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Home » Boundaries: Digital Boundaries in Your Life! John Townsend

Boundaries: Digital Boundaries in Your Life! John Townsend

Breaking Free from the Digital Prison to Rediscover the Joy of Life. Romans 1:20



John Townsend talks with us about two things that go together: boundaries, which I hope you’ve heard about—it’s a book and a series of books that Henry Cloud and I have written over the years—and the digital age.

The Digital Age: A Double-Edged Sword

Goodness gracious, we are in a digital age, right? It’s a great thing, but sometimes the digital age can take over, and suddenly you don’t make the choices you want to make.

 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made (the real world), so that people are without excuse.  Romans 1:20

The Impact of FOMO

For example, FOMO—fear of missing out. I’d love to talk to you about this, but gosh, I want to check my Instagram to make sure I haven’t missed my friend’s pet that just came home from the pet store. I just love that little pet. Oh, you’re here with me, but we’re following what’s happening online. We have instant access to all the information in the world, and it’s kind of messing us up.

Getting Lost in the Digital World

You can get lost in the digital age—you can get lost on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, your smartphone, desktop, tablet, and all that. We’re finding out that people’s brains are being affected because if you’re too immersed in the digital age, you lose touch with real life. You don’t get the nutrients and experiences you need, like smelling the roses. And God said, “Hey, don’t worry about anything because the hairs on a sparrow’s head are numbered.” So, stop worrying about the future.

The Dangers of Over-Consumption

Well, you worry when you get into too much digital stuff. You worry about too much news, and our brains are not doing well with too much of a digital world. Video games are the same thing. All of this is okay in moderation, so here are a couple of ground rules to help you with your boundaries in the digital age so that it doesn’t take over your life or turn into an addiction.

Ground Rule 1: Set Time Limits

You have to set ground rules. For example, I’ll spend X amount of time on whatever. People can get lost, and I’ve done it—getting lost in touring the web, a game, a show, or YouTube videos. They’re all great, but you have to give yourself a limit, just like you don’t let yourself eat too much cherry pie, right?

Ground Rule 2: Prioritize Real-Life Relationships

Second, make sure you have great relationships and engaging activities that are fun. It might be a ministry you’re involved in, playing golf, traveling, or whatever. But make sure most of your time goes to the outside world, and less of your time is spent inside the digital world. It’s a great digital world, but don’t let it be the majority of your time.

Ground Rule 3: Manage Stress Without Digital Dependency

Third, when you find yourself stressed, don’t go straight to digital. Go to a relationship, call someone, pray about it, take a walk, work out—make digital your last resort. The digital age is great, but you’ve got to have some boundaries.


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