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How Will Christians use Media for God in the Future

Courtesy of Peshkova/shutterstock.com

LISTEN NOW!  Steve, John and Pat talk about the advancements in technology and how we can use them to impact the nations for the Kingdom of God. It was only a few years ago when incorporating videos into a speech was cutting edge. Now we have smartphones, computers and technology that allow us to reach the world with a few simple clicks. In any one culture, there are seven different “mountains” that affect that culture. One of these is the media mountain. Recently, there has been movie after movie that has been a light shining the truths of Who God is, and the love of Jesus Christ. Specifically, Lee University, has reportedly added a building to their campus at the cost of $10 Million with the intention of not only training up students to use media for God, but also the next generations to come. These are exciting days to see how the church is utilizing what is being given to advance the Kingdom for God’s glory. Find out the details of these events and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Seven Mountains, Media, Heaven is For Real, Saving Christmas, Charisma Magazine, and God’s Not Dead.

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