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Home » Van Jones & T.D. Jakes “Can You Help Us? Can you Help America?”

LISTEN NOW! Bishop T.D. Jakes has been continually known as a faithful leader in the Body of Christ and continually encouraged those around him as well as those in our nation. Recently, God has additionally blessed him with his own program “The T.D. Jakes Show”. Not only has he been outspoken but he has also continually touched on many issues that our nation is facing. When Van Jones, a commentator with CNN, spoke with Jakes, they tackled the topic of many of the crises that we are witnessing.
Jakes brings immediate clarity to the reality by sharing, “Most of those uprisings are often asking for the same thing. I cannot see why we cannot get together.”He continues to highlight how many people do not feel that what the “parties” are discussing includes what people are truly deeming important. “What the election showed me is that neither party actually knew their constituency like they thought they did.” As valid of a point it was that Jakes made, Jones brings to light where the common disconnect is when we consider a “party”. “When you say “party”, in your mind, you think voters. But the people who run the party, they think donors. See these are donor owned parties, not voter owned parties. And so now, the voters are rebelling…”
As all the media coverage of the Presidential election comes to a close, the eyes of America can clearly see that the media has no idea how things are going to end up, regardless of how much they apply their own interpretations or desires on the events. Media is scrambling for answers. They are looking for the truth. Now, they are coming to the church, to find the help they are so desperately looking for. Jones points out to Jakes that he has the ability to connect with people, to “bridge” with them, that others don’t. “Very few people can bridge like you can bridge. Its common pain but we don’t have common purpose.” In an air of humor with subtle truth, Jones adds, “Part of the reason I wanted to be on the show was, can you help us? Can you help us? CAN YOU HELP AMERICA?!!” Right now, were seeing the world trying to have a conversation that only the Church can have.

Van Jones has gone through his own journey through life as people have accused him of his ties with Communism and questioning his true motives while he was a special adviser in the Obama Administration. But, as the Church, it is important that we love every person with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, regardless of who they are. It is not for us to point fingers, but to be the carriers of the light that God calls us to be. As media is recognizing that they do not have the answer, it is the Church that must recognize that WE have the answer! See the full conversation about this important truth, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: political parties, division, media, conversation, communism, Valerie Jarrett, pointing fingers, and bridge building. Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 

screen capture from youtube.com/TD Jakes Show

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