Media Mountain by Boundaries: Digital Boundaries in Your Life! John Townsend War; Power Outage; Famine; IN AMERICA? OH GOD! Jonathan Isaac: Why He Stood! Why are there mass shootings? Jack and Shelly Hollis, Faithful Stewards of Sharing the Gospel for 27 years WATCH! Prophecy! CORONAVIRUS. Hear this powerful word about what God is saying regarding the Coronavirus! PROPHECY! 2020, THE YEAR OF THE GRAND REVEAL! – Hank Kunneman WATCH! PROPHECY! 2020, THE YEAR OF THE GRAND REVEAL! – Hank Kunneman God is Moving in the 7 Mountains of Culture & Get Ready for Great Wealth to Bring in the Harvest! WATCH! God is Moving in the 7 Mountains of Culture & Get Ready for Great Wealth to Bring in the Harvest! How VFNtv Started WATCH! How VFNtv Started VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning- Coach Bobby Knight WATCH! PROPHECY: We are in a Crucible Season; Better things are in Store for those Who Endure; Cindy Jacobs; VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning “President Trump is an Enigma,” says Dr. Lance Wallnau WATCH! “President Trump is an Enigma,” says Lance Wallnau + PROPHECY! “God Has Turned His Eye Toward Florida…Florida Backbone of the Nation,” Chuck Pierce BEING CONNECTED TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE INSULATES YOU FOR SUCCESS WATCH! BEING CONNECTED TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE INSULATES YOU FOR SUCCESS Phone Addiction! Yes, it’s a thing and the Technology Industry Knows All About it WATCH! Phone Addiction! Yes, it’s a thing and the Technology Industry Knows All About it WATCH! Dinesh D’Souza On the Important Role Believers Must Play Outside the Church, in the World Leveraging Our Platforms for the Kingdom Facebook SECRETLY RATING User’s TRUSTWORTHINESS? Can Facebook be Trusted or is this the beginning of the end of Privacy and the beginning of policing Citizens? WATCH! Facebook SECRETLY RATING User’s TRUSTWORTHINESS? Can Facebook be Trusted or is this the beginning of the end of Privacy and the beginning of policing Citizens? Robots; Artificial Intelligence Is a thing of the Present; Robots Cooking Your Hamburgers? Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join the Movement Today- Civil Christianity.Org Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture WATCH! Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture; Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join The Movement Today- Civil You Are Known in Great Detail by Just a Few Facebook Likes; More than your most Intimate Relationships WATCH! You Are Known in Great Detail by Just a Few Facebook Likes; More than your most Intimate Relationships President Trump Announces the United States will Lead the World in 5G Dominance WATCH! President Trump Announces the United States will Lead the World in 5G Dominance Top Twenty Stressors Reported by Millennials and Instagram Influencers Breakdown After Being Removed WATCH! Top Twenty Stressors Reported by Millennials and Instagram Influencers Breakdown After Being Removed #VFNKB NBA Player Steph Curry, Oklahoma Senator James Langford, and Hobby Lobby David Green All Share how they Let their LIGHT Shine in their Mountain of Culture WATCH! #VFNKB NBA Player Steph Curry, Oklahoma Senator James Langford, and Hobby Lobby David Green All Share how they Let their LIGHT Shine in their Mountain of Culture Whoever Gets 5G First Rules the Word: The Race to 5G-The Next Industrial Revolution WATCH! Whoever Gets 5G First Rules the Word: The Race to 5G-The Next Industrial Revolution Phone Addiction! Yes, it’s a thing and the Technology Industry Knows All About it WATCH! Phone Addiction! Yes, it’s a thing and the Technology Industry Knows All About it New Report! Evangelism in the Digital Age Across the Generation- Millennials, Gen X, and Boomers WATCH! New Report! Evangelism in the Digital Age Across the Generation- Millennial’s, Gen X, and Boomers Dinesh D’Souza On the Important Role Believers Must Play Outside the Church, in the World Leveraging Our Platforms for the Kingdom WATCH! Dinesh D’Souza On the Important Role Believers Must Play Outside the Church, in the World Leveraging Our Platforms for the Kingdom Anchors Away!” God is Replacing Unreliable News Sources with One’s He has established to Bring True News! Prophetic Words from Bill Yount and Rick Joyner begun to come to Pass? WATCH! Anchors Away!” God is Replacing Unreliable News Sources + Are You TIRED OF STRUGGLING In Life? You’ve Got to Finish the Job! says Steven Furtick, of Elevate Church + The Foundation of Christianity and America Pastor John Kilpatrick shares how the Land responds to our Sin and our Repentance WATCH! Pastor John Kilpatrick shares how the Land responds to our Sin and our Repentance + Trusted Wounds Sports Stadiums Filled with the Nations for the Coming Revival WATCH! Sports Stadiums Filled with the Nations for the Coming Revival ‘ROBOTS WILL KILL US! If we don’t teach them our emotions’, Brett King, Augmented WATCH! Teaching AI Emotions? Elon Musk says to be Afraid of AI? WATCH! Values Voter Summit: Gary Bauer-The Fight Over America The CREEPY LINE! Online Privacy Everything Google and Facebook Have on You! WATCH! The CREEPY LINE! Online Privacy Everything Google and Facebook Have on You! Lance Wallnau – SEE HOW to take the Mountains of Culture-Values Voters Summit 2018 WATCH! Lance Wallnau – SEE HOW to take the Mountains of Culture-Values Voters Summit 2018 Phone Addiction! Yes, it’s a thing and the Technology Industry Knows All About it WATCH! Phone Addiction! Yes, it’s a thing and the Technology Industry Knows All About it Facebook SECRETLY RATING User’s TRUSTWORTHINESS? Can Facebook be Trusted or is this the beginning of the end of Privacy and the beginning of policing Citizens? WATCH! Facebook SECRETLY RATING User’s TRUSTWORTHINESS? Can Facebook be Trusted or is this the beginning of the end of Privacy and the beginning of policing Citizens? WATCH! Dinesh D’Souza On the Important Role Believers Must Play Outside the Church, in the World Leveraging Our Platforms for the Kingdom VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning- Coach Bobby Knight WATCH! PROPHECY: We are in a Crucible Season; Better things are in Store for those Who Endure; Cindy Jacobs; VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You and How You Can Have Victory Over Digital Distractions Prophesy: I will Begin to Redeem the Media Airwaves Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join the Movement Today- Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture WATCH! Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture; Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join The Movement Today- Civil WATCH! When Law And Morality Collide Part 3: Be Of No Reputation, Commit To Taking Action, And You Can’t Do It Alone THE VIEW, Joy Behar Mocks Christianity, Vice Pres. Mike Pence; Omarosa does the same WATCH! Former WH Staffer & ‘The View’ Speaking against VP Pence?; Prophetic Word for ‘The View’ BILLY GRAHAM, Life & Legacy; Tribute Overview of Jesus’ and Christianity’s Impact Through Out History WATCH! The Impact that Christianity Has on the World; and VFN Kingdom Business #SuccessSecrets – Avoid Frustration and Wasting Time! What Matters Most to You? #SuccessSecrets – T.D. Jakes, God Wants You to Succeed where You Work, Play, and Live; In LIFE PROPHECY! Blessing and Prosperity! -The Year of the Double Door! – Cindy Jacobs PROPHECY! YEAR OF God’s SUDDENLIES for You in 2018; Cindy Jacobs PROPHECY! 2018 Your Struggle Comes to an END Freeing you to Flourish! Hurricane Hit Cities Cleansed for REVIVAL- Rich Vera WATCH! The Coming Harvest of Souls through Cyber Evangelism; and Hackers Advancing the Kingdom of God! Preparing to have Impact in the 7 Mountains of Society Are You In A Valley Of Dry Bones? What You Speak Out Through Your Mouth Is What You Believe In Your Heart We must Never Forget that “Man’s Business” is Not the Father’s Business Preparing to have Impact in the 7 Mountains of Society Shocking Study! How Competing Worldviews are Influencing Today’s Christians WATCH! What is the World View of Christians in America? WATCH! All about Gratitude: White House Press Conference and Sarah Huckabee Sanders WATCH! Center for Medical Progress’s David Daleiden Interviewing Holly O’Donnell about Selling Baby’s Body Parts “With Artificial Intelligence we are Summoning a Demon”, says Elon Musk. Scientists Call for Ban from Killer Robots? Greg Lancaster shares Anchors Away Prophecy with Christian Television Managers from across the United States and around the World! John Paul Jackson shares Prophetic Headlines of Events to Come Greg Lancaster shares Anchors Away Prophecy with Christian Television Managers from across the United States and around the World! Civil Christianity Walking Together in LOVE: Join the Movement Today- Civil WATCH! “Fixer Upper” Couple, Chip & Joanna Gaines, their story and their business PROPHECY! Children Saved from Darkness: Sent Back as Missionaries of Light; Influencing Culture for Kingdom of God Dreams: Language of God – “Don’t say ‘it’s just a dream”, Lou Engle 5% of the World’s Population and 25% of the Worlds Incarceration Population: AMERICA! ; 100 Top Christian Leaders sign Justice Declaration seeking to bring a restorative process the Criminal Justice System 50 Tents for 50 States Worshiping God in Washington D.C.! Awake the Dawn! PROPHECY! God is Blowing the Hinges off the Newsroom! Three CNN Reporters Laid Off for Fake News? Prophetic Word from Bill Yount being Fulfilled! WATCH! 50 Tents Worshiping God in Washington DC; Prophetic Word from Bill Yount; and Reportedly False News from CNN PROPHECY! “The Economy of this Country shall Change Rapidly” Prophetic Word from Kim Clement Fulfilled as President Trump Holds First Cabinet Meeting WATCH! A Look at the International Tour by President Trump; NATO Speech; and Prophetic Word of News Anchors falling? We are Cyborgs already-part machine part human, Elon Musk at World Government Summit in Dubai PROPHECY! Hand of God Appears in the Sky as Pastors Gather in Repentance? “The Anointing is on You for Your Assignment!” says Lance Wallnau Advancing the Kingdom of God by Conquering the 7 Mountains of Culture! WATCH! The 7 Mountain Mandate and VFN Kingdom Business Clear Presentation of the Gospel on Fox and Friends by Faith Anchor Lauren Green Turning a City back to God, The Canopy of Prayer in Mobile, AL; & the Mayor Signing a Declaration of Prayer Encouraging Testimonies of the Faithfulness of God! Two Boys Taken to Heaven and tell of the Amazing Encounters WATCH! All about Heaven! A boy taught how to speak, another showed the face of God WATCH! Turning a City Back to God: Mobile, Alabama BBC Reporter Has Unexpected Family Interruption During Live Interview: Humor Only 4% of Millennials Have a Biblical World View? Malcom Muggeridge’s Words from 1970 Ring True today, Geert Wilders; Marked for Death, Author and Possible next Prime Minister of Netherlands Interview: NEXIT- Take Netherlands Out of the European Union Ruby Bridges, an Icon of America’s History, Reveals the Catalyst for Overcoming Racism Rick Joyner and Lance Wallnau Join to Share a powerful Word: Game Time, Church Activation is Essential; Seize the Moment President Trump’s Weekly Address: Time for the Church to be Activated Rick Joyner and Lance Wallnau Join to Share a powerful Word: Game Time, Church Activation is Essential; Seize the Moment President Trump’s Weekly Address: Time for the Church to be Activated WATCH! Senator Ted Cruz talking about Illegal Immigration Down 50%, Franklin Graham Urging for Prayer; and President Trump’s Weekly Address Pastor Saeed Abedini Shares Riveting Testimony at Liberty University The Approaching Cinematic Release of “The Shack”; and a Review by Rick Joyner WATCH! PM of Australia stands up for Israel; The BDS Movement; and Rick Joyner’s Review of ‘The Shack’ Are You an Overcomer? Mandisa’s Hit Song “Overcomer” Founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg Meets with Clergy “To Listen And Learn”; and Also Builds New Data Center in Fort Worth. Texas. Is this a Good Thing; Or Is This a Weird Thing? A Look at How the Biased Media Reports the March for Life; and the Reality of What ACTUALLY HAPPENED! Liberty University Students Celebrate Life at the March For Life in Washington D.C. WATCH! The March for Life; The Biased Media; and V.P. Mike Pence Speaking WATCH! President Trump and P.M. Netanyahu Together; and Prophetic Words from John Natale PROPHECY! You Tube Millionaires, Cindy Jacobs WATCH! Prophetic Words from Rich Vera, Perry Stone, and Cindy Jacobs Part 2 NFL Sanctions “Super Bowl Gospel Celebration” Dr. OZ Teams Up with Ministers on the Dr. OZ Show to Address Faith and Miracles in Our Lives WATCH! Dr. Oz and Ministers Discuss Faith and Healing; NFL Sanctions Gospel Gathering, and President Trump at National Prayer Breakfast PROPHECY! Social Media & Internet, Media Mountain, Breed of Media Servants WATCH! 17 Prophetic Words for 2017 By Patricia King part 2 PROPHECY! Wealth Transfer for the People of God, Pastor John Kilpatrick PROPHECY! God is Raising Funds for God’s Television Networks Prophetic Dream, John Ramos PROPHECY! Raining Gold Flakes in the Court Room of God, Provision for God’s People Prophetic Dream Greg Lancaster ‘Virtual Reality Inside our Brains Will Be Here by 2020” Ray Kurzweil gives Predictions for 2020 and 2099 “One in a Billion Chance” We are Really Here or are We part of Virtual Reality? Adults are actually having this conversation WATCH! The Truth of Predatory Lenders; Is Reality Reality or is Life actually a Simulation?; and Ray Kurzweil shares predictions for 2020 and 2099 Prophecy: A New John 17 Movement, The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders Pastor Reaching Millennials with NetCast “Mainstream Media is Collapsing” It’s Time to Abide! WATCH! Trump is the Next President; Russian Ambassador Murdered; UN Amidst Biased Towards Israel WATCH! Berlin Massacre; and the Most Unlikely Candidate. Is That You? Has Much of the Church Become Institutionalized? The Price of Freedom! Jesus Came So That We Could Be Set Free! “The Anointing is on You for Your Assignment!” says Lance Wallnau Advancing the Kingdom of God by Conquering the 7 Mountains of Culture! WATCH! The 7 Mountain Mandate and VFN Kingdom Business Van Jones & T.D. Jakes “Can You Help Us? Can you Help America?” WATCH! President Elect Donald Trump and Bob Johnson; Van Jones and T.D. Jakes; and Fake News Is George Soros Organizing Anti-Trump Protests? Are Alinsky Tactics Continuing? John Paul Jackson shares Prophetic Headlines of Events to Come WATCH! George Soros Organizing; and Hillary Clinton’s Letter to Saul Alinksy WATCH! Warren Buffet’s Feedback on America; and John Paul Jackson Reveals Prophetic Headlines John Paul Jackson shares Prophetic Headlines of Events to Come NEWS “ANCHORS AWAY!” God is Replacing Unreliable News Sources with One’s He has established to Bring True News! Prophetic Words from Bill Yount and Rick Joyner begun to come to Pass? WATCH! Doomsday Plan to Abortion in America? And Vice President Elect Pence is a friend to Pro-Life What is the Devil’s End Game? What is Wrong with America? What Can We Do? How do We Respond? A Discussion with Ravi Zacharias and the Church. Part 1 What is Wrong with America? What Can We Do? How do We Respond? A Discussion with Ravi Zacharias and the Church. Part 2 What is Wrong with America? What Can We Do? How do We Respond? A Discussion with Ravi Zacharias and the Church. Part 2 What is Wrong with America? What Can We Do? How do We Respond? A Discussion with Ravi Zacharias and the Church. Part 1 IOT? Code Word For What Will Take Over Our Daily Lives? The Internet of Things, IOT: What is it? What does it mean to your present and future? Does this lead to the Mark of the Beast? WATCH! IOT? Code Word For What Will Take Over Our Daily Lives? The Internet of Things, IOT: What is it? What does it mean to your present and future? Does this lead to the Mark of the Beast? Americans’ Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low NSA Hacked by Shadow Power Brokers? Everything is Hacked by Everyone says Julian Assage Pensacola Uniting in PRAYER: Be There September 11, 2016 Pensacola Bay Center WATCH! Why is President Obama on the side of a Building in Iran in 2014?; and Prophetic Words from John Paul Jackson “I’m not scared to die…I’m Scared for those that are distracted by the world”, Clayton’s Story A New Reformation of Church; Councils of Leaders Will Begin to Form; A Kingdom Economy Will Begin; New Generation of Prophets & Teachers Will Emerge; Huge Numbers of Christians Arise in Europe & America; Great Awakening! 5 SPIRITUAL TRENDS BEGINNING 2016 THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD, says Rick Joyner, in a Prophetic Word; Morningstar Ministries WATCH! Five Spiritual Trends for 2016 by Rick Joyner The Coming Revival: Filling Stadiums Totally Captured with latest Media Technology – Spreading Revival Globally WATCH! The Hard Word for the Coming Move of God; and are Stadiums going to be Used for the Coming Move of God? ‘Virtual Reality Inside our Brains Will Be Here by 2020”. Ray Kurzweil gives Predictions for 2020 and 2099 WATCH! The Truth of Predatory Lenders; Is Reality Reality or is Life actually a Simulation?; and Ray Kurzweil shares predictions for 2020 and 2099 Facebook Bringing in the Human Factor? Is Facebook replacing Real Relationship with Pixels on a Screen? WATCH! Facebook and the Human Factor; Wisdom from Yahoo CEO Mellisa Mayer; and Testimonies from the Healing Movement You are Called to Be a GAME CHANGER in Society! Right Where You Live, Work, and Play: Kingdom Impact WATCH! Samaritan’s Purse Sends Field Hospital to Ecuador; Jesus Culture shares Game Changers; and VFN Kingdom Business Revival Coming to Cuba, Prophetic Word by Rick Joyner; Could President Obama’s Historic Visit Play a Key Role? WATCH! United in Prayer in NW Florida; President Obama Visits Cuba; and a Prophecy for Cuba NEW APP, “PEEPLE” EVALUATES YOU, LIKE YOU EVALUATED BUSINESSES in three areas: Professionally, Personally, or Romantically. How will your friends and neighbors evaluate you? Will it cost you your job, relationship, or friends? People all over the world in uproar of the very nature of this new app. “Do not Judge, or you too will be judged.” Jesus Is this what He Was Talking About? Do we all fear judgment? Will there be a final judgement for all of us? WATCH! A Biblical Perspective on New App Called “Peeple”; Evaluates You the way You Evaluate Businesses RISEN: The MOVIE Makes Big Debut WATCH! Tornado Hits Gulf Coast; Does ISIS Have Chemical Weapons?; and New Move ‘RISEN’ THEY SAID NO! TO THE FBI’s Court Order. Apple CEO Tim Cook, refuses to Unlock San Bernadino Terrorist iPhone. Is this the Fourth Amendment Properly Applied or Obstruction of Justice? WATCH! Apple CEO Tim Cook says NO to the Government search of a Terrorist’s Cell Phone; Senator Ted Cruz talks about the 4th Amendment; and Israel discusses Middle East IOT? Code Word For What Will Take Over Our Daily Lives? The Internet of Things, IOT: What is it? What does it mean to your present and future? Does this lead to the Mark of the Beast? Man Falls “In Love” with Computer OS, Deceitfully Drains of All He Is, it Dumps Him, and Others only in its quest for more of the knowledge of God; How He Created Human beings to “be.” Are Computer Taking Over? Are you turning to Computers for Relationship? Don’t miss the powerful and shocking program! WATCH! IOT? Code Word For What Will Take Over Our Daily Lives? The Internet of Things, IOT: What is it? What does it mean to your present and future? Does this lead to the Mark of the Beast? WATCH! Cognitive Computing? How Computers are Thinking Faster and Smarter than Humans Ever Have; Man Falls in Love with His Computer’s OS DORITOS ATTACKED AT SUPER BOWL, saying they HUMANIZED A BABY!, by NARAL, National [PRO] Abortion Rights Action League, allowing the audience to see the baby in their mother’s womb. Data, Medicine, Cures, Reverse Aging, Future Health Merging in a Data Revolution in a Technologically Advanced World. “This Calls For Wisdom” Revelation 13:18 A New Reformation of Church; Councils of Leaders Will Begin to Form; A Kingdom Economy Will Begin; New Generation of Prophets & Teachers Will Emerge; Huge Numbers of Christians Arise in Europe & America; Great Awakening! 5 SPIRITUAL TRENDS BEGINNING 2016 THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD, says Rick Joyner, in a Prophetic Word; Morningstar Ministries WATCH! Five Spiritual Trends for 2016 by Rick Joyner The U.S. Government is Set to Turn Over Governance of the Internet? Is this a Complete End to our Privacy is this the beginning to the Mark of the Beast? The Story behind the Story of “God’s Not Dead 2” the Movie A New Reformation of Church; Councils of Leaders Will Begin to Form; A Kingdom Economy Will Begin; New Generation of Prophets & Teachers Will Emerge; Huge Numbers of Christians Arise in Europe & America; Great Awakening! 5 SPIRITUAL TRENDS BEGINNING 2016 THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD, says Rick Joyner, in a Prophetic Word; Morningstar Ministries End Times, End of the Age, Facebook, Social Media and Citizen Score ? Is this Where We are Headed? WATCH! Technology is Advancing, but Where are we Heading: Super Humans? Mind Sharing? Mind Cloning? 2 Investigative Journalists Uncover the Revealing Realities of the Kurdish People and the War Against ISIS Have We Gone to Far with Alexa? Amazon’s latest Technology that Records Human Interaction at Home Responding to Request Whether your 7 or 107, God Wants to Do Something Mighty and Powerful Through You; The VFNInterns Complete their Final Project VFNtv Internship Testimonies: Maybe Internship is for you? Giving the WORLD a Global Bio Metric Digital ID? Precursor to the Mark of the Beast? WATCH! High School Coach suspended for Praying AFTER game; NFL Player Ben Watson shares wisdom on Racial Tensions Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture War Room Moving #1 at the Box Office! Gospel Movement in New York City and by God’s Grace on the Gulf Coast and to the World The Coming Revival: Filling Stadiums totally Captured with latest Media Technology – Spreading Revival Globally Based on True Story: Noble – the Movie how One Woman Ministered to 700,000 Children in Vietnam Eye Opening Movie: “Not Today” One Young Man’s Encounter in India and a Child Sold into Slavery Changes Everything Calling All Media Interns! WATCH! Reclaiming the 7 Mountains of Culture Arts, Entertainment and Media; Impacting our Culture for the Cause of Christ Watch! NFL Football Payer Benjamin Watson’s Facebook Post Goes Viral about Persecuted Christians Watch! NFL Football Payer Benjamin Watson’s Facebook Post Goes Viral about Persecuted Christians Welcome to VFNtv’s New Studio and Dedication God’s plan for VFNtv Confirmed by Rick Joyner and Apostle Isaiah Kadiri Let’s Not Walk Off the Mountain Leaving Our Place of Influence for God: Let‘s let Our Light Shine Called to Transform the Culture What does building for a 1,000 years look like? Beast Economy vs. God’s Economy How Will Christians use Media for God in the Future WATCH! VFNtv August 22, 2014 Praying for Those In Authority; Desire of God, Requirement for Peace & Hope for Salvation SETTING UP END TIMES TRACKING WITHOUT US KNOWING IT?