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Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

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Home » Israel Rescue Operations: Solo Mission of Courage – How Cory Mills Rescued Americans from Hezbollah’s Grasp

A Story of Courage and Action

In the aftermath of the October 7th attacks by Hamas on Israel, Cory Mills undertook a daring solo rescue operation to save Americans trapped in northern Israel, an area under significant threat from Hezbollah. Mills describes this mission as one of the most critical efforts to protect lives during one of the most tumultuous periods in Israel’s recent history.

A Response to Crisis

The initial attack by Hamas left Israel in a state of shock and crisis. Rockets were fired into civilian areas, and innocent lives were caught in the crossfire. As the situation escalated, Cory Mills saw the urgent need to rescue Americans who were in immediate danger, particularly in northern Israel, where the threat from Hezbollah loomed large.

Hezbollah, backed by Iran, had long posed a significant threat to Israel’s northern border. With tensions escalating rapidly, the situation became dire for Americans in the region who were unable to evacuate on their own.

Going In Alone

Mills found himself in a unique and challenging situation. His team was one and a half hours away, and it would take an entire day to plan a formal extraction, leaving the Americans in danger for far too long. Knowing that time was of the essence, Mills made the brave decision to go in alone. He hired local taxis to navigate the dangerous area, fully aware that he lacked the typical support and resources one might expect in such a high-risk operation.

With no backup and only taxis at his disposal, Mills pressed forward, determined to save those who were trapped. This wasn’t a typical military operation; it was an act of personal courage and a deep commitment to rescuing those in need, regardless of the risks.

The Missionary’s “Okay”

One of the most remarkable moments of the rescue came when Mills approached a group of American missionaries who were trapped. With Hezbollah forces closing in and only taxis available for transportation, the situation was incredibly tense. Mills asked the group if they were willing to leave with him under these precarious circumstances. The missionaries hesitated—leaving in taxis, through hostile territory, with no military protection seemed like a dangerous gamble.

But then, one missionary stepped forward and said, “Okay.” That small word changed everything. As soon as one person made the courageous decision to trust Mills and the plan, another followed, then another, and another. The entire group was soon ready to leave, their initial fear giving way to the contagious courage of the first person who stepped forward.

Mills describes this moment as pivotal. It was a testament to the principle he believes in so deeply: that courage is contagious. One person’s bravery can inspire others to act, even in the face of overwhelming danger.

Navigating Danger with Taxis

Once the missionaries agreed to proceed, Mills began the high-risk task of transporting them to safety using the taxis he had hired. Navigating through roads controlled by Hezbollah, with no military backup and only civilian vehicles, made the mission incredibly perilous. Every moment was filled with tension—any wrong move could lead to disastrous consequences.

Despite the lack of resources and the immense risks involved, the operation was a success. Mills successfully evacuated the missionaries, bringing them out of harm’s way. This rescue, conducted with minimal resources and maximum personal risk, highlighted Mills’ unwavering commitment to saving lives, regardless of the challenges.

Courage Is Contagious

The story of the missionaries’ evacuation demonstrates a powerful truth: that courage is not only an individual trait but also a collective force. Mills’ solo decision to take action, despite the lack of backup, inspired the missionaries to follow suit. His bravery in the face of danger set off a chain reaction of courage, motivating others to take the necessary steps to ensure their own safety.

By October 11th, just days after the initial Hamas attack, Mills had successfully rescued the first 32 Americans from northern Israel. The operation was high-risk, but Mills’ decisive action and personal bravery made it possible. His willingness to step forward when others hesitated demonstrated the power of one person’s courage to ripple outward, affecting the lives of many.

True Leadership in Action

Cory Mills’ Israel rescue operation serves as a powerful example of true leadership. When faced with an urgent crisis, Mills didn’t wait for backup or hesitate due to a lack of resources. Instead, he acted swiftly, putting himself in harm’s way to save others. His decision to go in alone, using only taxis, was a bold and courageous move that exemplified his commitment to servant leadership.

For Mills, leadership means stepping forward when others might hesitate. His belief in the contagious nature of courage is central to his leadership philosophy: when one person acts bravely, others are inspired to follow, creating a wave of action that can overcome even the most insurmountable challenges.

The Joshua Connection: Courage in the Face of Battles

Cory Mills’ story is reminiscent of the biblical figure Joshua, a leader chosen by God to guide the Israelites into the Promised Land. God repeatedly commanded Joshua to “be strong and courageous,” knowing that even though He would deliver the victories, Joshua’s courage in battle would be necessary to lead the people.

In Joshua 1:6-8, God tells Joshua:

“Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their ancestors to give them. Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

Like Joshua, Cory Mills was not given a mission devoid of challenges. God provided Joshua with strength and victory, but Joshua still had to summon his courage to face the battles ahead. In the same way, Mills knew the dangers he was facing but chose to act with courage, trusting that his determination and resolve would make a difference.

While God may have delivered the victories to Joshua, it was Joshua’s courage in the heat of the battle that ensured those victories. In much the same way, Mills’ courage in the face of overwhelming danger became the driving force behind his successful rescue mission in Israel.

Conclusion: Courage and Leadership in Times of Crisis

Cory Mills’ solo Israel rescue operation is a testament to his unwavering dedication to serving others, even in the most dangerous and unpredictable environments. With no team by his side and only taxis at his disposal, Mills chose to act rather than wait, saving the lives of Americans trapped in a war zone.

As Mills shared during his conversation with Glenn Beck, “Courage is contagious,” and his actions in Israel reflect how one person’s bravery can inspire others to act in the face of danger. Whether in Haiti, Israel, or any other crisis, Mills’ philosophy of servant leadership and his belief in the power of courage continue to drive him to take action when lives are at stake.

Much like Joshua, who was commanded to be strong and courageous as he led the Israelites into battle, Mills’ actions serve as a reminder that true leadership requires courage—even when facing immense danger. And just like Joshua’s victories were rooted in his courage and trust in God, Mills’ success in Israel was fueled by his willingness to step into danger and act when others might have hesitated.

This mission is a powerful reminder that true leadership often requires stepping forward alone, with nothing more than a plan and a determination to make a difference. Mills’ story serves as an inspiration to all, showing that even in the most dangerous circumstances, one person’s courage can change the course of events, saving lives and inspiring others to rise to the challenge.

Image Source: Fox News | YouTube Screen Shot


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