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Home » WATCH! The Coming Harvest of Souls through Cyber Evangelism; and Hackers Advancing the Kingdom of God!

PROPHECY! ‘Greatest Harvest of Souls through CYBER EVANGELISM, GOLD PROVISION’, Patricia King
These are truly exciting days as the
greatest harvest of souls upon the face of the Earth is about to begin. For a
long time, we have been speaking prophetically about what the Lord is about to
do in this generation.
Patricia King
has also been speaking prophetically along similar lines and recently released
a prophetic word revealing how the Lord is going to bring many to Him. God
doesn’t mind us being blessed, but He wants us to allow those blessings to pass
through us to bless others. This coming harvest is going to require a large
amount of resources, and we must be willing to utilize those resources for His
glory. As Patricia King explains, this coming Harvest will be carried out
through “Cyber Evangelism”.
“God is about to release a powerful
and massive harvest of souls along with the discipleship and mentoring of new
Believers through the use of the “inter-net” beginning in 2018.
Cyber-evangelism and discipleship will be implemented in the Church as a tool
for bringing in this great harvest.”
As King
refers to Scripture, she looks at
Revelation 14:6-7, 14-16. It is in this portion of Scripture she
shares, “Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal
gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth.”
King refers to this
“midair” as the “cyber heavens”. Continuing to look at this scripture reveals
another angel using a sickle to reap, for the time of the harvest has come.
King continues, “Miracles, signs, and wonders will be released in great measure to
bring in the harvest. Gold also stands for provision/wealth. This harvest will
be provided for with blessing from God’s glory realm.”
God has
called us to disciple the nations, as is commanded of all the Church in the
Great Commission. When we consider that a mighty
harvest is upon us, and “Cyber Evangelism” will be carried out, King begins to
share what this can look like if 500 to 1000 new believers were to come to you.
Considering this harvest will be too large for any building to maintain, many
are going to search and find resources via the internet. “Through the internet we can be
assured that they can have access to all they need for foundational teaching,
and through social media we can reach them relationally with pastoral mentoring
and input.”
coming harvest is too large for only a few ministries to handle. It is going to
require the labor and faithfulness of the entire Body of Christ. “Every
individual can reach out through the cyber advantages we have today with social
media. It is easy to share testimonies and invitations to come to Christ.
Entire church congregations can get involved.”
What is
additionally encouraging is what King describes of what she was shown. “I
saw a number of individuals who are currently technically groomed, being
anointed by God in this season. New ideas and technical possibilities for
harvesting will come forth. I also saw social media marketers being anointed
and called into the harvest fields of cyber-evangelism and discipleship for
such a time as this.”
There has never been a generation, other than
this present generation, that is more tech savvy and immersed in the developing
technology to reach and communicate with other people. With the click of our
mouse, the like of a message, or the share of a post, we can reach others
across the entire globe.
As King
continues to detail, this year is the BEGINNING of this harvest. “The
Lord revealed that the harvest is NOW, and we are not to delay in laying the
sickle into the fields but 2020 will be the significant year for the greatest
harvest of souls that has ever been reaped. It is time to receive your strategy
from the Lord and act on it.”
We must
look to the heavenlies with expectation, and we must look to Scripture for
wisdom and ask Holy Spirit how we are to respond the way that He wants us to.
These are days of excitement and hope that we have been created to participate
in. See the full conversation about Patricia King’s words, as well as wisdom
from Rick Joyner of how to prepare for this coming Harvest, and so much more.
Also shared in this segment: Holy Spirit, prophetic word, prophecy, the Glory
of God, Rick Joyner, XP Ministries, Pastor John Kilpatrick, social media, the
internet, posting, sharing, liking, Ephesians 4 Mandate, evangelism, pastors,
teachers, prophets, apostles, the Body of Christ, prophetic dreams, prophetic
visions, and encouragement. Greg and John shared in this segment.
HACKATHON FOR GOD! Leaders of I.T. Advancing the Kingdom of God
In our generation, there is no
question that most people are familiar with the continual advancements and
developments of the internet. It seems as if new things are being developed daily.
What if this is God’s plan and He is using the internet to advance His Kingdom?
This is the very essence of the
Code for the Kingdom Hackathon.
When Christian
, business
owners, graphics designers, entrepreneurs, and programmers come together,
something awesome happens for the Kingdom. As one man shares, “we
are all here today to talk about Information Technology Solutions for the
Kingdom. Let’s pray about our purpose together for being here this weekend.”
a game art designer, Alexander shares his excitement about the event with these
words; “I just love the idea of bringing technology in a way to glorify God.
Applied technology is just exciting!”
As a developer, Chris says,
“It’s about activating people to unleash their gifts for the Gospel.”
This is
the essence of what VFN Kingdom Business is all about:
VFNKB.com. When we come together to share ideas
about where God has called us to serve, whether it is in education, business,
arts & entertainment, family, government, the Church, or in media, one
“nugget” of wisdom from God can transform our lives, a business, or an entire
industry. See the full report about what is taking place in the Kingdom of God
in this exciting hour, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: 7
Mountains of Culture, Information Technology, VFN Kingdom Business, apps,
social media, business owners, graphics designers, entrepreneurs, developers,
websites, writing code, and the harvest. Greg and John shared in this segment. 





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