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Home » 2 Investigative Journalists Uncover the Revealing Realities of the Kurdish People and the War Against ISIS

2 Investigative Journalists Uncover the Revealing Realities of the Kurdish People and the War Against ISIS


Amidst the many reports of the war against ISIS in the Middle East, have you ever asked yourself if what is being said on the news is actually the real life story on the ground for those who are living it? Well, that is exactly what two investigative journalists, from The Blaze’s, The Root, set out discover. Passports and cameras in hand, these two men follow the trail with their burning desire to see the Kurdish people face to face. Because of Glenn Beck and Mercury One, this production brings the faces and stories of the Kurdish people to life.

Allow your heart to be broken as you peer past the line of political correctness as you not only meet the people, but you hear the stories of what they have endured at the hands of ISIS, how they are enduring, how the perspective of America in the eyes of other parts of the world doesn’t exactly line with mainstream media, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: The Kurds, Iraq, the Peshmurga, journalism, reporting, ISIS, supply lines, front lines, war, and persecution.
Screen Capture from TheBlaze.com
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