Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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Father’s Day 1995 The Lord Himself did a mighty work when He poured out His presence in Pensacola Florida during the Brownsville Revival that resulted in the nations being reached with mighty testimonies of His Glory and many coming to Salvation through Jesus Christ. Steve Hill was the Evangelist who labored alongside Pastor John Kilpatrick night after night as thousands of souls repented for their sins and wept in the sweet presence of Holy Spirit. Jeri, Steve’s wife was also there night after night responding to the call to grow ever closer to the Lord.

In a recent conversation, Jeri Hill talks about how this awesome, mighty move of God revived all of those who were present and changed lives forever, “we had been set free and that day we got revived”. It’s not about a large gathering being revived, but a single heart. This is the very thing that so many people may have never experienced. As Greg points out, that there are many pastors who don’t have this, “they don’t want to tell people but they’re just dead…they do what you gotta do, they been marrying and burying, they’re digging for message but they’re not digging for God”. There is so much more than religion. This is what people who are in love with Jesus wants the world to know, there is major difference between religion and relationship. If you are that pastor, if you feel completely dry in the things of God, you are not alone. With one touch of God’s glory, you can begin again. There are people that are continuing to testify right now, how God’s glory has touched their life and changed everything!

So many people feel empty and dry in their everyday routine. Greg speaks directly to those hearts, “Don’t quit. Don’t give up. Don’t leave your marriage. Don’t leave your family. There’s nothing out there that’s gonna satisfy you like God is going to satisfy you.” We pray that the Lord would touch your life right now. God has a mighty plan for your life. “Burn all the bridges, all the little things you’ve set up…turn everything over to God and God is going to change your life. It’s not gonna be defined by what you’re presently in. Just don’t worry about all of that. Don’t try to define your future by where you are because it’s going to be so different.” We believe that God would touch you so mightily that revival would stir mightily in your heart and start a fire brand that would continue through your entire community for all to see.

Image courtesy of r.classen/Shutterstock.com

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