Loving God, Loving Others and Leading Others to do the Same

Home » Encouraging Testimonies of the Faithfulness of God!

LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! Recently, Greg was able to take a trip to a nearby IMAX theatre. In this particular theatre, he was drawn to a movie about the process that water goes through in Africa; BBC Earth’s Wild Africa. In the dry season of Africa, elephants will travel miles after miles in search of a single mud puddle, as will many other species of animals. But, when the seasons change and the rain comes, Africa comes alive. Streams become rivers, and what was once dry and parched, is now flooding with currents of water. Yet, the seasons change again, the waters dry up, and the dry season is in full effect once again. This brings a starting reminder to Isaiah 55:10-11; “As the rain and snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the Earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” When we abide with God, this is exactly what takes place within our souls. God touches the dry places with the water of His word. Everything then begins to grow.

Presently, we are seeing people plotting and planning against our government; scheming against God. Do not be alarmed. This isn’t anything new. Ever since the beginning of time, satan has been warring against God. Just as Psalm 21:11 highlights, “Though they plot evil against you and devise wicked schemes, they cannot succeed”, we know the plans of evil will not succeed. The biggest test of our faith, is doubt. There are going to be threats in this life, difficulties and trials. But, God has revealed that ‘the seat of evil is coming down and the seat of righteousness will rise’.

Greg continues to share just a few of the testimonies from what he has seen God do in his life. When he first came to the Lord, an offering was being taken for a new roofing project. Greg resolved that he would give a pledge for $1,000. As the time arrived to pay the pledge, Greg was realizing that he didn’t have the $1,000. He had set in his heart that he was going to fulfill his promises and take out a loan if that’s what it took. Surprisingly, God had spoken to someone to write a check for the very amount that Greg had pledged to give, $1,000.

In another instance, early in his marriage, it was time to pay the tithes to God. After paying the tithes to God, there wasn’t enough in the account in order to pay the power bill. It was time to simply trust God. After getting the phone call that the power was about to be cut off, Greg stood by the faithfulness of God. He arrived home early just in time to see the mailman dropping off their mail. In the stack of letters, one was a check for almost the exact amount that was needed. Greg also shares about how God miraculous paid off nearly the entire amount of their mortgage which enabled them to be in the ministry as they are today.

You can hold on to what God has said in His word. If God said it, then that settles it. Be lifted in your faith in God, as well as His promises for you in the Word, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Living Word, trusting in God, belief, politics, Jesus is Lord, tithes and offerings, faithfulness of God, The Glory of God, testing of your faith, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment. 


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