LISTEN NOW! There are so many after school organizations that our children can be involved in when school is out. But, how would you respond to an “After School Satan Club” being offered to your young elementary school student? That is what the Sacramento Elementary School in Oregon is having to respond to.
CBN is reporting as to how parents are responding. “Parents are aghast.” Each of us can respond to this shocking event by not only praying for these leaders but also signing a petition that this would not take place. Their goal is 100,000 signatures and you can sign the petition “Keep Satan Out of Sacramento Schools” here.
At some point, we just should say NO to what comes at us, to what comes across our desk. If we say yes to this, we are allowing the devil to have a foothold in our educational system and it will have devastating effects in America. Hear the full report of what is taking place, see the petition, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: school, spiritual warfare, and prayer. Greg and Steve shared in this segment.
Courtesy of KPG_Payless/Shuttetstock.com
Courtesy of KPG_Payless/Shuttetstock.com
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