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Home » WATCH! The Hard Word for the Coming Move of God; and are Stadiums going to be Used for the Coming Move of God?

WATCH! The Hard Word for the Coming Move of God; and are Stadiums going to be Used for the Coming Move of God?


Gospel Movement in New York City and by God’s Grace on the Gulf Coast and to the World

Can you imagine what it would look like to see the Body of Christ coming together as a unified movement across your city that will not only impact a small area for a onetime event, but  a long term movement that causes 1000’s to burn on fire for God. In New York City, there are over 220 languages spoken every day causing it to be the most diverse city than any other place in the world.  The Church in this region is recognizing the incredible explosion of Christian activity that has been taking place. Luis Palau has established three visions for this region and this is the very fulfillment of it.

You have a responsibility, a function, and a role in your community. God has created you to impact an entire culture. Many want to know how they can carry out such an impact. We can do this together by partnering with God in what He is doing. C.S. Lewis said this, “Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither.” When Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., walked in his generation, he had those who walked with him sign a simple pledge that highlighted the values of what his marches signified. Today there is a similar movement arising: CivilChristianity.org. The pledge can be signed immediately.


There is coming a Third Great Awakening of God’s presence that is coming to America, it coming to the nations, and it will impact the world. The stadiums filled with professional sports around the world will be used in a way unlike they have ever been used before. Rick Joyner of Morning Star Ministries said it this way,” I believe many of our great stadiums that we think were built for football or other things were built for revival, the owners just didn’t’ know it.” This is our season to fully throw ourselves into what God is doing, what He is about to do, and witness His glory spread throughout the entire world.


Allow your faith to be dramatically stirred, your hunger and imagination to visually imagine what it is going to be like when the Glory of God fills the Earth, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: New York City, City Serve, Cityfest, Good News in The City, Toby Mac, Luis Palau, evangelism, Brownsville Revival, Father’s Day 1995, 7 Mountains of Culture, Media, Azusa Street Revival, prophecy, and The Holy Spirit. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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The Coming Revival: Filling Stadiums Totally Captured with latest Media Technology – Spreading Revival Globally

There have been so many mighty moves of God in the past that have impacted entire nations. Ripples from these outpourings of God’s Spirit can still be felt today. Just one such outpouring began on Father’s Day 1995, now known as The Brownsville Revival. For the most part, no one knew what God was going to do that particular day. Now, 20 years later, people have recently gathered in the anniversary of what God did. It is so encouraging to remember these beautiful events. But, how different would it be if we knew that God was going to do it again. God has revealed dreams that its coming again; in such a way that infamous people will be in attendance and simply be grateful just to be present, behind a camera.


God is about to shake the nations again. Now is the time for us, as the Body of Christ, to get prepared and make disciples of Jesus Christ, not disciples of ourselves. What God is about to do is unlike anything that has ever been seen before. No building can contain what is about to happen. To get a grid of the magnitude of this global outpouring, Rick Joyner of Morning Star Ministries expressed, “I believe many of our great stadiums that we think were built for football or other things were built for revival, the owners just didn’t’ know it.” This is that; and you are on the verge of being able to be involved in what God is about to do, again. Allow your faith in hunger for the presence of God to be stirred, get the urgency of preparation in order to be fruitful in this move of God, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Church of His Presence, Pastor John Kilpatrick, Father’s Day 1995, The Brownsville Revival, Ken Sumrall, Special Forces, Morning Star Ministries, NFL, stadiums, The Jesus Movement, Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, Paul Keith Davis, Dr. Yonggi Cho, Emmaus Rd, VFN Dream Center, Third Great Awakening, Civil Christianity, The Holy Spirit, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.

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