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Home » DORITOS ATTACKED AT SUPER BOWL, saying they HUMANIZED A BABY!, by NARAL, National [PRO] Abortion Rights Action League, allowing the audience to see the baby in their mother’s womb.

DORITOS ATTACKED AT SUPER BOWL, saying they HUMANIZED A BABY!, by NARAL, National [PRO] Abortion Rights Action League, allowing the audience to see the baby in their mother’s womb.



Many would express that the Super Bowl is known for the commercials, sometimes more than the game. This year’s 50th Super Bowl did not go without the creative marketing of commercials. Within this year’s lineup was a Dorito commercial of a man enjoying a bag of Doritos during his wife’s ultra sound. What caught the surprise of all of those in the room was that the baby can be seen responding to the very position of the Dorito. The commercial clearly portrays the movement of the developing human being in the mother’s womb, with fingers, and moving legs.

As a response to the video, an organization, NARAL, The National Association for Repealing Abortion Laws, used their twitter account to criticize the commercial’s design of “humanizing” the human being. This organization truly believes that a baby is not human until it leaves the mother’s womb. See the commercial yourself, more about the statements from NARAL, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Frito Lay, dark tactics, narratives, and life. Greg and John shared in this segment.
screen capture from youtube.com/Wall Street Journal



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