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Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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Home » Cory Mills: From Humble Beginnings to Serving in the U.S. Military and Representing Florida in Congress

Cory Mills, a U.S. Congressman, businessman, and veteran, is a true embodiment of the American dream. In a recent interview with Glenn Beck, Mills shared stories from his life, discussing his personal success, military service, and the challenges he faced growing up. This article explores five key aspects of his journey: his life in Florida, childhood struggles, breaking the cycle of family troubles, joining the military, and his Christian upbringing.

Living in Florida and Personal Success

Cory Mills currently enjoys the fruits of his hard work, living in a beautiful beach house in Florida, with a ranch as an additional getaway. Glenn Beck jokingly expressed his envy when discussing Mills’ scenic beachfront property, where Mills described how high tides bring the ocean to his doorstep. Despite his success, Mills is quick to attribute his good fortune not to wealth or status, but to the way he has lived his life and the blessings he has received.

“I’ve been very, very blessed, especially for a kid who lived on $6,800 for an entire year with my family,” Mills shared. Growing up in a family that often struggled to make ends meet, Mills’ current success stands in stark contrast to his early years. His journey from financial hardship to running a company that grew to $162 million in revenue is a testament to his resilience and determination. However, he remains grounded, recognizing that his blessings are meant to be shared and used to help others, a philosophy he applies in his work as both a businessman and a Congressman.

Cory’s Childhood and Adoption by Grandparents

Mills’ early years were anything but easy. His parents struggled with substance abuse and were frequently in and out of prison. By the time Mills was nine years old, his grandparents stepped in to adopt him. Reflecting on this difficult period, Mills explained how his father served 32 years in prison and his mother, 7 ½ years. It was a tumultuous upbringing, one that could have easily set Mills on a destructive path, but the intervention of his grandparents provided a lifeline.

His grandparents, despite their own hardships, did their best to provide a stable home. Mills vividly remembers the financial struggles they faced, especially after his grandfather became disabled following multiple heart attacks and a quadruple bypass. “At one point, three out of five meals was rice, tomato gravy, and cornbread,” Mills recalled. Yet, despite the hardships, his grandparents instilled in him strong values, laying the foundation for the success he would later achieve.

Breaking the Cycle of Family Troubles

Mills was keenly aware of the destructive patterns that plagued his family. Substance abuse and imprisonment had become generational cycles, affecting not just his parents, but also other relatives. However, rather than using these circumstances as an excuse, Mills chose to break free from the cycle.

“I kept seeing what was going on with my cousins, aunts, and uncles, and I didn’t want to follow that path,” Mills said. In a small town where family names matter, he realized that people viewed him as “Chris’s son,” a label he was determined to rise above. “I wanted to break that perpetual cycle and use all the things my parents did as examples of what not to do.” Instead of falling into self-victimization, Mills used his family’s mistakes as motivation to succeed, setting himself apart through hard work and a commitment to change the course of his life.

Joining the Military

One of the pivotal moments in Mills’ life came when he joined the military during his junior year of high school. His decision was driven by two main factors: a strong desire to serve his country and a practical need to relieve the financial burden on his grandparents, who were struggling to support him. For Mills, the military provided not only a path to college, but also a sense of purpose and belonging.

“I always felt like you’re either born with that servant leadership part or you’re not. It just can’t be trained,” Mills explained. His love for public service and the camaraderie of being part of a team gave him the motivation he needed to excel in the military. After high school, Mills went straight to boot camp and spent his career in the 82nd Airborne Division, serving in places like Kosovo and Iraq. His role as a combat medic eventually led to more specialized positions, such as being part of a counter-sniper team. Mills’ military experience not only shaped him into a leader, but also paved the way for his future success in both the public and private sectors.

Christian Upbringing

Mills’ Christian faith played a significant role in his upbringing and continues to guide his life today. Despite the financial struggles his family faced, they remained faithful to God. His family regularly attended church, and Sunday services were a staple in their lives. Even during tough times, Mills remembers how his grandmother would save up enough money every few weeks to take them out to a buffet after church—a small luxury that he treasured.

“We were that family that, even though we didn’t have much, we ate at the dining room table every night,” Mills said. His grandmother also ran a small cosmetology business out of their home, providing haircuts for women in the community to make ends meet. These experiences reinforced in Mills the values of hard work, community, and faith, principles that he has carried with him throughout his life.

Cory’s Military Service and Deployment

One of the defining aspects of Cory Mills’ life is his distinguished military career, which he embarked on right after high school. Enlisting in the 82nd Airborne Division, Mills was driven by a deep sense of duty to his country and a desire to relieve the financial burden on his grandparents. His service took him to some of the most volatile regions in the world, including Kosovo and Iraq, where he served as a combat medic and later as part of a counter-sniper team.

Mills recounted how his role in the military evolved from providing critical medical support to operating in more specialized teams, ensuring the safety of his fellow soldiers. “I loved public service and being part of something bigger than myself,” Mills shared. “In the 82nd Airborne, we were a family, and the sense of camaraderie was something I had been missing.” His military service included working closely with Joint Special Operations teams and deploying in high-risk environments, where he was twice injured by roadside bombs in Baghdad.

His fluency in Arabic proved invaluable, as he often took on missions without interpreters, communicating directly with local populations to navigate complex situations. This ability to adapt and lead under pressure further solidified Mills’ reputation as a formidable force both on and off the battlefield.

Mills’ military experience not only shaped him into a leader but also prepared him for his future work in defense and intelligence contracting. After leaving active duty, Mills worked with intelligence agencies and later founded a company that grew to $162 million in revenue, providing advanced equipment and services to first responders and the military. His time in the military was a crucible that tested and forged his resolve, giving him the tools to lead in both his public and private life.

Business Success after Military Career

Following his distinguished military service, Cory Mills successfully transitioned into the private sector, applying the leadership skills and discipline he developed in the military to his business ventures. After working with intelligence agencies as a contractor, Mills founded a company that served military and first responders, quickly building it into a powerhouse. Within just three years, his company grew to $162 million in revenue—all without any outside investment. Mills’ success in business was driven by his understanding of the needs of those he served, as well as his ability to execute under pressure, honed by years in high-stakes military environments. He credits his faith and commitment to public service for keeping him grounded, stating that his business achievements are a reflection of his broader mission to help others and give back to those who have served the country.



Cory Mills’ journey is a testament to perseverance, faith, and service. From a challenging childhood to an impressive military career and success in the private sector, Mills has continually broken barriers to create a better life for himself and others. His commitment to public service, driven by the discipline and values instilled by his grandparents, as well as his deep faith, has made him a force for good in both the business world and Congress. As a businessman and Congressman, Mills is dedicated to using his experiences and blessings to give back to those who have served and to make a lasting impact on his country and community.


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