Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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I want to take a moment to share with you about the season we have been suspended in for some time now. First, I want to say, please don’t be discouraged with all that you are seeing and hearing, and all that we need to be aware of and pray about, including prophetic warnings. In our human nature, we can easily get discouraged when we keep hearing about what is to come prophetically or hearing threats from our adversary. It is just how we are designed by God.

The prophet Malachi reminds us that there will be those who lose faith in God and His promises because of the time they have to wait for His promises to come to pass in their lives. He also reminds us that there are those who will bury their heads in the sand and say they don’t want to hear anything more about God or His prophetic words. God knows that we will “groan” in anguish when we have evil leadership, as is written in scripture, and He knows we “rejoice” when we have godly leadership. He also knows that “no discipline seems pleasant at the time, but later on, it produces holiness” as the writer of Hebrews tells us.

Our emotions are real and part of our soul. God, who created our soul, knows more about our emotions than we could ever know. Be sure not to turn away from God’s messengers because your human nature doesn’t want to hear it, as they did to Jeremiah when he warned God’s people of what was to come. It didn’t end well for Israel when they ignored him and just focused on their everyday life, thinking that if they didn’t listen anymore, it wouldn’t happen or God’s prophetic words he shared would go away, but it didn’t, God eventually told them all “If you surrender to the officers of the king of Babylon, your life will be spared and this city will not be burned down; you and your family will live.”  Jeremiah 38:17 We still have time before this happens to pray and stand in the gap for America.  It is these prophetic warnings from God that should encourage us that there is time to intercede before God so that “He doesn’t have to destroy the land.”  God will change His mind if we heed to His warnings and pray asking Him to have mercy and spare the land. Abraham did this for a city asking God, “If there are ten righteous people would you spare the land.”  God said He would, but couldn’t find ten.  We know there are many righteous people in America, but we still have to pray and ask God because ‘He looks for someone to ask.’  Ezekiel 22:30

That is why having faith in the midst of our emotional roller coaster experiences means so much. When we look into the face of our adversary who at times may threaten our very existence and stay calm in our heart and say, “Even so, God, I trust You. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear because You are with me. You, Lord, never leave me or forsake me, for I hold to the truth in faith that nothing can separate me from Your love in Christ Jesus.” It’s this calming faith in Jesus’ words and accomplishment that tells us “He has overcome the world,” even though we will have storms in our lives while we are in it.

Abraham, the father of faith, against all hope believed and so became who God promised him he’d be. It is in moments like when Abraham, seemingly unable to have children or with a body as good as dead, that we keep our faith in God. We are fully persuaded that God is able to fulfill everything He has promised, and so we hold on with hope to the promises of God, pleasing Him in doing so (Hebrews 11:6). Remember that God is not a man who would lie or the son of man who would change His mind. He does not speak and not act, nor does He promise and not fulfill. All His promises are “yes” and “amen” in Christ Jesus!

Hold Fast! God will come through and do what He has promised He would do!

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