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Home » President Trump’s Weekly Address: Time for the Church to be Activated

LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! It appears the very things that used to have value, no longer have value. When someone gets a recognition or an award for their achievements, the moment of thanks is now being used to slander and criticize government with no apology afterwards. When we get a new President in office, the leadership barely has time to breathe before the judgments come. Truth of the matter is this: “The seat of evil is coming down and the seat of righteousness is rising”. This is exactly what the Lord has shown and told us would happen.
As President Trump is walking out his starting days in office, he has continually spoken out in support and defense of the Constitution, of The Church, as well as Israel. These are important topics to recognize. As we have continually lifted up President Obama when he held the Office of Presidency, we continue to lift up the Office as now President Trump takes over leadership. President Trump continues to keep the American people abreast of his events and actions with his weekly addresses.
The President pointed out the rich African American history in our land. “We are blessed by the lives and examples of those who have made this nation of beacon of freedom, talent, and unbreakable American spirit.”  He also talks about his recent visit to the National Museum of African American History and Culture located at The Mall in Washington, D.C. “It also tells of the great struggle for freedom and equality that prevailed against the sins of slavery and the injustice of discrimination.”
The President expressed his steadfast resolve to work as hard as possible in order to make opportunities available for every American.
“Today and every day I pledge to continue that march so that every American no matter his background, no matter her background has the chance to climb that great ladder of success…I want every disadvantaged child in America to have a choice on where they go to school. So Important. I also want to honor and promote the achievements of historically black colleges and universities throughout our nation… In order to help African Americans thrive, we’re working very to make sure that every child can grow up in a safe community and have access to high paying jobs.
It hasn’t even been 40 days yet since President Trump raised his right hand and repeated the words of the Oath of Office. It is reportedly being shared that President Trump will be the first President who is being given a hard time for fulfilling his promises. Why would we watch a source of media that focuses on the events that we know are going to raise our blood pressure only to see the very commercials for the medicine for the ailments that we have just from watching the news? We don’t need more information. We need God.
When recently speaking with Rick Joyner, Lance Wallnau addresses how the Church needs to mobilize and organize in this hour and become an “echo chamber” for President Trump. As Charisma News is reporting, Wallnau addresses how the Church is presently not responding the way it needs to. “I’m jumping out of my skin because I’m hearing people say stuff that on one hand, it’s anointed, but on the other hand, I hear the datedness of how we think because we all go back to the old paradigm.” When addressing the chaotic events of Hurricane Katrina, Wallnau highlights how the Church didn’t have a plan to respond to the many needs that presented themselves. “The Body of Christ in America has got to become as muscular and coherent in modeling answers to problems as the progressive left is.”
With this in mind, Wallnau expresses the importance that we, individually, must know where God has called us to make an impact for the Kingdom of God. “Individuals should be oracles in their sphere, they should know what giant they’re after…like a good military thing. If you’re moving in all directions, you’re not moving anywhere. Everyone here should know what sphere they’re called to go into, and how to articulate in a powerful and compelling way the truth that displaces the lie.”

God has called us to advance His Kingdom and to walk out His Kingdom. God has given us wisdom through His Word to do this. He has also given us the resource of VFN Kingdom Business to empower and mobilize others in order to effectively impact their sphere for the Kingdom of God. Now is the time for the Church to mobilize and respond. God is into you. Whether you are involved in business, in media, in education, or any of the other spheres of influence, God is wanting you to have the tools we need to walk out that plan. Come join with us at VFNKB as we seek to do this exact truth. Be encouraged in your walk with the Lord as you are not only given tools to help you, but also come alongside other leaders who are seeking to do the very same thing, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: business, Kingdom, Arts & Entertainment, government, family, prophetically, duck dynasty, race relations, and university campuses. Greg and John shared in this segment.
screen capture from youtube.com/The White House 


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