with Jesus Justin Bieber Shares What was the Turning Point in His Faith Justin Bieber Takes a Deep Dive into His Faith PROPHECY! Jennifer Lopez Giving to the Glory Outpouring WATCH! PROPHECY! God is Touching People in Entertainment to be a Significant Part in the Move of God; Jennifer Lopez and Justin Bieber PROPHECY! Angels are God’s Enforcers WATCH! PROPHECY! Angels are God’s Enforcers What Will 2020 be About? + ‘Is Jesus a Socialist?’ Charlie Kirk & Jack Hibbs Answer WATCH! What Will 2020 be About? + ‘Is Jesus a Socialist?’ Charlie Kirk & Jack Hibbs Answer WATCH! Prophecy! CORONAVIRUS. Hear this powerful word about what God is saying regarding the Coronavirus! PROPHECY! Baby Boomers Must Arise in 2020 Elections in America! Jeremiah Johnson PROPHECY! “Mantle of Elijah Dethroning Jezebel Spirit in America,” Jeremiah Johnson PROPHECY! “President Trump & Baby Boomers Keys to the Ending of Abortion,” Jeremiah Johnson PROPHECY! “God Dealing with 3 Principalities in Church: Racism, Radical Feminism & Moloch” Jeremiah Johnson WATCH! PROPHECY! God Deals with 3 Principalities in Church + President Trump & Baby Boomers Keys to a Move of God & Elections and More! Jeremiah Johnson Are Kanye West & Justin Bieber God’s Wrecking Balls to the Church? Jeremiah Johnson Prophetic Word Medical Breakthroughs are Coming! – Hank Kunneman PROPHECY! Whose Side are You On? God is Searching for those who are on His Side WATCH! PROPHECY! Whose Side are You On + Medical Breakthroughs + West & Bieber Wrecking Ball to the Church PROPHECY! God Shows Greg Lancaster DANGER with the 2020 Election and What a New Religion in America has to do with it? PROPHECY! God Shows Greg Lancaster DANGER with the 2020 Election and What a New Religion Baal in America has to do with it? PROPHECY! The Wealth Transfer is Coming! For Greatest Harvest of Souls the World Has Ever Seen! WATCH! PROPHECY! The Wealth Transfer is Coming! For Greatest Harvest of Souls the World Has Ever Seen! PROPHECY! Prophetic Encounter: A.I., Robots and Our Future, Will it Push Human’s Aside? WATCH! PROPHECY! Prophetic Encounter: A.I., Robots and Our Future, Will it Push Human’s Aside? Insight, Ideas & Concepts Coming to the Church! Kenneth Copeland PROPHECY! 2020 a Year of Political Change & Manifested Power! Kenneth Copeland PROPHECY! We are Moving from One Age to Another! Kenneth Copeland PROPHECY! “Confusion Coming to the Financial System.” Kenneth Copeland PROPHECY! A Move of God Exploding Among Young People! Kenneth Copeland WATCH! PROPHECY 2020, Dreams, Visions Will Increase, Revival Among Young, Political Figure Who Cause Division Will be Removed, Economy Fragile and much more for 2020 Greg shares more about his book I WILL FIGHT: 10 Strategies for Success PROPHECY & PROPHETIC ENCOUNTER! THE WAIT IS OVER! 2020 Begins the Decade of Difference -Hank Kunneman Greg Lancaster shares about an awesome encounter with how Jesus revealed Himself to Greg WATCH! PROPHECY & PROPHETIC ENCOUNTER! THE WAIT IS OVER! 2020 Begins the Decade of Difference -Hank Kunneman Greg Lancaster shares about an awesome encounter with how Jesus revealed Himself to Greg PROPHECY! 2020, THE YEAR OF THE GRAND REVEAL! – Hank Kunneman WATCH! PROPHECY! 2020, THE YEAR OF THE GRAND REVEAL! – Hank Kunneman Dr. King Personified the Gospel; Hear His Sister-in-Law Explain PROPHECY! “2020 THE BEGINNING OF THE DECADE OF DIFFERENCE” – Hank Kunneman WATCH! PROPHECY! “2020 THE BEGINNING OF THE DECADE OF DIFFERENCE” – Hank Kunneman Prophetic Word for 2020 Kent Christmas Charles Simpson Shares What He Learned in the Charismatic Renewal Movement In This Life You Will Have Trouble but Jesus Has Overcome the World! Charles Simpson WATCH! Jesus Has Overcome the World! + What He Learned in the Charismatic Renewal Movement; Charles Simpson “We Are at a Transition Between the Ages,” says Charles Simpson Believers Should be Known for Forgiveness, but Are We? Charles Simpson WATCH! Transition Between the Ages + Are Believers Known by Forgiveness? Charles Simpson “We Are Being Surpassed by Artificial Intelligence,” says Charles Simpson “The Coming Move of God Will Be Different than Ever Before”, says Charles Simpson WATCH! Coming Move of God Different than Ever Before + Surpassed by Artificial Intelligence Charles Simpson PROPHECY! A New Wave of Revival is Coming to America as the Church Gets Back to Family. Charles Simpson WATCH! PROPHECY! A New Wave of Revival is Coming to America as the Church Gets Back to Family. Charles Simpson A New Wave of Revival is Coming to America as the Church Gets Back to Family-Charles Simpson “People Will Use Your Name for Good or Bad” in a Movement of God, says Charles Simpson WATCH! People Will Use Your Name in a Movement of God + New Wave of Revival Coming to America. Charles Simpson Unifying in the Church Through Love Charles Simpson WATCH! Unifying in the Church Through Love Charles Simpson Division and Contention in the Church Over Charismatic Movement – Charles Simpson Prayer Meetings Credited for Start of Charismatic Movement, Charles Simpson WATCH! Prayer Meetings Started Charismatic Movement + Division and Contention in Church Charles Simpson Fathering and Accountability are Needed for Discipleship to Happen “Success Can Be Wonderful but Also Dangerous” says Charles Simpson WATCH! “Success Wonderful but Dangerous” & Fathering and Accountability Needed for Discipleship Charles Simpson Charles Simpson Shares How New Wine Magazine Started What Was Learned in the Discipleship Movement? Charles Simpson Part 2 WATCH! What Was Learned in the Discipleship Movement? P2 + Charles Simpson shares How New Wine Magazine Started What Was Learned in the Discipleship Movement? Charles Simpson Part 1 WATCH! What Was Learned in the Discipleship Movement? Charles Simpson Part 1 PROPHECY! Dutch Sheets: “You Can’t Fight Giants Like They Fight” PROPHECY! 1000 Barges Filled with 1000-Year-Old Oil to Anoint America! Dutch Sheets PROPHECY! Dutch Sheets: Decrees Will Blanket the Nation “America Shall be Saved!” WATCH! PROPHECY! Dutch Sheets: You Can’t Fight Like Giants + America Shall be Saved + 1000 Yr Old Oil to Anoint America! PROPHECY! Dutch Sheets “Our New Currency is Mercy” WATCH! PROPHECY! Dutch Sheets “Our New Currency is Mercy” PROPHECY! Angel Showed Dutch Sheets in Washington DC that “America Shall Be Saved!” PROPHECY! 2020 Is a Hinge Year in America! IT IS TIME! Dutch Sheets PROPHECY! God Uses Diamonds to Gather the Harvest! WATCH! PROPHECY! Diamonds Gathering the Harvest + America Shall be Saved + 2020 is a Hinge Year in America! PROPHECY! President Donald Trump Will Have a Prayer Task Force! Dutch Sheets PROPHECY! President Donald Trump Will Have a God Encounter in the White House: Dutch Sheets WATCH! PROPHECY! President Donald Trump Will Have a God Encounter and a Prayer Task Force: Dutch Sheets PROPHECY! God’s Avengers: God is Moving in the Land! Pastor John Kilpatrick WATCH! PROPHECY! God’s Avengers: God is Moving in the Land! Pastor John Kilpatrick PROPHECY! What Happens When the Lord Begins to Shake Governments? WATCH! Prophecy! What Happens When the Lord Begins to Shake Governments? God Responds to Your Hunger! The Glory of God at the Brownsville Revival WATCH! The Glory of God at the Brownsville Revival + God Responds to Your Hunger! PROPHECY! Pastor John Kilpatrick: The Church Will Experience the Glory of God’s Presence Unlike Any Church in History! PROPHECY! God Will Restore the Fear & Respect of the Lord in the Church says Pastor John Kilpatrick WATCH! God Will Restore Fear & Respect of the Lord + God’s Glory will Touch the Church Like Never Before! Pastor John Kilpatrick You’ve Got to Have Eyes to Discern What is Happening PROPHECY! A Holy Ghost Revival Will Turn America Around says Pastor John Kilpatrick PROPHECY! Revival and Evil Happen Simultaneously WATCH! PROPHECY! Revival & Evil Happen Simultaneously + Revival Will Turn America Around Iniquity Drives: End Them Before They End You Part 3 WATCH! Iniquity Drives: End Them Before They End You Part 3 Iniquity Drives: End Them Before They End You Part 2 WATCH! Iniquity Drives: End Them Before They End You Part 2 Iniquity Drives: End Them Before They End You Part 1 WATCH! Iniquity Drives: End Them Before They End You Part 1 We Are All Called to Serve the Lord in Love! WATCH! We Are All Called to Serve the Lord in Love! Russ Moyer Men Must “Walk, Work, & Serve Together” in the Church! Unity Makes Us Stronger WATCH! Russ Moyer Men Must “Walk, Work, & Serve Together” in the Church! Unity Makes Us Stronger “We need to break out of the four walls of the Church,” Russ Moyer We Are Not What We Are Attacked With! Russ Moyer P2 WATCH! We Are Not What We Are Attacked With! P2 + The Church Must Break Out of the 4 Walls! Russ Moyer We Are Not What We Are Attacked With! Russ Moyer P1 WATCH! We Are Not What We Are Attacked With! Russ Moyer P1 “An Abiding Relationship with Jesus Will Bring His Kingdom to Earth.” Russ Moyer Having a Kingdom Mindset Will Break Down Barriers! Russ Moyer Part 2 WATCH! A Kingdom Mindset Breaks Down Barriers P2 + Abiding will Bring Kingdom of God to Earth Russ Moyer Having a Kingdom Mindset Will Break Down Barriers! Russ Moyer Part 1 Russ Moyer shares How Brokenness Can Bring in the Harvest WATCH! Brokenness Can Bring in Harvest + A Kingdom Mindset Breaks Down Barriers P1 : Russ Moyer Russ Moyer & Greg share Transition from Business to Ministry + Healing from Stage 4 Cancer! WATCH! Russ Moyer & Greg share Transition from Business to Ministry + Healing from Stage 4 Cancer! God is Moving in the 7 Mountains of Culture & Get Ready for Great Wealth to Bring in the Harvest! WATCH! God is Moving in the 7 Mountains of Culture & Get Ready for Great Wealth to Bring in the Harvest! “The Presence of God Defies our Intellect” Russ Moyer WATCH! “The Presence of God Defies our Intellect” Russ Moyer Brokenness & Honesty Can Lead to Repentance: Adam Field WATCH! Brokenness & Honesty Can Lead to Repentance: Adam Field What is CoMission? Adam Field Unity in the Church Can Bring the Next Great Awakening Part 2 WATCH! Unity in the Church Can Bring the Next Great Awakening Part 2 + What is CoMission? Unity in the Church Can Bring the Next Great Awakening Part 1 WATCH! Unity in the Church Can Bring the Next Great Awakening Part 1 The Fight to Stay Out of the Lukewarm Life; Are You All in for Jesus? Adam Field WATCH! The Fight to Stay Out of the Lukewarm Life; Are You All in for Jesus? Adam Field PROPHECY! A Move of God is Coming but Are We Ready for it? Adam Field WATCH! PROPHECY! A Move of God is Coming but Are We Ready for it? Adam Field Adam Field: We Must Take Back the Gates of the Cities Adam Field shares How He Led Gang Members to Jesus Despite Being Held at Gun Point WATCH! Adam Field Leading Gang Members to Jesus + We Must Take Back the Gates of Cities Adam Field shares How He Discipled Gang Members & Was Shot at in the Meeting! Adam Field: Alter Call in a Bar with Lasting Fruit a Year Later WATCH! Adam Field: Alter Call in Bar + Discipling Gang Members Adam Field Visits a Prison & is Met with the Power & Baptism of God by Lightening and Rain! The Beginnings of Christianity with Adam Field WATCH! Beginnings of Christianity + Prison Visit with Lightening & Rain: Adam Field Adam Field, President of CoMission, Shares How He Was Called by God WATCH! Adam Field, President of CoMission, Shares How He Was Called by God Do You Know Jesus? Today Could be Your Last Chance to Meet Him Elvis Presley, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “Unity in America, Our Last Hope” Ron Lentine Ron Lentine: We Are Called to Love Everyone! WATCH! Ron Lentine: We are Called to Love + Elvis Presley+ Do You Know Jesus? Ron Lentine: Commitments Required to Participate in the Unity Movement Ron Lentine: Helping Leaders Combat Racism Peacefully Through Unity in the Community WATCH! Ron Lentine Helping Leaders Combat Racism Peacefully + Commitments to Participate in the Unity Movement Ron Lentine: How Can Pastors Bring Healing? Part 2 WATCH! Ron Lentine: How Can Pastors Bring Healing? Part 2 Ron Lentine: How Can Pastors Bring Healing? Part 1 Ron Lentine: Racial Riots in Pensacola WATCH! Ron Lentine: Racial Riots and How Pastors Can Bring Healing Part 1 Ron Lentine: For Such a Time as This Part 2 WATCH: Ron Lentine: For Such a Time as This Part 2 Ron Lentine: For Such a Time as This Part 1 WATCH: Ron Lentine: For Such a Time as This Part 1 Ron Lentine: Segregation in the Church Building; We Must Unify in the Church! Ron Lentine: How to do Something for Jesus? WATCH! Ron Lentine: How to do Something for Jesus? + We Must Unify in the Church Ron Lentine: How He Came to Know Jesus Ron Lentine Talks of the Time He Owned a Bar Ron Lentine Shares When He Explored Other Religions WATCH! Ron Lentine: From Buddhism, to a Bar Owner, & Salvation in Jesus Christ Ron Lentine and His Time in the Vietnam War Ron Lentine: How Having a PRESENT Father Can Change Your Destiny! WATCH! Ron Lentine: A Father Can Change a Destiny + His Time in Vietnam War Ron Lentine: How the Unity Movement Started WATCH! Ron Lentine: How the Unity Movement Started Two Secrets to Being Established and Successful WATCH! Two Secrets to Being Established and Successful Jesus Died for You so that You Can Live! John Newlin You Can Trust God in the Storm. John Newlin How John Newlin Got His Boots John Newlin’s Jailhouse Prayer and Song of Deliverance WATCH! John Newlin: Jailhouse Prayer + How He Got His Boots + Trust God in the Storm + Today is Your Day for Salvation “Pride is like bad breath.” John Newlin Healing is for TODAY! John Newlin John Newlin’s Prophetic Dream WATCH! John Newlin: A Prophetic Dream + Healing is NOW + Pride is Like Bad Breath Do You Want Faith? John Newlin Run to the Battle: John Newlin Blessed are the Peacemakers: John Newlin WATCH! Blessed are the Peacemakers + Run to the Battle + Do You Want Faith: John Newlin How to be Thankful with John Newlin Men are the “Priests” of their Homes: John Newlin God Gives Seed to the Sower IF You Step Out in Faith: John Newlin WATCH! John Newlin: God Gives Seed to the Sower + You are the Priest of Your Home + Be Thankful Don’t Be Harsh; Be Gentle: John Newlin We Must Compliment Our Children: John Newlin Listen and the Lord Will Give Us Grace to Love Others: John Newlin WATCH! Listen and the Lord Will Give Grace to Love + We Must Compliment & be Gentle with Our Children: John Newlin How to Overcome Evil with Good: John Newlin John Newlin Shares How His Father Taught Him the Importance of Hard Work + God Calls Us to be Gentle WATCH! John Newlin Shares on the Importance of Hard Work + God Calls us to be Gentle + How to Overcome Evil with Good John Newlin shares about His Son Isaac and How We Must Listen to the Lord John Newlin: What You Have in Your Hand Could be Your Seed WATCH! John Newlin: What You Have in Your Hand Could be Your Seed + We Must Listen to the Lord John Newlin shares His Testimony and How He Met His Wife The Power and Reward of Hard Work John Newlin WATCH! John Newlin shares The Power and Reward of Hard Work + How He Came to Know Jesus How to Overcome Fear: John Newlin Be Specific with Your Requests to God: John Newlin WATCH! Be Specific in Your Requests to God + How to Overcome Fear with John Newlin Your Foundation Must be in Jesus Christ and That Starts with Abiding in Him! WATCH! Your Foundation Must be in Jesus Christ and That Starts with Abiding in Him! Israel and America, Where are we now? WATCH! Israel and America, Where are we now? “Honoring Should Be Our Life” Charles Simpson Having a Good Father Gives Security in Who You Are! Charles Simpson WATCH! Fathering Brings Security + “Honoring (others) Should Be Our Life” Charles Simpson If You Want Success, You Must Serve + The Significance of a Spiritual Father Charles Simpson Charles Simpson: What would he tell his younger self? + Three Principles that he Lives By “Never Outgrow Humility,” Charles Simpson WATCH! Charles Simpson on the Importance of Humility & Serving + What Would he Tell his Younger Self? Charles Simpson: Where Does he See the Church in 10 Years? WATCH! Charles Simpson: Where Does he See the Church in 10 Years? Charles Simpson: How to Stay Relevant in the Church Without Compromising the Truth? Co-Laboring/Collaboration and Integrity in the Church: Charles Simpson “Don’t Allow Your Enthusiasm Take You Beyond Holy Spirit.” Charles Simpson WATCH! Holy Spirit & Integrity in the Church: Charles Simpson Charles Simpson: Cross-Pollination in the Church Charles Simpson: How to Rediscover Family in the Church? WATCH! Charles Simpson: How to Rediscover Family in the Church? + Cross-Pollination in the Church Charles Simpson Our Greatest Joy to “Be Fruitful & Multiply!” + The Role of the Traditional Church WATCH! Charles Simpson Our Greatest Joy to “Be Fruitful & Multiply!” + The Role of the Traditional Church Charles Simpson shares on How to be the Church Charles Simpson shares on being led by Holy Spirit WATCH! Charles Simpson shares on being led by Holy Spirit and How to be the Church “The Church is Not Structural but Organic” Charles Simpson WATCH! Charles Simpson “The Church is Not Structural but Organic” 2019 Greater Surge of Spiritual Power and Momentum; The King of Glory Positioned Over the United States, Dutch Sheets WATCH! 2019 Greater Surge of Spiritual Power and Momentum; The King of Glory Positioned Over the United States, Dutch Sheets Prophecy Fulfilled? Swamp Creatures in Washington D.C. Fighting for Last Little Bit of Water; “It’s going to get Uglier but Don’t be Dismayed” WATCH! Prophecy Fulfilled? Swamp Creatures in Washington D.C. Fighting for Last Little Bit of Water; “It’s going to get Uglier but Don’t be Dismayed” PROPHECY! “All of America will be Ablaze with the Glory of God.” Dr. Yonggi Cho PROPHECY! Open Door in Heaven, The Presence of God; Our Need for Jesus! Prophetic Encounter- Greg Lancaster WATCH! PROPHECY! Open Door in Heaven, The Presence of God; Our Need for Jesus! Prophetic Encounter- Greg Lancaster Time for the American Church to Wake Up: Evangelist Steve Hill and Peter Wagner Reaching Millennial’s? Authenticity is the Key! WATCH! Reaching Millennial’s? Authenticity is the Key!; Time for the American Church to Wake Up: Evangelist Steve Hill and Peter Wagner Jezebel, Rebellion, Division, Confusion – DEFEATED! IF WE PRAY! WATCH! Jezebel, Rebellion, Division, Confusion – DEFEATED! IF WE PRAY! Judgment First Then Comes the GLORY; REVIVAL, THE GLORY, AND OUTPOURING SOON UPON US WATCH! Pro Golfer Bubba Watson Winning on the Greens and in Life; Judgment First Then then Comes the GLORY; Bro. John Kilpatrick Prophesy Fulfilled: Truth No longer Fallen in the Streets: People are beginning to Run to Her VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning- Coach Bobby Knight PROPHECY: We are in a Crucible Season; Better things are in Store for those Who Endure; Cindy Jacobs WATCH! PROPHECY: We are in a Crucible Season; Better things are in Store for those Who Endure; Cindy Jacobs; VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning Success It’s a Mind Game: Ohio Center for Sports Psychology Mental Skills for Success Part 1 WATCH! Success It’s a Mind Game: Ohio Center for Sports Psychology Mental Skills for Success Part 1 President Trump Meets with Survivors of Religious Persecution WATCH! President Trump Meets with Survivors of Religious Persecution Don’t Partner with the Accuser! WATCH! Don’t Partner with the Accuser! Inserting A.I. Into Your Brain: Yes, it’s Really Happening WATCH! Inserting A.I. Into Your Brain: Yes, it’s Really Happening What’s Stressing Americans and Strategies for Managing Stress in Your Life WATCH! What’s Stressing Americans and Strategies for Managing Stress in Your Life 5 Stages for Battle Over America – Lance Wallnau WATCH! 5 Stages for Battle Over America – Lance Wallnau Breaking Free from Captivity in Your Mind WATCH! Breaking Free from Captivity in Your Mind; Curse Online Gaming Portal Owned by what Major U.S. Company? North Korean Government more Afraid of Christians than Nuclear Weapons WATCH! North Korean Government more Afraid of Christians than Nuclear Weapons PROPHECY! Evangelist Steve Hill Wakes Josiah Johnson in a Prophetic Dream. It’s 4:44! Part 2 WATCH! PROPHECY! Evangelist Steve Hill Wakes Josiah Johnson in a Prophetic Dream. It’s 4:44! Part 2 PROPHECY! Evangelist Steve Hill Wakes Josiah Johnson in a Prophetic Dream. It’s 4:44! Part 1 WATCH! PROPHECY! Evangelist Steve Hill Wakes Josiah Johnson in a Prophetic Dream. It’s 4:44! Part 1 Christian Parents Biggest Factor in Adult Children’s Decision to Follow Jesus WATCH! Christian Parents Biggest Factor in Adult Children’s Decision to Follow Jesus PROPHECY! “God Has Turned His Eye Toward Florida…Florida Backbone of the Nation,” Chuck Pierce WATCH! “President Trump is an Enigma,” says Lance Wallnau + PROPHECY! “God Has Turned His Eye Toward Florida…Florida Backbone of the Nation,” Chuck Pierce Yisroel Stefansky Founder of ASTI & Yair Netanyahu; P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu’s Son Visits the Glory Zone & Speaks with Pastor John Kilpatrick, CHP WATCH! Yisroel Stefansky Founder of ASTI & Yair Netanyahu; P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu’s Son Visits the Glory Zone & Speaks with Pastor John Kilpatrick, CHP BEING CONNECTED TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE INSULATES YOU FOR SUCCESS WATCH! BEING CONNECTED TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE INSULATES YOU FOR SUCCESS Values Voter Summit: NRA President Oliver North-Americans Still Value their Freedoms! WATCH! Values Voter Summit: NRA President Oliver North-Americans Still Value their Freedoms! Pastor Andrew Brunson, From Turkish Prison to the White House in 24 Hours! WATCH! Pastor Andrew Brunson, from Turkish Prison to the White House in 24 Hours! Nobel Prize Peace Winner Nadia Murad Works to End Sexual Violence & Human Trafficking as Weapons of War WATCH! Nobel Prize Peace Winner Nadia Murad; Opioid Crisis in America and Trump’s Administrations Response Candid, Honest, Supportive Conversation on President Trump: Are We Seeing a Miracle? James Robison and Dr. Brown 2 Women, 2 Abortions, 2 Totally Different Outcomes? WATCH! 2 Women, 2 Abortions, 2 Totally Different Outcomes? Prophecy! The Fields are Ripe for Harvest – Brett Holderbaum WATCH! Remembering 9/11 -17 Years Later the Fallen and Heroes; Christian Privilege? All Are Invited; Prophecy: Fields Are Ripe For Harvest Prophecy! Those Who Stand with the Lord Will Have His Words in their Mouths, Beware of the Storms in September – Hank Kunneman WATCH! Cosby Show Star Job Shamed? Restoring the Dignity, Privilege, and Honor of Work; Prophecy; Those Who Stand with the Lord Will Have His Words in their Mouths, Beware of the Storms in September – Hank Kunneman VFNKB #SuccessSecret the Two Marks of Every Leader- Jentezen Franklin WATCH! Senator, U.S. Should Consider Military Intervention in Venezuela; VFNKB #SuccessSecret Redefining Failure; VFNKB #SuccessSecret- The Two Marks of Every Leader God Gets WHITE HOUSE for 24 YEARS! 2 TERMS for President Trump, Pence & One More! PROPHECY! Justice, Wealth Transfer; Gold Rain, Whistle of God! Great Harvest, & Wealth for the Harvest WATCH! PROPHECY! God Gets WHITE HOUSE for 24 YEARS! 2 TERMS for President Trump, Pence & One More!;PROPHECY! Wealth Transfer; Gold Rain, Whistle of God! Gathering Harvest, Wealth for the Harvest Mr. Rogers Secret to Living a Satisfied Life Mr. Rogers: Graceful receiving is one if the most wonderful gifts we can give anybody. The Secret to Mr. Rogers Success: Spent Two Hours Every Day Abiding with the Lord Mr. Rogers’ “Rarely What We See is Essential, It’s What We Don’t See That is.” WATCH! Mr. Rogers’ “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” The Story Behind the Story Dinesh D’Souza On the Important Role Believers Must Play Outside the Church, in the World Leveraging Our Platforms for the Kingdom WATCH! Dinesh D’Souza On the Important Role Believers Must Play Outside the Church, in the World Leveraging Our Platforms for the Kingdom Vice President Mike Pence: 83% of the World’s Population Live in Nations Where Religious Freedom Threatened or Banned First Ever Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom Sec. State Pompeo: Defending Religious Freedom All Around the World WATCH! Pres. Trump Administration Spear Heads Defending Religious Liberty Around the World Glory Story: Automotive Shop Owner Encounters the Glory of God and Will Never be the Same WATCH! Glory Story: Automotive Shop Owner Encounters the Glory of God and Encounters the Glory Again when Sharing his Testimony February 2018 Prophecy: President Trump; Best President for African Americans Fulfilled! African American Pastors Meet with Pres. Trump at the White House- Part 2 WATCH! February 2018 Prophecy: President Trump; Best President for African Americans Fulfilled! African American Pastors Meet with Pres. Trump at the White House- Part 2 February 2018 Prophecy: President Trump; Best President for African Americans Fulfilled! African American Pastors Meet with Pres. Trump at the White House- Part 1 WATCH! February 2018 Prophecy: President Trump; Best President for African Americans Fulfilled! African American Pastors Meet with Pres. Trump at the White House- Part 1 Preparing for the Great Harvest of Souls WATCH! Preparing for the Great Harvest of Souls We have a Window of Time for Revival in America: The Election of President Trump was not the Answer it is the Window WATCH! We have a Window of Time for Revival in America: The Election of President Trump was not the Answer it is the Window Mario Lopez Affirms His Faith in Jesus Christ and Gets Baptized in Israel WATCH! Mario Lopez Gets Baptized in Israel + Robots Cooking Your Hamburgers? New Report! Evangelism in the Digital Age Across the Generation- Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers WATCH! New Report! Evangelism in the Digital Age Across the Generation – Millennial’s, Gen X, and Boomers God’s Generals; Smith Wigglesworth and just Maybe You? Civil Rights and Civil Christianity in America The Value of Life Has Diminished while the Value of Money Continues to Rise in the Eyes of Some? WATCH! The Value of Life Has Diminished while the Value of Money Continues to Rise in the Eyes of Some?; God’s Generals; Smith Wigglesworth and just Maybe You? Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join the Movement Today- Civil Christianity.Org Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture WATCH! Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture; Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join The Movement Today- Civil VFNKB Success Secret: Life on the Edge- Dr. James Dobson- Determining the Right Values Results in Success WATCH! VFNKB Success Secret: Life on the Edge- Dr. James Dobson- Determining the Right Values Results in Success PROPHECY! “Civil War Inevitable”, Rick Joyner- America under attack Russia, Mexico, and Nicaragua Demonic Evil coming from the Southern Border Part 2 WATCH! “Civil War Inevitable”, Rick Joyner- America under attack Russia, Mexico, and Nicaragua Demonic Evil coming from the Southern Border Part 2 PROPHECY! “Civil War Inevitable,” Rick Joyner – America under attack Russia, Mexico, and Nicaragua Demonic Evil coming from the Southern Border Part 1 WATCH! “Civil War Inevitable”, Rick Joyner- America under attack Russia, Mexico, and Nicaragua Demonic Evil coming from the Southern Border Part 1 God Gives Americans Authority in the 2nd Amendment: Romans 13:1-5 WATCH! God Gives Americans Authority in the 2nd Amendment: Romans 13:1-5 President Trump Opens White House for Prayer WATCH! President Trump Opens White House for Prayer VFNKB #SuccessSecrets: Proximity Principle and Tips for Success and Happiness in Your Career WATCH! VFNKB #SuccessSecrets: Proximity Principle and Tips for Success and Happiness in Your Career President Trump’s National Day of Prayer Included Testimony of Jesus Christ WATCH! President Trump’s National Day of Prayer Included Testimony of Jesus Christ Helping Families Navigate Highly Addictive Digital World We Live in with Andy Crouch Author of The Tech Wise Family Charlie Kirk; Founder of Turning Point USA; Boldly & Uncompromisingly Shares His Christian Faith WATCH! Charlie Kirk; Founder of Turning Point USA; Boldly & Uncompromisingly Shares His Christian Faith + Helping Families Navigate the Highly Addictive Digital World We Live in with Andy Crouch; Author of The Tech Wise Family Christian Persecution Around the World at Near Genocide Levels WATCH! Christian Persecution Around the World at Near Genocide Levels The Key to Fighting Being Lukewarm 90 Hour Bible Reading Marathon on U.S. Capitol WATCH! 90 Hour Bible Reading Marathon on U.S. Capitol + The Key to Fighting Lukewarmness The 2nd Amendment One of Your Most Important Rights as A U.S. Citizen and The Radical Move President Trump Just did to Protect it The Humanitarian Crisis on the Border; Illegal Immigrants Being Used for Political Purpose and the Need to Protect the Borders WATCH! The Humanitarian Crisis on the Border; Illegal Immigrants Being Used for Political Purpose and the Need to Protect the Borders Barna Research Proves Non-Christians are Open to One on One Conversation About Christian Faith WATCH! Barna Research Proves Non-Christians are Open to One on One Conversation About Christian Faith Notre Dame Catastrophe and the Sri Lanka Massacre of Christians and the True Temple of God WATCH! Notre Dame Catastrophe and the Sri Lanka Massacre of Christians and the True Temple of God More Americans Engaged in the Bible: State of the Bible 2019 Barna Group and American Bible Society Report WATCH! More Americans Engaged in the Bible: State of the Bible 2019 Barna Group and American Bible Society Report Sri Lanka Terrorist Attack on Christians; Easter Sunday and How Should Christians Respond to Those Who Attack Us WATCH! Sri Lanka Terrorist Attack on Christians; Easter Sunday and How Should Christians Respond to Those Who Attack Us God is Recruiting for His Special Forces; Brother Ken Sumrall and Retired Lieutenant Jerry Boykin Founding Member of Delta Force WATCH! God is Recruiting for His Special Forces; Brother Ken Sumrall and Retired Lieutenant Jerry Boykin Founding Member of Delta Force Teenage Suicide at 40 Year High; Second Leading Cause of Death for 15 to 24-year-olds of Both Sexes WATCH! Teenage Suicide at 40 Year High; Second Leading Cause of Death for 15 to 24-year-olds of Both Sexes #VFNKB NBA Player Steph Curry, Oklahoma Senator James Langford, and Hobby Lobby David Green All Share how they Let their LIGHT Shine in their Mountain of Culture WATCH! #VFNKB NBA Player Steph Curry, Oklahoma Senator James Langford, and Hobby Lobby David Green All Share how they Let their LIGHT Shine in their Mountain of Culture New Study; The Link between Fun, Family and Faith, Barna Group WATCH! New Study; The Link between Fun, Family and Faith, Barna Group Loving Your Enemies in a Culture Saturated with Hate, Division and Polar Opposite Opinions WATCH! Loving Your Enemies in a Culture Saturated with Hate, Division and Polar Opposite Opinions Former NFL Player Benjamin Watson Boldly Lays Out the Case Family, God, and Country at CPAC WATCH! Former NFL Player Benjamin Watson Boldly Lays Out the Case Family, God, and Country at CPAC DESPERATE FOR THE TRUTH! WATCH! DESPERATE FOR THE TRUTH! Father and Son Camping Trip; Lasting Impact Over a Decade Later: Personal Story of a Man who Attended as a Young Boy WATCH! Father and Son Camping Trip; Lasting Impact Over a Decade Later: Personal Story of a Man who Attended as a Young Boy PROPHECY! Position Yourself in 2019 for the Best and Worst of Times at the Same Time; Chuck Pierce and Pastor Randy Feldschau WATCH! PROPHECY! Position Yourself in 2019 for the Best and Worst of Times at the Same Time; Chuck Pierce and Pastor Randy Feldschau The Enemy Only Attacks Your Future and Even that has a Shelf Life; Pastor John Kilpatrick WATCH! The Enemy Only Attacks Your Future and Even that has a Shelf Life; Pastor John Kilpatrick; Abortion Worker Suggest “Flushing” Baby in Toilet if born at home President Trump shares Warning in a Closed-Door Meeting with 100 Evangelical leaders Prophetic Alert: if America doesn’t stay on our Current Paths Religious Persecution coming to Christians in Three years says Prophet Chuck Pierce WATCH! Prophetic Alert: if America doesn’t stay on our Current Paths Religious Persecution coming to Christians Prophet Chuck Pierce; President Trump shares Warning in a Closed-Door Meeting with 100 Evangelical leaders NFL Benjamin Watson, Leads others to kneel on Field, not on American Flag; FOR PRAYER Celebrating the Joy and Power of Baptism WATCH! Celebrating Baptism; Actor in Tears for Trump Presidency, NFL Players Kneeling Again; this time to pray WATCH! Nobel Prize Peace Winner Nadia Murad; Opioid Crisis in America and Trump’s Administrations Response God Gets WHITE HOUSE for 24 YEARS! 2 TERMS for President Trump, Pence & One More! PROPHECY! Wealth Transfer; Gold Rain, Whistle of God! Gathering Harvest, Wealth for the Harvest WATCH! PROPHECY! God Gets WHITE HOUSE for 24 YEARS! 2 TERMS for President Trump, Pence & One More!;PROPHECY! Wealth Transfer; Gold Rain, Whistle of God! Gathering Harvest, Wealth for the Harvest WATCH! New Report! Evangelism in the Digital Age Across the Generation- Millennial’s, Gen X, and Boomers Bro. John Kilpatrick Prophesy Fulfilled: Truth No longer Falling in the Streets: People are Beginning to Run to Her Judgment First Then Comes the GLORY; REVIVAL, THE GLORY, AND OUTPOURING SOON UPON US WATCH! Pro Golfer Bubba Watson Winning on the Greens and in Life; Judgment First Then then Comes the GLORY; Bro. John Kilpatrick Prophesy Fulfilled: Truth No longer Fallen in the Streets: People are beginning to Run to Her William Maillis 11-Year-Old Genius Shares the Importance of Stewarding our Talents and Gifts from God Boy Genius; 11-Year-Old College Graduate Answers – Does God exist in the Universe or does the Universe Exist in God? 11-Year-Old College Graduate; Boy Genius wants to Prove God Exists through Science WATCH! 11-Year-Old College Graduate; Boy Genius want to Prove God Exists through Science Prophecy; Those Who Stand with the Lord Will Have His Words in their Mouths, Beware of the Storms in September – Hank Kunneman Cosby Show Star Job Shamed? Restoring the Dignity, Privilege, and Honor of Work WATCH! Cosby Show Star Job Shamed? Restoring the Dignity, Privilege, and Honor of Work; Prophecy; Those Who Stand with the Lord Will Have His Words in their Mouths, Beware of the Storms in September – Hank Kunneman Open Door in Heaven, The Presence of God; Our Need for Jesus! Prophetic Encounter- Greg Lancaster WATCH! Open Door in Heaven, The Presence of God; Our Need for Jesus! Prophetic Encounter- Greg Lancaster Jezebel, Rebellion, Division, Confusion – DEFEATED! IF WE PRAY! WATCH! Jezebel, Rebellion, Division, Confusion – DEFEATED! IF WE PRAY! Diamond and Silk Prayer for America, Pres. Trump and Students at Liberty University Bishop Harry Jackson Responds to Haters and Those who Attacked his and other African American Pastors Motives for Meeting with President Trump Bishop Harry Jackson Shares the Purpose he and other African American Pastors Met with President Trump at the White House Prophetic Word Fulfilled! Pres. Trump is the Most Pro-Black President We have had in our Lifetime, Pastor Darrell Scott WATCH! Bishop Harry Jackson shares the Purpose of His Meeting with President Trump and Responds to his Critics: Diamond and Silk’s Prayer for Pres. Trump and America Dinesh D’Souza On the Important Role Believers Must Play Outside the Church, in the World Leveraging Our Platforms for the Kingdom WATCH! Dinesh D’Souza On the Important Role Believers Must Play Outside the Church, in the World Leveraging Our Platforms for the Kingdom Roe V. Wade The MOVIE: The Real Story is Out- Dr. Alveda King WATCH! Roe V. Wade The Movie: Dr. Alveda King; Abortion Video Game; VFNKB LOVE Box: Sending Love to the Philippines- Andelynns Story Glory Story: Automotive Shop Owner Encounters the Glory of God and Will Never be the Same WATCH! Glory Story: Automotive Shop Owner Encounters the Glory of God and Encounters the Glory Again when Sharing his Testimony Pure Expression of the Church is Family Living as a Global Christian Leonard Ravenhill; In Light of Eternity, Modern Day Prophet WATCH! Leonard Ravenhill; In Light of Eternity, Modern Day Prophet; Living as a Global Christian; Pure Expression of the Church is Family Preparing for the Great Harvest of Souls WATCH! Preparing for the Great Harvest of Souls Is America on the Brink of Judgment? Window of Opportunity to Fully Turn Back to God WATCH! Is America on the Brink of Judgment? Window of Opportunity to Fully Turn Back to God How do you see the world? What Percentages of Americans Have a Biblical Worldview and Why it Matters? WATCH! How do you see the world? What Percentages of Americans Have a Biblical Worldview and Why it Matters? Pastor to Pastor: Encouragement for Today’s Pastors: We Love You and We Stand with You WATCH! Pastor to Pastor: Encouragement for Today’s Pastors: We Love You and We Stand with You Unity in the Community! Red, Yellow, Black and White All Precious in HIS sight: Pensacola’s West Side Story WATCH! Unity in the Community! Red, Yellow, Black and White All Precious in HIS sight: Pensacola’s West Side Story 2019 Prophetic Outlook for America and the Church: The Truth will be Desirable Again! Pastor John Kilpatrick WATCH! Prophetic Outlook for America and the Church: The Truth will be Desirable Again! Pastor John Kilpatrick 2019 Prophetic Word- Great Faith, Suddenlies, Personal Economy, Mega Shift Coming to the Church – Apostle Guillermo Maldonado 2019 Prophetic Words; Revival, Answers to Prayers and Prophecies, God’s Protection: Kenneth Copeland WATCH! 2019 Prophetic Words Kenneth Copeland and Apostle Guillermo Maldonado Missionary to Iraq: What it’s like to Present Jesus and Minister in Refugee Camps WATCH! This is the Greatest Country at the Greatest Time JP Morgan CEO; Missionary to Iraq: What its like to Present Jesus and Minister in Refugee Camps Abortion Up to Minutes Before Birth & Killing the Child After Born: Where are we headed? WATCH! Abortion Up to Minutes Before Birth & Killing the Child After Born: Where are we headed? #WisdomMoments God takes the Case of the Poor #WisdomMoments God Weighs the Heart It’s Okay to Raise a Family with Godly Values and to Believe God for a Nation Filled with Christians WATCH! It’s Okay to Raise a Family with Godly Values and to Believe God for a Nation Filled with Christians + #WisdomMoments God Weighs the Heart + #WisdomMoments God takes the Case of the Poor 1963 Kenneth Hagin, Sr. Prophetic Word Regarding America: Darkness, Atheistic Communism, Race Riots, and the Coming Fire of GOD, Tongues of FIRE The Foundation of Christianity and America Are You TIRED OF STRUGGLING In Life? You’ve Got to Finish the Job! says Steven Furtick, of Elevate Church Anchors Away!” God is Replacing Unreliable News Sources with One’s He has established to Bring True News! Prophetic Words from Bill Yount and Rick Joyner begun to come to Pass? WATCH! Anchors Away!” God is Replacing Unreliable News Sources + Are You TIRED OF STRUGGLING In Life? You’ve Got to Finish the Job! says Steven Furtick, of Elevate Church + The Foundation of Christianity and America How to Be a Civil Christian in Civil Land; Politicians pointing out what is not right WATCH! How to Be a Civil Christian in Civil Land; Politicians pointing out what is not right NBA’s Dwight Howard, of Houston Rockets Shares His Powerful Testimony of His Relationship with Jesus Christ The Gospel, The Commission: Our Privilege