LISTEN NOW! The Lord spoke to us that next year we would see a new John 17 movement begin where the prayer of Jesus will be answered. Many streams will run together until we see a river of revival flow across the earth. There will be major reconciliations between denominations, nations, and peoples.
God will anoint peacemakers in this season who are especially empowered by God to be a voice for unity between factions and help heal the breaches.
This John 17 move will extend to families as well as there is a “focus on the family” where longstanding breaches between siblings, and between parents and their children are healed. God is calling for families to pray together and “light” the family altar. Strongholds in family systems are going to be broken in powerful and supernatural ways. This will even extend to strongholds of poverty, disease, alcoholism, and drug abuse.
The John 17 movements will align against injustice and religious strongholds as they decide together that they want a new move of the Holy Spirit.
We are hearing the words, New Wine, New Wine!
A convergence of all the past moves of God coming together with the manifestations of Pentecostal Fire, the Healing and Deliverance Crusades. The Latter Rain Glory being poured out with new realms of glory, the Evangelicals’ Burden of the Lost, and the Jesus People Movements love for the lost, the gifts of the Holy Spirit from the Charismatic Movement, the Third Wave Theological Credibility, the Revelation of the Prophetic Movement, and the Relational Networking of the Apostolic Reformation that includes an understanding of reforming and transforming society in each mountain (or sphere).
This great Convergence of the Ages is coming with a historic Fourth Wave of the Holy Spirit and a reformation that will lead to the Great Transformation of nations.
The wind of the Holy Spirit is going to blow with new renewal movements arising in the youth upon centuries-old churches. The power of the Holy Spirit will be poured out in a new, fresh way, manifesting through the young and old. The miracles that have seemed only to happen infrequently are going to be dramatic.
Many “working of miracles” that are creative in nature will be seen in hundreds of churches across the world. Centuries old churches that have prayed for a renewed move of the Holy Spirit will see their prayers answered. It is the time for a new Pentecost! Some that criticize those who are longing for renewal will find they are put out of leadership in their churches and denominations. Both the young and the old will see the power of the Holy Spirit fall upon them.
This again will result in many, many new missionaries being sent out across the face of the earth that are willing to go to the most difficult and hard-to-reach areas. Central Asia will be majorly impacted by this mission’s movement. God is calling a new generation who will go out and evangelize the world! The numbers of those going to preach will increase in large proportion compared to the generation before them.
These missionaries will carry the gospel, anointed with revelation to give “hope solutions” to the current needs of the nations where they are sent.
The heartland of the United States and the cities along the Mississippi River will be used by God to mend the great divide that has come to the nation as a result of the recent polarizing US elections.
The warfare from the last season that has “worn out” God’s people will fade away as the refreshing rains of the Spirit of God fall afresh. It is time for breakthroughs and the breaking off of the pain, discouragement, and battle fatigue of yesterday.
Source: The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders