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Home » PROPHECY! Raining Gold Flakes in the Court Room of God, Provision for God’s People Prophetic Dream Greg Lancaster

LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! Our God is so good, He is doing so many things, that it may take all the way to December of this year just to begin to describe all the good that He is bringing to pass! God is doing this for a reason, to demonstrate that He is good! God spoke specifically to Greg Lancaster on December 28th about what would be taking place.

So often, in a culture of injustice, we can assume that things are already going to end up in accordance with what has been taking place all around us; thinking that there couldn’t possibly be a turn of events to end up contrary to the expectations. In this prophetic night vision, Greg was in a court room and everyone present thought it was going to go the bad guy’s way. Everyone thought this way except for the prosecutor. As soon as the gavel fell, bringing about justice, gold flakes began to fall and fill the entire court room. Immediately the prosecutor turned around, looked directly at Greg and said, “SEE I TOLD YOU!” The gold flakes were so thick in the room that Greg couldn’t even see the other side of the court room! The truth is, when the thief is identified, he must pay back seven times what he had stolen!

For so long the devil has held back finances from flowing into the Kingdom far the Church to advance the Church. The devil knows what the Church would do with financial blessings: sow into ministries, so into missionaries, etc. What is going to happen when you get blessed? We must have confidence in God’s hand being able to redeem us.

Presently, we are seeing fires of crisis rising throughout the land. Do not be alarmed. When there is a domestic disturbance call causing law enforcement to arrive, there is sure to be an increase in the commotion. But, be assured that the bad guy, or woman, is sure to go to jail. Regardless of what may rise up in these near days, God is still in control and is bringing about justice.

Be encouraged to not only change your mindsets, but also change your expectations! See the full conversation of what took place in the courtroom, what the gold flakes represent, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: miracles, provision, blessing, justice, court room. Greg and John shared in this segment. 


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