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Home » WATCH! A Look at the International Tour by President Trump; NATO Speech; and Prophetic Word of News Anchors falling?

WATCH! A Look at the International Tour by President Trump; NATO Speech; and Prophetic Word of News Anchors falling?


Highlights of President Trumps First Historic International Trip- From Saudi Arabia, Israel, the Vatican, Brussels, NATO
It has been such an exciting opportunity to cover President Trump’s first international trip as he travelled to Riyadh, Saudi to speak to 50 Arab and Muslim countries and encouraged this region of the world to do their part to fight against the extremism of terrorism. He was the first President to travel to Israel on his first international trip and the first acting President to visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem, Israel. He visited Rome to meet Pope Francis at Vatican City and met with leaders throughout Europe at the NATO Summit in Brussels and G7 Summit in Italy.
This is encouraging. He is doing exactly what he said that he would do during his campaign travels and speeches. We need to pray for our President and his Cabinet. See the full comments from the President as he overviews his first international trip, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: Saudi Arabia, President Trump, The White House, G7 Summit, and hope. Greg shared in this segment.

President Trump stands Up for the U.S. Tax Payer Who Funds 70% of NATO and tells NATO Countries they must pay their bills
As President Trump neared the close of his first international trip, he was present at the NATO summit and met with many European leaders to discuss many important matters. He also took time to spend with Japan’s Prime Minister, Shinzō Abe, after the Summit. President Trump was quick to share about what they would be focusing on during their time together.
We’ll be discussing terrorism, but I think we will really be, in particular, focused on the North Korean problem. It’s a big problem, it’s a world problem, and it will be solved. At some point, it will be solved. You can bet on that.  Prime Minster Abe shared his encouragement of the President’s recent trip to the Middle East and their time during the Summit. “I’d like to congratulate you on your successful visit to the Middle East region, as well as your participation in the NATO summit. And through your visit, I understand that you have demonstrated robust commitment to ensuring global security. And I highly value your commitment.”  Prime Minister Abe continued to speak on the long-standing partnership between our two nations. “I would like to reconfirm our close partnership, as well as collaboration, in addressing those of the challenges.”
It’s important to remember that our two nations were once enemies, but we are now close allies. Japan’s military is America’s military. We closely protect Japan. It is such an encouraging moment to see these two leaders closely collaborating about the now issues. As the President spoke about vital issues with Prime Minister Abe, he also spoke at the recent NATO Summit about the importance of all members paying their due costs for defense spending.
NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and is made up of 28 members focusing mainly in Europe and North America. As CBNC International explains, “Each member of NATO has an equal say in discussions and decisions.” What is additionally important to understand is the recourse of action if any of these 28 members were to find themselves in war. According to Article 5, “It states that an attack on one country is, in theory, an attack against all members”. Essentially, every member is there for one another during a time of war as all members contribute a minimum of 2% of their GDP towards the Alliance’s defense spending. As CNBC International continues, “that target is rarely met. In 2015, the median spend was just 1.18%. The United States spent a whopping 3.7%. That means that America accounted for some 70% of the alliance’s total defense spending and it is only one of 5 countries to spend more than 2%.” There has been controversy towards President Trump’s stance on NATO. “During his Presidential election campaign, Donald Trump threatened to pull out of the treaty, calling it ‘obsolete.’ He also said the U.S. would only help countries that paid their fair share.” This is a crucial background to understand as President Trump addressed this topic at the recent 2017 G7 Summit.
As President Trump takes a moment of silence to remember the horrific events of evil that just took place in Manchester, he stands alongside twisted pieces of metal from the North Towers in New York City during the 9/11 Terrorist attack, and pieces of the Berlin Wall.  He also spoke on his recent trip to Saudi Arabia and the urgency to combat extremism and terrorism. With these tragedies near in our hearts and minds, President Trump underscores the urgency of defense readiness, and to do so there must be legitimate funding where it is needed. “These grave security concerns are the same reason that I have been very, very direct with Secretary Stoltenberg and members of the Alliance in saying that NATO members must finally contribute their fair share and meet their financial obligations, for 23 of the 28 member nations are still not paying what they should be paying and what they’re supposed to be paying for their defense.” President Trump fully understands that America’s repeated funding above and beyond the prescribed 2% of GDP, simply is not fair to those who are fronting that bill; the American taxpayer.
“Over the last eight years, the United States spent more on defense than all other NATO countries combined.”It would be a massively different story if every member met the 2% GDP expectation. “If all NATO members had spent just 2 percent of their GDP on defense last year, we would have had another $119 billion for our collective defense and for the financing of additional NATO reserves.” The President continues to underscore this very pressing, and urgent issue. “Two percent is the bare minimum for confronting today’s very real and very vicious threats. If NATO countries made their full and complete contributions, then NATO would be even stronger than it is today, especially from the threat of terrorism.”
It is refreshing to see the President taking such a bold and open stance amongst so many international leaders. We must continue to pray for the President and his Cabinet. See the full story of the President’s time with Japan’s Prime Minister Abe, his full comments at the G7 Summit, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: North Korea, Japan, Japanese military, President Donald Trump, The White House, Canada, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, and France. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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Governor of Texas Signs Sermon Safeguard Bill Protecting Pastors from being forced to provide their sermons to the Government
Can you imagine, as a pastor, being ordered by the government to turn in your sermons? That actually happened in the state of Texas. While the shocking realities of what took place cannot be undone, Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott is taking actions so that it doesn’t happen again. As the Christian Post is reporting, Governor Abbot signed Senate Bill 24 into law, also known as ‘Sermon Safeguard Bill’. “Efforts to erode religious liberty are a threat to all liberty, and our religious leaders must be absolutely secure in the knowledge that religious freedom is beyond the reach of government”, said Governor Abbott the issue. We must be aware of when our Constitutional rights are being infringed and recognize when actions are being made to protect them. Also, shared in this segment: First Amendment Rights, Sermon Safeguard Bill, and faith. Greg and John shared in this segment.

Greg Lancaster shares Anchors Away Prophecy with Christian Television Managers from across the United States and around the World!
We are witnessing many encouraging things happening as the hand of God is moving in our midst. Of all the places that the CTN Managerscould have gathered, they came together in the Gulf Coast at the very same studio where VFNtvis broadcast. It was during this divine encounter that the VFNtv crew welcomed and served each of the CTN Managers as they were gathered together for a luncheon. WHBR’s station manager, David Mayo, asked Greg Lancaster to prophesy over the CTN Managers.
Greg Lancaster shared the powerful prophetic word that was shared with him during a time of seeking the Lord. As Greg spoke to a room full of leaders in the Media Mountain, he shares a prophetic word from the Lord that “news anchors will be shaken as they report perilous upcoming world events – some will be shaken overboard.”God was revealing that news anchors would begin to fall, and be replaced by the Lord’s anchors. “These anchormen and anchorwomen will come forth from deep waters of the unknown. They will not only report the perilous news but will have the treasures and riches of Christ inside of them…” At the time, that seemed unthinkable to imagine news anchors falling. But, as time has progressed, this is exactly what has taken place. George Stephanopoulos fell, Brian Williams left the NBC Nightly News. The very same day that this prophetic word was delivered to the CTN Managers, Roger Ailes, the founder of FOX News, literally fell at his home and died. Bill O’Reilly, Greta Van Sustern, Elizabeth Hasselback, Gretchen Carson, and Megyn Kelly were other prominent anchors that have been removed or chose to leave their positions.
Greg Lancaster also shared a prophetic word from Bill Yount as he declared the Word of the Lord. “I Will Begin to Redeem the Media and Airwaves In 2017” He continues to share more about this powerful word as was spoken to him from Bill Yount. “The time has come to redeem the airwaves covering the Earth and begin to impact the media to become a conduit to pour out My Spirit upon all flesh!” When Bill Yount received this powerful prophetic word from the Lord, he was given an exciting vision.
“I then saw angels begin to anoint satellite stations and dishes above the Earth. And on the Earth angels were descending upon huge television and radio towers. Great heavenly broadcasting interference was about to come upon the Earth.” This is going to be an exciting time for those in ministry. “Divine favor was being given to many ministries with the media this coming year of 2017 to go nationwide and worldwide.” Considering how God was going to touch and use these ministries throughout media, those who are presently sharing the world’s perspective of media are going to take notice. “News reporters were beginning to lean towards unusual stories of awesome happenings, that were leaving their listeners spellbound with the idea – “There must be a God in Heaven!””

As we can see at the time of this prophetic word being delivered, there would be a coming shift in the media that was being broadcasted throughout the world. It is so encouraging to know all that the Lord is doing and shifting the world so that the Gospel can be shared to all the nations. See the full story of the prophetic words that were shared, the CTN Managers, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: prophecy, Holy Spirit, CTN, Christian Television Network, North Korea, oppression, VFNKingdom Business, 7 Mountains of Culture, Media Mountain, and CTNI. Greg and John shared in this segment. 


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