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Home » PROPHECY! You Tube Millionaires, Cindy Jacobs

LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! God is shifting how money will be generated in this season. No longer will things be limited to how they once were. Cindy Jacobs recently prophesied that there will be “YouTube Millionaires”. With clear simplicity, Jacobs proclaims, “Just believe. Some of you, let the anointing come upon you. Just say ‘I take it’”. Jacobs follows the leadership of the Spirit when she begins to prophesy about corruption being exposed. “The Lord is getting ready to expose corruption that is so systemic, so endemic, so seemingly hidden that they thought they could not be rooted out, but the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God is getting ready to reveal, the covers are going to get ripped off.” She continues to point out how this will clearly be stated in many headlines.

It’s time to put all the religion of men aside and simply follow the anointing of the Lord. God is bringing down the gavel on the evil doer. His gavel of justice will bring immediate provision into the Kingdom. Be encouraged as you hear the entire prophetic word, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment. 



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