Education mountain by ‘Boys and Men Must Be Free and Accustomed to Fearing Slavery More Than Death’ Plato Teachers Union control 90% of School Boards in America? War; Power Outage; Famine; IN AMERICA? OH GOD! Jonathan Isaac: Why He Stood! Supreme Court Upholds Religious Rights, Vindicates Football Coach Who Was Fired for Praying Why are there mass shootings? Justin Bieber Shares How God Accepts Us in Our Pain & Our Dirt Justin Bieber Impacted by Others Walking Out Their Faith Justin Bieber On a Path of Self Destruction but a Relationship with Jesus Changed Everything Justin Bieber Answers How He Sees His Relationship with Jesus Justin Bieber Shares What was the Turning Point in His Faith Justin Bieber Takes a Deep Dive into His Faith PROPHECY! Jennifer Lopez Giving to the Glory Outpouring WATCH! PROPHECY! God is Touching People in Entertainment to be a Significant Part in the Move of God; Jennifer Lopez and Justin Bieber God is Moving in the 7 Mountains of Culture & Get Ready for Great Wealth to Bring in the Harvest! WATCH! God is Moving in the 7 Mountains of Culture & Get Ready for Great Wealth to Bring in the Harvest! VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning- Coach Bobby Knight WATCH! PROPHECY: We are in a Crucible Season; Better things are in Store for those Who Endure; Cindy Jacobs; VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning Don’t Allow False Threats of Racism Stop You from Standing for the Truth WATCH! Don’t Allow False Threats of Racism Stop You from Standing for the Truth BEING CONNECTED TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE INSULATES YOU FOR SUCCESS WATCH! BEING CONNECTED TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE INSULATES YOU FOR SUCCESS Values Voter Summit: NRA President Oliver North-Americans Still Value their Freedoms! WATCH! Values Voter Summit: NRA President Oliver North-Americans Still Value their Freedoms! Christian Privilege? Colleges Teach that there is, George Washington University. WATCH! Remembering 9/11 -17 Years Later the Fallen and Heroes; Christian Privilege? All Are Invited; Prophecy: Fields Are Ripe For Harvest Mr. Rogers Secret to Living a Satisfied Life Mr. Rogers: Graceful receiving is one if the most wonderful gifts we can give anybody. The Secret to Mr. Rogers Success: Spent Two Hours Every Day Abiding with the Lord Mr. Rogers’ “Rarely What We See is Essential, It’s What We Don’t See That is.” WATCH! Mr. Rogers’ “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” The Story Behind the Story Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join the Movement Today- Civil Christianity.Org Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture WATCH! Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture; Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join The Movement Today- Civil WATCH! VFNKB Success Secret: Life on the Edge- Dr. James Dobson- Determining the Right Values Results in Success Vice President Mike Pence 2019 Commencement Liberty University WATCH! Vice President Mike Pence 2019 Commencement Liberty University Public School Vs. Home School – the Truth is in the Numbers WATCH! Public School Vs. Home School – the Truth is in the Numbers #VFNKB NBA Player Steph Curry, Oklahoma Senator James Langford, and Hobby Lobby David Green All Share how they Let their LIGHT Shine in their Mountain of Culture WATCH! #VFNKB NBA Player Steph Curry, Oklahoma Senator James Langford, and Hobby Lobby David Green All Share how they Let their LIGHT Shine in their Mountain of Culture DESPERATE FOR THE TRUTH! WATCH! DESPERATE FOR THE TRUTH! William Maillis 11-Year-Old Genius Shares the Importance of Stewarding our Talents and Gifts from God Boy Genius; 11-Year-Old College Graduate Answers – Does God exist in the Universe or does the Universe Exist in God? 11-Year-Old College Graduate; Boy Genius wants to Prove God Exists through Science WATCH! 11-Year-Old College Graduate; Boy Genius want to Prove God Exists through Science WATCH! Bishop Harry Jackson shares the Purpose of His Meeting with President Trump and Responds to his Critics: Diamond and Silk’s Prayer for Pres. Trump and America Mr. Rogers Secret to Living a Satisfied Life Mr. Rogers: Graceful receiving is one if the most wonderful gifts we can give anybody. The Secret to Mr. Rogers Success: Spent Two Hours Every Day Abiding with the Lord Mr. Rogers’ “Rarely What We See is Essential, It’s What We Don’t See That is.” WATCH! Mr. Rogers’ “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” The Story Behind the Story The Bible is one of the Founding Documents in America”, Conversation with Rick Green and David Barton on the impact of the Bible in America WATCH! The Bible is one of the Founding Documents in America”, Conversation with Rick Green and David Barton on the impact of the Bible in America + #WisdomMoments: How to get Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding WATCH! Life on the Edge: The Most Critical Decade of Your Life, James Dobson; The Sharpening Effect of Relationships; The Moravians teach us to stand for Generations to Come Stunning Interview with Dr. Joe Martin: Authentic Conversation Regarding the Need to Minister to MEN WATCH! Stunning Interview with Dr. Joe Martin: Authentic Conversation Regarding the Need to Minister to MEN + The Key to a Long Prosperous Life What is the World View of Christians in America? WATCH! What is the World View of Christians in America?; First things First The PRICE of FREEDOM Pastor John Kilpatrick shares how the Land responds to our Sin and our Repentance WATCH! Pastor John Kilpatrick shares how the Land responds to our Sin and our Repentance + Trusted Wounds Values Voter Summit: NRA President Oliver North-Americans Still Value their Freedoms! WATCH! Values Voter Summit: NRA President Oliver North-Americans Still Value their Freedoms! Florida Schools Celebrate Freedom Week! Schools Read the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence WATCH! Superintendent of Schools Launches Freedom Week, VFNKB Love Box Philippines Story, Anointed Mid Term Elections Prayer Lance Wallnau – SEE HOW to take the Mountains of Culture-Values Voters Summit 2018 WATCH! Lance Wallnau – SEE HOW to take the Mountains of Culture-Values Voters Summit 2018 PROPHECY! HOLLYWOOD TAKEN BY GOD in 1 YEAR, #EntertainmentMountain, Kat Kerr WATCH! 2 New Supreme Court Justices; Mid Term Elections Red Tsunami Sign of Coming Revival; Wealth Transfer; God Take Hollywood in Two Years Christian Privilege? Colleges Teach that there is, George Washington University. WATCH! Remembering 9/11 -17 Years Later the Fallen and Heroes; Christian Privilege? All Are Invited; Prophecy: Fields Are Ripe For Harvest Women Making Major Contributions in Science Technology, Engineering, Mathematics WATCH! The Racist History of Planned Parenthood; Father’s Warning after Daughter Sex Trafficked; Women Making Major Contributions in S.T.E.M.; A Movement for Transformational Change; VFNKB – Join the Movement Diamond and Silk Prayer for America, Pres. Trump and Students at Liberty University WATCH! Bishop Harry Jackson shares the Purpose of His Meeting with President Trump and Responds to his Critics: Diamond and Silk’s Prayer for Pres. Trump and America Mr. Rogers Secret to Living a Satisfied Life Mr. Rogers: Graceful receiving is one if the most wonderful gifts we can give anybody. The Secret to Mr. Rogers Success: Spent Two Hours Every Day Abiding with the Lord Mr. Rogers’ “Rarely What We See is Essential, It’s What We Don’t See That is.” WATCH! Mr. Rogers’ “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” The Story Behind the Story President Trump and America’s CEOs’ Pledge to Help the American Worker; Jobs, Training, and Apprenticeships; Over 4 Million Jobs WATCH! President Trump and America’s CEOs’ Pledge to Help the American Worker; Jobs, Training, and Apprenticeships; Over 4 Million Jobs VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning- Coach Bobby Knight WATCH! PROPHECY: We are in a Crucible Season; Better things are in Store for those Who Endure; Cindy Jacobs; VFNKB #SuccessSecret: The Keys to Winning William Maillis 11-Year-Old Genius Shares the Importance of Stewarding our Talents and Gifts from God Boy Genius; 11-Year-Old College Graduate Answers – Does God exist in the Universe or does the Universe Exist in God? 11-Year-Old College Graduate; Boy Genius wants to Prove God Exists through Science WATCH! 11-Year-Old College Graduate; Boy Genius want to Prove God Exists through Science Ben Carson-Secretary of HUD Establishes Vision Centers to help Give the Poor Upward Mobility; Economically, Physically, Educationally, and Personally through Character and Leadership Development WATCH! Ben Carson-Secretary of HUD Establishes Vision Centers to help Give the Poor Upward Mobility; Economically, Physically, Educationally, and Personally through Character and Leadership Development Truth about Political Correctness Well Received at Oxford; Highly Sought-After Author Jordan Peterson shares WATCH! Truth about Political Correctness Well Received at Oxford, Jordan Peterson shares; Anti Israel Bias last Straw US Pulls Out of Human Rights Council; Nikki Haley Are Teachers Unions Actually Picking their Paycheck over Parents having School Choice Options? Our Children Deserve Better Billionaire Betsy Devos Education Secretary -Giving Back to America WATCH! Billionaire Betsy Devos Education Secretary-Giving Back to America; Are Teachers Unions Actually Picking their Paycheck over Parents having School Choice Options? Our Children Deserve Better Women Making Major Contributions in Science Technology, Engineering, Mathematics WATCH! The Racist History of Planned Parenthood; Father’s Warning after Daughter Sex Trafficked; Women Making Major Contributions in S.T.E.M.; A Movement for Transformational Change; VFNKB – Join the Movement 7th Grader Boldly Stands for God in front of School Board; Teacher Tells Students – God is a Myth WATCH! 7th Grader Boldly Stands for God in front of School Board; Teacher Tells Students – God is a Myth; The Number One Thing that moves God High School Student Suspended Three Times from School for Talking about Jesus WATCH! High School Student Suspended Three Times from School for Talking about Jesus; Prophesy: The Wind of God and His Coming Move of the Spirit Teacher Gives Vulgar Awards to Students: Time for Education System to Work with Parents WATCH! Teacher Gives Students Vulgar Awards: Time for Educ. System to Work with Parents Equally Funded Education; Time to Reexamine Education in America including Christian Education WATCH! Equally Funded Education; Time to Reaxamine Education in America including Christian Education; We Support Israel! Let’s Stand Together Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join the Movement Today- Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture WATCH! Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture; Civil Christianity Walking Together In LOVE: Join The Movement Today- Civil JOBS ARE GOING GONE? Globalization, Automation Artificial Intelligence COMING LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN-NOT Future-It’s NOW! WATCH! Jobs are Going Gone? Globalization, Automation, and Artificial Intelligence Coming Like a Freight Train- Not Future its NOW; Driverless Cars 200% Safer says Elon Musk; They will Take Over by end of 2019; VFNKB #SuccessSecret: Readers are Leaders: Dolly Parton LIBERTY IS AN ANOMALY & WHY EVERY GREAT EMPIRE IN THE PAST HAS LOST IT-Professor Walter Williams, George Mason University LIBERTY IS BEING USED TO DESTROY LIBERTY! Professor Walter Williams, George Mason University GOVERNMENT LEGALIZES THEFT; Americans Love Living at the Expense of Someone Else? Professor Walter Williams, George Mason University ‘POLITICAL SUICIDE REQUIRED to deal with the Surmounting Debt due to TOUCH CHOICES’, Professor Walter Williams, George Mason University TOTALITARIAN! ‘America is Moving Closer to Totalitarian form of Government’ Professor Walter Williams, George Mason University WATCH! What is Liberty? Are We Placing the Nation’s Debt on our Grandchildren? School Choice for Every Student; Not Just the Wealthy, Connected, and Elected-Sec. of Education, Betsy DeVos Education Disparities No MORE; Every Student Succeeds-Sec. of Education Betsy DeVos School Vouchers & School Choice! NO MORE One Size Does Not Fit All-Sec. of Education, Betsy DeVos FREE SPEECH IN SCHOOLS & COLLEGES IS BACK! Sec. of Education Betsy DeVos WE ARE WINNING IN EDUCATION-Sec. of Education Betsy DeVos WATCH! Sec. of Education Betsy DeVos; We are Winning, Fairness, and Vouchers in Education How our Educational System has been Impacted by Jesus and Christianity Overview of Jesus’ and Christianity’s Impact Through Out History WATCH! The Impact that Christianity Has on the World; and VFN Kingdom Business “In God, We Trust” Motto BACK IN SCHOOLS LAW, FL State Rep. Kim Daniels VFNKB #SuccessSecrets HARD WORK, DISCIPLINE, CONSISTENCY; DENZEL WASHINGTON VFNKB #SuccessSecrets DANGER OF CONFUSING ACTIVITY WITH PROGRESS, DENZEL WASHINGTON WATCH! Kim Daniels bringing “IN GOD WE TRUST” to schools; and Pro-Life at the Grammy’s #SuccessSecrets – Avoid Frustration and Wasting Time! What Matters Most to You? #SuccessSecrets – T.D. Jakes, God Wants You to Succeed where You Work, Play, and Live; In LIFE PROPHECY! Blessing and Prosperity! -The Year of the Double Door! – Cindy Jacobs PROPHECY! YEAR OF God’s SUDDENLIES for You in 2018; Cindy Jacobs #SuccessSecrets – BE THE CEO OF YOUR LIFE! Instead of Finding a Job, BE YOUR JOB – TD Jakes PROPHECY! 2018 Your Struggle Comes to an END Freeing you to Flourish! Hurricane Hit Cities Cleansed for REVIVAL- Rich Vera WATCH! The Coming Harvest of Souls through Cyber Evangelism; and Hackers Advancing the Kingdom of God! Preparing to have Impact in the 7 Mountains of Society Are You In A Valley Of Dry Bones? What You Speak Out Through Your Mouth Is What You Believe In Your Heart We must Never Forget that “Man’s Business” is Not the Father’s Business Preparing to have Impact in the 7 Mountains of Society Shocking Study! How Competing Worldviews are Influencing Today’s Christians WATCH! What is the World View of Christians in America? WATCH! All about Gratitude: White House Press Conference and Sarah Huckabee Sanders Christianity’s AMAZING Impact on Women, Education, and Government WATCH! Center for Medical Progress’s David Daleiden Interviewing Holly O’Donnell about Selling Baby’s Body Parts Preparing to have Impact in the 7 Mountains of Society Racism is not Black or White it’s a Spirit that Divides Civil Christianity Walking Together in LOVE: Join the Movement Today- Civil Preparing to have Impact in the 7 Mountains of Society It’s Okay to Raise a Family with Godly Values and to believe God for a Nation filled with Christians PROPHECY! Children Saved from Darkness: Sent Back as Missionaries of Light; Influencing Culture for Kingdom of God Dreams: Language of God – “Don’t say ‘it’s just a dream”, Lou Engle 5% of the World’s Population and 25% of the Worlds Incarceration Population: AMERICA! ; 100 Top Christian Leaders sign Justice Declaration seeking to bring a restorative process the Criminal Justice System PROPHECY! “The Economy of this Country shall Change Rapidly” Prophetic Word from Kim Clement Fulfilled as President Trump Holds First Cabinet Meeting Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos Celebrates Students of School Choice along with Vice President Pence and President Trump WATCH! Looking at the Palestinian People ; Australian Prime Minister loyal to America PROPHECY! Hand of God Appears in the Sky as Pastors Gather in Repentance? “The Anointing is on You for Your Assignment!” says Lance Wallnau Advancing the Kingdom of God by Conquering the 7 Mountains of Culture! WATCH! The 7 Mountain Mandate and VFN Kingdom Business Turning a City back to God, The Canopy of Prayer in Mobile, AL; & the Mayor Signing a Declaration of Prayer Encouraging Testimonies of the Faithfulness of God! WATCH! Turning a City Back to God: Mobile, Alabama Revival or Riots on College Campus? Stand for what you BELIEVE: Speech by Congressman Trey Gowdy at Liberty University WATCH! Riots or Revival? ; Prophecy about Eric Holder; and Congressman Trey Gowdy at Liberty University President Trump Holds Listening Session with Parents, Teachers, and Leaders of Education WATCH! President Holds 1st Cabinet Meeting; President Meets with Education Leaders; and Swearing in of Sec. of HUD Ben Carson Only 4% of Millennials Have a Biblical World View? What Would You Do if Someone Gave You $5 Billion? A Look at Our Education Department and our New Secretary of Education: Betsy DeVos. We are Called to be Kingdom Philanthropists WATCH! What would you do if you were given $5 Billion? Looking at Betsy DeVos and our Education Department Malcom Muggeridge’s Words from 1970 Ring True today, Ruby Bridges, an Icon of America’s History, Reveals the Catalyst for Overcoming Racism President Trump Signs Executive Order Supporting Historic Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s) Rick Joyner and Lance Wallnau Join to Share a powerful Word: Game Time, Church Activation is Essential; Seize the Moment Gwen Ifill PBS Interview with Lonnie Bunch director of Smithsonian African American History Museum President Trump’s Weekly Address: Time for the Church to be Activated Rick Joyner and Lance Wallnau Join to Share a powerful Word: Game Time, Church Activation is Essential; Seize the Moment President Trump’s Weekly Address: Time for the Church to be Activated WATCH! Senator Ted Cruz talking about Illegal Immigration Down 50%, Franklin Graham Urging for Prayer; and President Trump’s Weekly Address WATCH! Hundreds of Headstones Vandalized at Jewish Cemeteries in Philadelphia and Missouri; and President Trump Speaks at National Museum African American History and Culture Virginia Governor says no to Home School Athletes in Public Schools, “The Tebow Rule” Virginia Governor says no to Home School Athletes in Public Schools, “The Tebow Rule” Larry the Cable Guy Makes Us Laugh and Makes Us Cry as he Shares his Salvation Testimony Liberty University Students Celebrate Life at the March For Life in Washington D.C. PROPHECY! You Tube Millionaires, Cindy Jacobs PROPHECY! Wealth Transfer for the People of God, Pastor John Kilpatrick PROPHECY! God is Raising Funds for God’s Television Networks Prophetic Dream, John Ramos PROPHECY! Raining Gold Flakes in the Court Room of God, Provision for God’s People Prophetic Dream Greg Lancaster Greg Interviews Malcom Thomas, Superintendent of Escambia County School District, about what is happening today in schools in America and Empowering Believers to walk in their God Given Constitutional Rights WATCH! Discussion with Malcolm Thomas, Superintendent of Escambia County School District, about what is Happening in Schools of America Imagine a Computer that looked like a Human. Could you Tell the Difference? WATCH! The Truth of Predatory Lenders; Is Reality Reality or is Life actually a Simulation?; and Ray Kurzweil shares predictions for 2020 and 2099 Prophecy: A New John 17 Movement, The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders Has Much of the Church Become Institutionalized? The Price of Freedom! Jesus Came So That We Could Be Set Free! “The Anointing is on You for Your Assignment!” says Lance Wallnau Advancing the Kingdom of God by Conquering the 7 Mountains of Culture! WATCH! The 7 Mountain Mandate and VFN Kingdom Business The Foundations of Christianity and America WATCH! The Foundation of Christianity and America: The World Wide Debt, and the Collapse of Pensions in America Satanist Club in Our Elementary Schools? Over 91,000 have Signed the Petition to Stop It John Paul Jackson shares Prophetic Headlines of Events to Come What is the Devil’s End Game? Why Do Political Platforms Matter? A Vital Discussion to Understand! Your Vote Is Your Seed WATCH! Tiger Attack at the Pensacola Interstate Fair; Leaders Debating Life; and Why Political Platforms Matter What is Wrong with America? What Can We Do? How do We Respond? A Discussion with Ravi Zacharias and the Church. Part 1 What is Wrong with America? What Can We Do? How do We Respond? A Discussion with Ravi Zacharias and the Church. Part 2 What is Wrong with America? What Can We Do? How do We Respond? A Discussion with Ravi Zacharias and the Church. Part 2 What is Wrong with America? What Can We Do? How do We Respond? A Discussion with Ravi Zacharias and the Church. Part 1 Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann, David Barton, and a discussion about what God’s Word says about Capitalism, Communism & Socialism Pensacola Uniting in PRAYER: Be There September 11, 2016 Pensacola Bay Center WATCH! Why is President Obama on the side of a Building in Iran in 2014?; and Prophetic Words from John Paul Jackson Children are being Raised to Hate! Palestinian Father tells Israeli Soldiers to Shoot His 4-Year Old Son The temple of satan organization, wants to start a satanist club in every American Elementary School WATCH! Is Turkey’s President Erdogan leading Turkey to become an Islamic Republic?; and Satanists want Satanic Club in every Elementary School in America? “I’m not scared to die…I’m Scared for those that are distracted by the world”, Clayton’s Story Satanist allowed to Invoke satan at the Invitation of a Pensacola City Councilman WATCH! Five Spiritual Trends for 2016 by Rick Joyner Inspiring, Bold and Courageous Commence Speech by Tate High School Salutatorian Lauren Kirkland Life on the Edge: The Most Critical Decade of Your Life, James Dobson WATCH! Inspirational Commencement Speech by Lauren Kirkland; and Life on the Edge by James Dobson A Murder-Suicide at UCLA Campus? This is not Supposed to be Normal. How did we Get Here and What Do We Do About It? WATCH! A murder-suicide on UCLA campus? Does the endless hours of violent video games have any cause in this? “I Dare You all to Pursue True Truth which is Only Found in Jesus Christ”, Salutatorian of Tate High School, Lauren Kirkland, Shares Bold words about Jesus Christ during Graduation Speech WATCH! Jan Crouch has Gone to be with The Lord; ,Salutatorian of Tate High School Preaches the Gospel , Anne Graham Lotz & Dr. Ben Carson A 70 year tradition to say the Lord’s Prayer During Graduation Commencement Stopped after a threat to Remove Funding? Watch how the Graduating Class Responds? You are Called to Be a GAME CHANGER in Society! Right Where You Live, Work, and Play: Kingdom Impact Superintendent Goes Ballistic Over “Jesus Lunch” in the Park? WATCH! Samaritan’s Purse Sends Field Hospital to Ecuador; Jesus Culture shares Game Changers; and VFN Kingdom Business Revival Coming to Cuba, Prophetic Word by Rick Joyner; Could President Obama’s Historic Visit Play a Key Role? WATCH! United in Prayer in NW Florida; President Obama Visits Cuba; and a Prophecy for Cuba A New Reformation of Church; Councils of Leaders Will Begin to Form; A Kingdom Economy Will Begin; New Generation of Prophets & Teachers Will Emerge; Huge Numbers of Christians Arise in Europe & America; Great Awakening! 5 SPIRITUAL TRENDS BEGINNING 2016 THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD, says Rick Joyner, in a Prophetic Word; Morningstar Ministries WATCH! Five Spiritual Trends for 2016 by Rick Joyner Activating the Church and Community by ReImagine WATCH! Interview with Linda English with Reimagined Brownsville, Impacting the Community, the Church being hands and feet UK Schools Must Teach That Britain Is A Christian Nation, Says Education Secretary A New Reformation of Church; Councils of Leaders Will Begin to Form; A Kingdom Economy Will Begin; New Generation of Prophets & Teachers Will Emerge; Huge Numbers of Christians Arise in Europe & America; Great Awakening! 5 SPIRITUAL TRENDS BEGINNING 2016 THAT WILL CHANGE THE WORLD, says Rick Joyner, in a Prophetic Word; Morningstar Ministries Virginia Student receives Islam Homework Assignment causing Outrage by Parents WATCH! Virginia School District assigns students to Write Islamic Statement of Faith?; Raheel Raza and Radical Islam: By The Numbers Is Freedom of Speech Still Free? What is happening in America? WATCH! Is Freedom of Speech Still Free? Does Free Speech Offend You? What is Happening on College Campuses? Academic Assignments that Encourage Students to Sing Jihadist Fight Song and Create ISIS Recruiting Posters: Should this be Happening? WATCH! Jihadi Fight Songs & ISIS Recruiting Posters in America as School Assignments? Habituation: Breaking Habits So We TAKE NOTICE WATCH! US Veterans Joining Christian Army to Fight ISIS; and Habituation- Noticing the Details in Life Education in the United States: Past, Present and Future- Critical Thinking verse Learning? WATCH! Where are we on the End Times; and Education Past, Present, and Future Football Coach Sidelined- Suspended for Praying? WATCH! High School Coach suspended for Praying AFTER game; NFL Player Ben Watson shares wisdom on Racial Tensions 7th Grader Boldly Speaks Truth to Power when she explains that her Teacher made Students say “God is a Myth” WATCH! 7th grader told by teacher that “God is a myth”; and It’s time to BE THE CHURCH Greg Interviews Malcom Thomas, Superintendent of Escambia County School District, about what is happening today in schools in America and Empowering Believers to walk in their God Given Constitutional Rights WATCH! Discussion with Malcolm Thomas, Superintendent of Escambia County School District, about what is Happening in Schools of America Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture Making Disciples in the 7 Mountains of Culture The School Revolution: Relooking at Education and Empowering others to Learn from Stunning Interview with Dr. Joe Martin: Authentic Conversation Regarding the Need to Minister to MEN Stunning Interview with Dr. Joe Martin: Authentic Conversation Regarding the Need to Minister to MEN Can the Church Play a Pivotal Role in Education? Let’s Not Walk Off the Mountain Leaving Our Place of Influence for God: Let‘s let Our Light Shine Called to Transform the Culture What does building for a 1,000 years look like? Beast Economy vs. God’s Economy Praying for Those In Authority; Desire of God, Requirement for Peace & Hope for Salvation 600 Students in one High School Bible Club VFNRadio Broadcast First Hour 1/31/13 Kindergarten Banned ‘God Bless USA’ Song