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Home » A New Reformation of Church; Councils of Leaders Will Begin to Form; A Kingdom Economy Will Begin; New Generation of Prophets & Teachers Will Emerge; Huge Numbers of Christians Arise in Europe & America; Great Awakening! 5 SPIRITUAL TRENDS BEGINNING 2016 THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD, says Rick Joyner, in a Prophetic Word; Morningstar Ministries

A New Reformation of Church; Councils of Leaders Will Begin to Form; A Kingdom Economy Will Begin; New Generation of Prophets & Teachers Will Emerge; Huge Numbers of Christians Arise in Europe & America; Great Awakening! 5 SPIRITUAL TRENDS BEGINNING 2016 THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD, says Rick Joyner, in a Prophetic Word; Morningstar Ministries


LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! It is so exciting to hear a prophetic perspective about what God is going to do throughout the world with His Church. So many have been crying out to the Lord asking for a Third Great Awakening and for mighty move of God. By looking at the present reality, it would cause one to ask, “how is this going to happen?” Rick Joyner  recently released 5 Spiritual Trends that will change the world in 2016. We will not see the fullness of it this year, but in fact the beginnings of these words. The days that are ahead of us will be both the worst of times and the best of times.

Some may have recognized the discrepancy to the present reality of The Church compared to what was carried out and instructed through the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. “A new reformation of the church will begin to take definition” is the first trend for this year. When we look at the original blueprint that the Church was orchestrated to be through the Word of God we can see what is in store. As The Church we are called to live a life of relationship and grow in unity and relationship with those around us.

When Jesus encountered the Centurion in Matthew 8, he immediately recognized Jesus as a man of authority from his life within the military. Jesus was stunned at his awareness of this truth which caused him to respond in verse 10, “Truly I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith”.  Imagine if we not only understood the true authority that Jesus has given us, but ALSO walked in that authority. Understanding obedience and authority are just the beginnings of what will take place.

The very presence of Jesus stirred up the atmosphere that was around Him; wherever He went. Matthew 21:10 says, “When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?”. This is an indication of the life and reality that will take place in The Church. The Second Trend: “Councils of leaders will begin to form with true apostolic authority.” This is how the Church is called to walk and live out their daily lives.

We have seen the shakings and crumbling of economies around the world. We are continually updated with the decreasing effects of what is taking place in the economy. A kingdom economy will begin to form is shared as the Third Trend. Regardless of what happens in the economies of the world, the Kingdom will continue on. The Book of Malachi instructs us that not giving God His tithes and offerings is actually robbing from God. Malachi 3:8 reveals God’s response, “Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me. “But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’ “In tithes and offerings.” How can we expect the Kingdom if we are not currently living out our lives based on Kingdom principles? Now is the time to give to others in the name of the Lord. Give and it will be given to you.

The Prophet Haggai shared in Haggai 2:9, ‘The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty.” What we are about to see over the face of the Earth will be greater than anything we have seen before. This is a case in point to Rick Joyner’s fourth Spiritual Trend, “A new generation of prophets and teachers will begin to emerge with unprecedented authority and influence.” A hunger for the truth and love of the Word of God will spread throughout the Body of Christ. Joyner describes this growing love for the Word to be “contagious”.

As a last Spiritual Trend, Rick Joyner shares about how this coming move of God will happen throughout the world, “So many Christians will rise up in Europe and North America with zeal and focus that it will be recognized as another Great Awakening, while the moves of God in the rest of the world will gain new traction.” This is so very exciting. A revival is when God shows up. But, a Great Awakening changes the DNA of a nation! These are the magnificent days that God has orchestrated your life in order for you to be a part of what He is doing in this generation. Watch the full report to hear more about the powerful truths of these trends, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: knowledge, authority, prophecy, crisis, peace, fellowship, eagles, dreams and visions, military, koinonia, ecclesia, The Brownsville Revival, harvest, and salvation. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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Five Spiritual Trends that Will Change the World in 2016

The premise of my last Prophetic Bulletin on the five trends that would change the natural world in 2016 began unfolding faster and with more impact than I expected. I wrote that it would happen in the first quarter of this year, but I honestly did not expect it to begin on the first day as it did. My prayer now is that what I’ve been shown that will unfold in the Spirit will likewise come faster and with greater impact. What is coming in the Spirit is the antidote to the troubles of the world. It is far more exciting than anything the world has seen.

         We all “see in part,” but these are the five most important trends I saw unfolding that we will begin to see emerging this year:

  • A new reformation of the church will begin to take definition.
  • Councils of leaders will begin to form with true apostolic authority. 
  • A kingdom economy will begin to form.
  • A new generation of prophets and teachers will begin to emerge with unprecedented authority and influence 
  • So many Christians will rise up in Europe and North America with zeal and focus that it will be recognized as another Great Awakening, while the moves of God in the rest of the world will gain new traction.
  1. A New Reformation of the Church Will Begin to Take Definition

          I have been seeing and speaking on this for many years. Over time, I have seen more of what this will look like. One of the biggest changes with the greatest impact will be the body of Christ beginning to take on the military aspects we are called to have to become the army of the Lord we are called to be. I just published a book on this entitled, Army of the Dawn. One pastor just told me he thought this was my best book yet. That is a matter of perspective and also timeliness, but I know its message is on time. We will see the greatest force for the gospel since the Lord Himself walked the earth. Since this book has already received wide distribution, I will not say any more about this here

         The second aspect of this reformation I was shown is how the body of Christ will become the “city” it’s called to be. A change is coming to church life that will be more profound than we have yet seen. It will be based more on koinonia than ecclesia. This does not negate the need for ecclesia (the government and structure of the church), but according to I John 1:7, we abide in the light by having koinonia, not ecclesia. Koinonia determines if we are walking in the light because it is based on love first, not organization first. Again, this is not negating the need for organization and government, but it is a matter of getting the horse in front of the cart and building on the right foundation. The result will be spectacular.

         The fellowship and union coming to the body of Christ will cause the church to be the “city set on a hill” that gets everyone’s attention. It will be the greatest society the world has seen since the first century, eclipsing even what was experienced then. “The glory of the latter house will be greater than the former” (see Haggai 2:9), causing the church to become the light it is called to be in the dark and confusing times the world is sliding into. This fellowship will become so wonderful that Christians will want to meet every day. Christian communities will begin forming again, having their own infrastructure, and ultimately, their own economy. 

         Of course we won’t see this happen in a year, but we will see the beginning of it. Ultimately no sporting event, entertainment, or other event will compare with the life and excitement found in the church.

  1. Councils of Leaders Will Begin to Form with True Apostolic Authority

         I was first shown in 1987 that this was coming. I think this has happened to a degree in some places, but not on the level that I saw. This year we will begin to see the real thing, but in its formative stage. Ultimately these councils will help release extraordinary authority and life in the church. They will moor the church to its right biblical foundation, giving it the stability that some of the greatest missions and ministries will be built upon.

         This year we will see increasing grace on leadership meetings, especially those that cross denominational and movement boundaries, beginning to bring the necessary interchange and cross pollination in the church.

  1. A Kingdom Economy Will Begin to Form

Ultimately the body of Christ will have its own economy that will grow with consistency and strength. Because of this, no Christian will need to be concerned about the mark of the beast. However, this is not just about having an alternative to the beast—it is laying a foundation for the economy of the coming kingdom of God, one built on the greatest economic principle: “Love never fails” (see I Corinthians 13:8).

As world markets continue to shake, plunge, and collapse, the kingdom economy cannot go down because “there will be no end to the increase of His kingdom” (see Isaiah 9:7). Whatever is truly built on the kingdom has to increase. For those looking for a safe place to put investments, it won’t get any safer or better than this emerging kingdom economy. For those saying, “Where is it?”, you can’t see it if you do not see the kingdom. If we can see His kingdom, we will see its economy as it emerges.

We must be born again to see the kingdom, but not everyone who is born again sees the kingdom. To see the kingdom we must use the key to the kingdom. That key is Matthew 6:33: “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

  1. A New Generation of Prophets and Teachers Will Begin to Emerge with Worldwide Authority and Influence

         The Holy Spirit is moving. One characteristic of every true move of the Spirit is a growing love of the truth and an increasing love for the Scriptures (the Holy Spirit’s bestselling book). At the same time, many called as teachers to the body that have devoured the Word of God and accumulated knowledge and understanding on a host of topics will be used to build the church, preparing it for what it is called to be in these times. The Lord really has saved His best wine for last. The quality of what He will serve His people will eclipse anything ever experienced before.

         Knowledge has greatly increased in the natural. What is about to be released in the Spirit will mirror this. For those who love knowledge, truth, wisdom, and understanding, there has never been a better time to be alive. This increasing love for the Scriptures will be contagious, helping to feed and strengthen every move of God now unfolding.

         Prophetic revelation will also eclipse anything God’s people have experienced before. As we are told in Acts 2:17-18, “in the last days” the Lord will pour forth His Spirit, resulting in “dreams, visions, and prophecy” upon the old and young, men and women. We will begin to see a new wave of the prophetic released. This happens “in the last days” because in these times, we will need this kind of specific direction and guidance. At times it may be life or death to hear Him say to us not to go somewhere, or to go where we are not intending. We will all need this kind of sensitivity to the Spirit in the times to come, and we will get it.

         I saw the emerging prophetic ministers as mountain climbers. They would go up a little bit and secure their new position with stakes driven deep into the rock, fastening themselves to the mountain and to each other. Then they would go a little higher and do the same again. This time will not be like having a lot of individuals scattered all over the mountain climbing virtually alone. The emerging prophets will be secured to each other and to the mountain of the house of the Lord.

  1. So Many Christians Will Rise Up with Zeal and Focus that it Will be Recognized as Another Great Awakening

         The plagues that came upon Egypt parallel the ones in the Book of Revelation. This is because the plagues at the end of this age have the same purpose as the ones that came upon Egypt—to set God’s people free. For the last few years, some have awakened and begun to seek the kingdom first above anything else. These will be powerful messengers who will help wake up the rest of the body of Christ. 

         An awakened, encouraged church is also the most powerful evangelistic force there has ever been. As this Awakening continues to unfold, there will be many new believers. We are entering the first stages of the great harvest that is the end of this age. This will be the greatest ingathering there has ever been. It will change the spiritual and moral fabric of nations, profoundly changing the church throughout the earth. The church is then going to help change the earth and prepare the way for the coming King.

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