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Stunning Interview with Dr. Joe Martin: Authentic Conversation Regarding the Need to Minister to MEN


LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! By looking around in our nation, it is easy to witness the gradual increasing narrative being spoken out over men that they are insignificant. The reality that each and every one of us should connect with, is the importance of men. To touch the man, is to touch his family, the community, the city, the state, and ultimately affect a nation. Dr. Joe Martin, a man who has spent more than 20 years in education, speaking to Fortune 500 companies, and reaching out to impact men, understands these truths as his life’s journey exudes these realities.

Martin shares some staggering statistics in regards to what he has encountered and walked out in his life. If we look at 10 men in the church, you may be surprised at the numbers that were found regarding balancing responsibilities, pornography, raising children and divorce. When it comes down to the reality of these statistics, Martin looks at accountability in each other’s lives. Looking in the Bible, there were some profound men that God used; Solomon was the wisest man. Sampson was the strongest man, and David was described as a man after God’s own heart. The one thing that all of these men have in common is that each of them failed. Each of them failed to have accountability in their lives.

Regardless of who we are, we should have a Paul, a Timothy, and a Barnabas in our lives. A Paul is someone who has “been there before” and can lead us through life’s journeys and paths; a “Timothy” is someone that can learn from our lives and that we can pour into as well as a “Barnabas”. We need these kind of relationships close in our lives that care more about our soul than our friendship and who will speak truth in our lives.

Many experienced men are paralyzed at the thought of speaking into another man’s life, or guiding another person through hardship, because of not feeling adequate, because of the many failures, or whatever else the devil decides to use to lie to us about. The reality is this: the simple truth that you have so many failures qualifies you as adequate to speak into another man’s life. If we do not have a Paul in our life, then it is for us to simply become one knowing the simple truth that it is God who will guide us along every path that he places us on. Enjoy this powerful and anointed conversation as you garner continued wisdom in your parenting, the men in your life, those you feel that God is calling you to mentor, and those who can lead and guide you where God has placed you, and so much more. Greg and Joe shared in this segment.
screen capture from drjoemartin.com


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Stunning Interview with Dr. Joe Martin: Authentic Conversation Regarding the Need to Minister to MEN


LISTEN NOW! WATCH FULL PROGRAM! By looking around in our nation, it is easy to witness the gradual increasing narrative being spoken out over men that they are insignificant. The reality that each and every one of us should connect with, is the importance of men. To touch the man, is to touch his family, the community, the city, the state, and ultimately affect a nation. Dr. Joe Martin, a man who has spent more than 20 years in education, speaking to Fortune 500 companies, and reaching out to impact men, understands these truths as his life’s journey exudes these realities.

Martin shares some staggering statistics in regards to what he has encountered and walked out in his life. If we look at 10 men in the church, you may be surprised at the numbers that were found regarding balancing responsibilities, pornography, raising children and divorce. When it comes down to the reality of these statistics, Martin looks at accountability in each other’s lives. Looking in the Bible, there were some profound men that God used; Solomon was the wisest man. Sampson was the strongest man, and David was described as a man after God’s own heart. The one thing that all of these men have in common is that each of them failed. Each of them failed to have accountability in their lives.

Regardless of who we are, we should have a Paul, a Timothy, and a Barnabas in our lives. A Paul is someone who has “been there before” and can lead us through life’s journeys and paths; a “Timothy” is someone that can learn from our lives and that we can pour into as well as a “Barnabas”. We need these kind of relationships close in our lives that care more about our soul than our friendship and who will speak truth in our lives.

Many experienced men are paralyzed at the thought of speaking into another man’s life, or guiding another person through hardship, because of not feeling adequate, because of the many failures, or whatever else the devil decides to use to lie to us about. The reality is this: the simple truth that you have so many failures qualifies you as adequate to speak into another man’s life. If we do not have a Paul in our life, then it is for us to simply become one knowing the simple truth that it is God who will guide us along every path that he places us on. Enjoy this powerful and anointed conversation as you garner continued wisdom in your parenting, the men in your life, those you feel that God is calling you to mentor, and those who can lead and guide you where God has placed you, and so much more. Greg and Joe shared in this segment. screen capture from drjoemartin.com


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Malachi 4:5-6, Judges 14:5-6, 1 Kings 4:29-30, Acts 13:22, Acts 9:26-28, 1 Timothy 1:2

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