How Society Treats Children; Impacted by Jesus and Christianity
Jesus has called us to transform nations. But, what does that look like? Bill Bright shared what the Lord revealed to him, that to transform nations, we must impact and transform all seven Mountains of Culture. When we look at just one aspect, family and children, we can see how Christianity has not only affected the family, but greatly transformed it.
As Impact 360 Institute shares, “in the ancient Greek and Roman world, children were property.” The differing times, to the way we view children today is not comparable. “What we call child abuse today, was considered normal back then.” Jesus transformed how children were viewed by His teachings. By living in accordance to what Jesus taught, Christians began to stand up for children.
When we start pushing God out of family, and out of general morals of thinking, ideas, such as abortion, become accepted practices. Over 50 million children have been aborted from their mother’s womb since the Supreme Court decision of Roe v Wade. How do you value children? What are your thoughts of how Christianity has affected children? See the full conversation on how we impact society, culture, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.
How Government has specifically been impacted by Jesus and Christianity
Jesus has called us to transform nations. But, what does that look like? Bill Bright shared what the Lord revealed to him, that to transform nations, we must impact and transform all seven Mountains of Culture. When we look at just one aspect, government, we can see how Christianity has not only affected the government, but greatly transformed it.
According to Impact 360 Institute, “Christians were the first people in history to systematically fight against slavery”. It was through these transformative efforts from Christians that caused laws to be passed that made slavery illegal. ”Slavery in the west was abolished largely because of the efforts like William Wilberforce, in the England, and the abolitionists in America.” It was their faith in Jesus that was demonstrated through their convictions of seeing slavery ended. “Christianity provides the moral foundation not only of anti-slavery, but also of democracy”.
When we look at the Democracy of America’s government, we can see the Judeo-Christian values of the Bible, interwoven throughout its foundation. “The belief in free will opposes tyranny and leads to a representative government.” Even the establishment of the three branches of government, Executive, Legislative, and Judicial, comes from the teachings found in the Bible. “The idea of being governed by the rule of law, rather than the authority of man, flows from the 10 Commandments.”
When we look around the world, every place that you do not see Christianity practiced in government, you don’t see freedom. In India, there is a caste system. In Islamic countries, people are killed who do not line up with the beliefs of Islam. Look at how women are treated in Islam. Only in recent years have women been able to drive in Saudi Arabia.
What are your thoughts on how Christianity effects government? We want to hear from you. See the full conversation on how Christianity has affected government, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment. See more, related content and articles for this article.
How our Educational System has been Impacted by Jesus and Christianity
Jesus has called us to transform nations. But, what does that look like? Bill Bright shared what the Lord revealed to him, that to transform nations, we must impact and transform all seven Mountains of Culture. When we look at just one aspect, education, we can see how Christianity has not only affected culture, but greatly transformed it.
As Impact 360 Institute reminds us Jesus spent much of His time teaching others. In response, many Christians have followed His lead by teaching others. “So, Christians developed schools, and later, monasteries, laying the groundwork for modern education.” As children grow up, completing high school, many are asked what their directions are regarding college. What people might not know is how Christianity affected the universities throughout America. “Christians founded 106 of the first 108 universities in the U.S.”
Of all the things that would take place in our nation’s history, it is unthinkable that we would allow God to be taken out of our schools. The schools and school systems that we see today in America would not be possible if it weren’t for God. Our education, even those in home-schooling, should cause us to be grateful to God. We would not have education today if it weren’t for Christianity. How do you feel about how education has been affected by Christianity? We want to hear from you. See the full conversation on how Christianity has affected education, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.
How the Development of Business and Entrepreneurship has been Impacted by Jesus
Jesus has called us to transform nations. But, what does that look like? Bill Bright shared what the Lord revealed to him, that to transform nations we must impact and transform all seven Mountains of Culture. When we look at just one aspect, hospitals and charities, we can see how Christianity has greatly impacted how the moral concerns of business operations has caused many businesses to invest in charities.
As Impact 360 Institute reveals, Christianity has had a significant impact on charities and how we respond to the sick and poor. “Christian compassion for the poor and the sick led to institutions for lepers, and later, monasteries dedicated to the care of the sick.” This was the birthplace of our present-day hospitals. Did you know that Christians played a major part in creating orphanages, and other organizations such as the YMCA? “Charitable giving was a uniquely charitable innovation, giving rise to countless philanthropic organizations.”
So much of what we see today, we can often take for granted and forget was started because of Christianity. Did you know that what we now know as hospitals, charitable giving, and orphanages, were started by Christians? We want to hear your thoughts. See the full story of how deeply our culture has been impacted by Christianity, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.
How Science and Technology has been impacted by Jesus and Christianity
Jesus has called us to transform nations. But, what does that look like? Bill Bright shared what the Lord revealed to him, that to transform nations we must impact and transform all seven Mountains of Culture. When we look at just one aspect, science and technology, we can see how Christianity has not only affected society, but greatly transformed it.
All technologies and inventions were invented somewhere. But, do we connect the dots as to where the majority of these developments have come from? As Impact 360 Institute recounts varying industries, from mathematics, to physics, and chemistry were impacted by brilliant thinkers. “The vast majority of these brilliant scientists, nearly every single one of them, were Christians.” The powerful perspective of this was the thought processes of these remarkable individuals. “Since the universe was created by a rational creator, using rational rules, it ought to yield its secrets to rational creatures using reason and observation.”
This is so important! In today’s culture, if one desires to excel in the realm of science, it would seem that they would deny the existence of our Creator. We are seeing people wanting to do away with God and settle with theories that deny the Bible. But these leaders understood that the universe exists BECAUSE of God! How does this change your perspective of science? We want to hear from you. See the full story of how Christianity has impacted culture, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Human Rights and Equality before and after Jesus and Christianity
Jesus has called us to transform nations. But, what does that look like? Bill Bright shared what the Lord revealed to him, that to transform nations we must impact and transform all seven Mountains of Culture. When we look at just one aspect, human rights, we can see how Christianity has not only impacted society, but greatly transformed it.
In our present culture, so many are talking about human equality and pushing Jesus out of the public square, but as Impact 360 Institute reminds us, “our modern day conceptions of human rights and equality derive exclusively from the Biblical idea found in Genesis, that all people are created in the image of God”. This is so important to understand. When many people talk about and quote Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., they forget that he was also Reverend Dr. Martin Luther, Jr. Interestingly enough, that is often omitted in conversations. When we read the letter he wrote from the Birmingham Jail, we can see how Christian minded he was.
How does this reality impact and encourage you? We want to hear from you. See the full story of how Christianity impacted Human Rights, Equality, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.
The Dark Stains of Christianity Occurred when People left Teachings of Jesus
Often, when people bring up Christianity, the Dark Ages are often expressed as a rebuttal; the Salem Witch Hunts, the Crusades, etc. What people don’t often realize is that these chapters of history were often carried out by those who left the teachings of Jesus. Instead of basing our beliefs of Christianity on those who “represented” Jesus, we simply need to look at the one whose teachings Christianity is based upon, Jesus Christ.
As Impact 360 Institute reminds us that “Christians clearly affirm that all people are flawed. So, it’s no surprise that Christianity’s track record, like everyone else’s, is less than perfect.” But, as noted that we need to look to Jesus instead of those who lived a life in contradiction to what Jesus taught, “the blame cannot be placed on Jesus, but on those whose actions oppose his teachings and way of life.”
We want to hear from you on how this reality changes your perspective when these chapters of history are brought to your attention. See the full story of how Christianity has impacted culture, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Overview of Jesus’ and Christianity’s Impact Through Out History
Jesus has called us to transform nations. But, what does that look like? Bill Bright shared what the Lord revealed to him, that to transform nations, we must impact and transform all seven Mountains of Culture. When we look at every area of culture, and Christianity itself, we can see how Christianity has had a transformative impact on every area of culture.
Impact 360 Institute recalls the inspiring truth that “so much of what is good in our lives came about because 2,000 years ago, Jesus of Nazareth turned the world upside down.” No one else in history has transformed the cultures of this world, more than Jesus Christ. Or as Impact 360 Institute so eloquently puts it; “no other cultural influence, no other social movement, no other teaching, philosophy, or religion has done more to promote the well-being of more people than Christianity.”
Has your life been transformed by Jesus Christ? Have you see how your culture and society has been impacted by Jesus Christ? We want to hear from you. Share with us the encouraging perspective you have of the life that Jesus lived. See the full conversation of how Christianity has changed the culture of the world, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment.