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Home » The U.S. Government is Set to Turn Over Governance of the Internet? Is this a Complete End to our Privacy is this the beginning to the Mark of the Beast?

The U.S. Government is Set to Turn Over Governance of the Internet? Is this a Complete End to our Privacy is this the beginning to the Mark of the Beast?


LISTEN NOW! We may not currently know this, but just about everything today is being done through technology, more specifically, the internet. If that were not concerning enough, according to Phys.org, the government will no longer be overseeing the internet as of September 2016. Presently, “The US government, announcing its intention to end its role in March 2014, said it would seek to maintain a “multi-stakeholder” model for Internet governance—which allows virtually all users from business to academia to government to participate—instead of a “multilateral” system controlled by governments.”


Well that sounds encouraging. Just about every day activities are done through the capabilities that are offered through the internet; communication, finances, shopping, etc. Considering how much time we spend on the internet raises additional concern regarding the reality of how much information each of us share on a daily basis. Privacy International expresses the concern this way, “Thanks to new laws, new technologies, and certain whistles that have been blown, what we now know is that governments are not just watching terrorists; they’re watching all of us, your phone calls, your internet surfing, your emails, your social networking habits, your locations…all of it.” You may begin to look at technology differently.


If this is all new information, as it just may be, Privacy International lists the main 3 ways that your information is spied upon. Network Monitoring, Tactical Monitoring, and Spyware. “Network monitoring consists of inserting or modifying physical infrastructure to perform surveillance…Tactical Monitoring is more discreet. It compromises both the networks and the devices…Spyware…a malicious software sent to a target’s phone or computer that infects it, without you even knowing.” These are just the main three. With the rising amounts of information upon information, there is knowledge that can be acquired based on what information reveals: known as Meta Data. This is also being gathered and monitored. All of these signs are pointing to a reasonable question: Is this the beast economy?


Revelation 13:16-18 reveals some startling concerns. “It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.” As the Church, we don’t have to make decisions in fear, but we can allow these understandings to help us make future decisions with wisdom. Watch the full report to see what is taking place, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Information, internet, government, Mark Zuckerberg, Sesame Credit, United Nations, and wisdom. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Courtesy of  Kite_rin/Shutterstock.com



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