LISTEN NOW! It is vital to never underestimate the Devil. When you think he couldn’t get any more evil, he does. Don’t be shocked at the plans of the enemy. According to the Washington Post, an After School Satan Club just may be coming to an elementary school in your area.
When the Satanic Temple of Los Angeles wrote a letter to the Superintendent of the Unified School District in Los Angeles, they cited a 2001 Supreme Court case that allowed Child Evangelism Fellowship to access public schools and thus, the Satanic Temple should have access as well. The Satanic Temple described their programs as:
“a religious organization that seeks to encourage benevolence and empathy among all people. In addition, The Satanic Temple embraces practical common sense and promotes justice. The Satanic Temple facilitates the communication and mobilization of politically aware Satanists, secularists, and other advocates for individual liberty.”
We have the choice not to go the way of these Satanists. Ironically enough, The Washington Post cited the very event of a Satanist’s prayer in a Pensacola City Council meeting. As the Church, we have got to dedicate our cities to the Lord, our counties to the Lord, and everything else under his Lordship and leadership. There was a day when America did not exist. But, a day came when a handful of individuals realized that they wanted to live life free, under the leadership of the Lord. Ultimately, the Declaration of Independence was born, and then The Constitution. If we want to keep America, all we have to do is get right before the Lord. Why lose what so many have died for? Hear the full content of this important matter, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: prayer, schools, education, Satanists, religion, beliefs, repentance, and humility. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
Courtesy of KPG_Payless/Shuttetstockcom
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This post was edited 08-05-2016