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Home » PROPHECY! Social Media & Internet, Media Mountain, Breed of Media Servants

PROPHECY! Social Media & Internet, Media Mountain, Breed of Media Servants


LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM!  Never has there been a generation alive that has been exposed to the amount of social media and technology like this generation has. God has a plan and a purpose for this technology. As Patricia King continues to release prophetic words about this year, she talks about what the Lord revealed to her about social media. “God wants His people to use social media for His truth. Many Christians are going to start to use media to put out the word of the Lord.” She continues to share, “God is going to orchestrate many things to go viral through social media, to get His word out.” As there are good applications to this technology, there are also evils that are going to be exposed. “There are also going to be exposures of hidden sins and corruption that will be made known to the public through social media.”

It is important to remember that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Whatever has been whispered in the darkness will be shouted from the rooftops. When we see, God moving miraculously in our midst, we can post this on social media and watch God take it immediately around the world, all for His glory. Be inspired as you hear the full word from Patricia King about technology, and so much more. Greg and John shared in this segment. 
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