As Bunch addresses, there is a significance and importance as to why the Museum’s location was chosen to be where it is in the National Mall. “It’s the acknowledgement that being on the National Mall, in some ways, says this story is important, is legitimate.” Bunch continues to express, “It was really important to be on the mall because, in some ways, one of the great joys of the Smithsonian, is people come to the Smithsonian and wrestle with issues and subjects that they won’t in their own home.” As Bunch points out, this is not just about the stories of African Americans. “This is not simply a story by black people, for black people. That in essence, this was the quintessential American Story.” He continues to express, “…if you want to understand who we are as Americans; our notions of resiliency and optimism; our sense of liberty…where better to look than this community?”
Hundreds of Tombstones Vandalized at Jewish Cemeteries in Philadelphia and Missouri drawing Condemnation from the President and the Vice President of the United States
Persecution against the Church and the Jewish community continues, this time in the horrific actions of vandalizing Jewish cemeteries. As WPVI is reporting that over 100 headstones have been overturned in Mt. Carmel Cemetery, in the Philadelphia area. As Bob Brooks traveled to the scene to report about what has transpired, he comments how multiple volunteers have responded within a 24-hour window to do all they can to clean up the damage. But, as he points out, there is only so much that can be done. “What you’ll see…is these old-style tombstones like that that don’t rest on a base. Those have been split in half and those are the kind of ones that will never be able to be fixed.” Mayor of Philadelphia, Jim Kenney, also spoke out against the violence. “This ethnic, religious and bigotry needs to stop. It needs to be put an end to.”
President Trump and Vice President Trump were also very outspoken speaking against these acts of vandalism. President Trump responded to these actions, “The anti-Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible, and are painful, and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate, and prejudice, and evil.” Vice President Pence also commented on similar vandalism that occurred in University City, Missouri. “We condemn this vile act of vandalism and those who perpetrate it in the strongest possible terms.” Vice President Pence also commented on the response of many who came in response, to help in many ways. “It’s been inspiring to people, all across this country to see the way that people of Missouri have rallied around the Jewish community with compassion and support. You have inspired this nation with your kindness and your care.”
KY3 News is further reporting how “around 180 headstones had been knocked off their bases at the Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery.” This cemetery is in the St. Louis area. But, the response to help wasn’t limited to the local populace. “Muslim activists started a crowd funding campaign to help with the cost of repairing the headstones. It raised over $80,000 in 24 hours.”
These are horrific events that are taking place against our Jewish brothers and sisters and we must stand in support of them. See the full report of what has taken place, as well as the many responses, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: persecution, threats, vandalism, anti-Semitism, Israel, and terrorism. Greg shared in this segment.
Vice President Pence Speaks Out Against Anti-Semitism
Persecution against the Church and the Jewish community continues, this time in the horrific actions of vandalizing Jewish cemeteries. Vice President Pence commented on this vandalism that occurred in University City, Missouri. “We condemn this vile act of vandalism and those who perpetrate it in the strongest possible terms.” Vice President Pence also commented on the response of many who came in response, to help in many ways. “It’s been inspiring to people, all across this country to see the way that people of Missouri have rallied around the Jewish community with compassion and support. You have inspired this nation with your kindness and your care.”
KY3 News is further reporting how “around 180 headstones had been knocked off their bases at the Chesed Shel Emeth Cemetery.” This cemetery is in the St. Louis area. But, the response to help wasn’t limited to the local populace. “Muslim activists started a crowd funding campaign to help with the cost of repairing the headstones. It raised over $80,000 in 24 hours.”
These are horrific events that are taking place against our Jewish brothers and sisters and we must stand in support of them. See the full report of what has taken place, as well as the many responses, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: persecution, threats, vandalism, anti-Semitism, Israel, and terrorism. Greg shared in this segment.
President Trump Speaks at the National Museum of African History and Culture with Dr. Ben Carson and Alveda King
As President Trumpis responding to so many needed issues in America, it is exciting to see the President standing up and speaking out for America’s rich African American history that so needs to be told. When recently visiting the National Museum of African American History and Culture, the President recently talked about the significance of the Museum, but also the many leaders that were part of making it a reality and the leaders that have been part of America’s story.
“I’m deeply proud that we now have a museum that honors the millions of African American men and women who built our national heritage, especially when it comes to faith, culture and the unbreakable American spirit.” The President expressednotable mentions, such as Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Frederick Douglas, Booker T. Washington, the Greensboro students, the many Medal of Honor recipients, and also Sojourner Truth. As the Museum was opened during the Administration of the first African American President, President Obama, President Trump expressed how honored he was being the second President to visit the museum. “Today and every day of my presidency, I pledge to do everything I can to continue that promise of freedom for African Americans and for every American.”
After walking through the many exhibits that this museum offers, the President responded by sharing what it means to him. “This tour was a meaningful reminder of why we have to fight bigotry, intolerance and hatred in all of its very ugly forms.” He brought attention to how the Jewish community has experienced racism and persecution and that it must be stopped. “The anti-Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible, and are painful, and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate, and prejudice, and evil.”
As the President surrounded himself with various African American leaders in America, he commented on Dr. Ben Carson’s nomination to head the Department of Housing and Development, as well as Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and her ‘tireless work fighting for justice’. President Trump echoed the words of Dr. King when he quoted his memorable words, “We are determined to work and fight until justice runs down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
These are such encouraging realities to see the President taking a stand and a voice to issues such as race relations, and equality in America. It is additionally important to recognize that God does not do anything without revealing it through His prophets. God revealed to Brianna Bolender in a dream the impact that President Trump would have on the African American community. In this dream, she was walking with President Trump, one of his advisors, and a young African American man, in what appeared to be a large store, like a Sam’s Club. “As we’re going through the aisles, each aisle was an issue. Like taxes and poverty.” She continues to share how, what appeared to be a national poll on past presidents, was at the end of one aisle. “They had done this nationwide poll of something to the effect of ‘what administration did you [the African American Community] feel the most represented or edified’”. As she describes how she saw the results of the poll, she could see the name of Obama overwhelmingly circled. She continues, “you could tell that this poll had been done before because [Bill] Clinton’s name was there and those who had selected [Bill] Clinton before scratched that out and circled Obama”. It was then that the young energetic African American man who had been walking and talking the entire time said this revealing statement. “You see, they felt they were edified or represented by this Administration. But, the truth is, they lost their identity in that Administration.”
It is vital to understand that at the time of the Clinton Administration, Bill Clinton was spoken of as the first African American President because of how he responded to the African American Community and how helpful he was. President Obama also focused on a lot of these issues, but it is now being revealed that President Trump is going to be the best out these three Administrations, when it comes to edifying the African American Community.
God has great plans in store for all the citizens of America. It is vital that we continue to pray for President Trump and his entire Cabinet so that they can respond and edify the African American Community, and all the citizens of America. See the full statements from President Trump, the full details of this recent prophetic dream, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: human services, legacy, justice, equality, oppression, love, division, and hope. Greg and John shared in this segment.
Gwen Ifill PBS Interview with Lonnie Bunch director of Smithsonian African American History Museum
In Washington D.C., there are a collection of Smithsonian Museums offering an array of different types of history that chronicle all walks of life. The most recent is the National Museum of African American History and Culture. As the Director of the Museum, Lonnie Bunch was recently interviewed by PBS, he talked about the tremendous undertaking it has been to make this vision a reality as well as how he has responded to the outcome. “It’s one of the most humbling and exciting moments of my entire life.”
Amidst the many responses that Bunch has received since the Museum has been opened, what has surprised him the most is the many American citizens that have expressed their gratitude for his efforts and labors. “There are times when I walk in an airport and people sort of just give me the ‘thumbs up’; or I walk down the street and church ladies will come to me and say they’re praying for me.”

In the heightened climate in America’s present day, Bunch was asked about how the topic of race is being addressed through the Museum. “I think there was a great concern that, ‘would this just be a museum by black people for black people’ and I think we had to counter that, both by the kind of stories that we told, by the way we tried to say, ‘This is a story of America, through an African American lens’”.
This is a beautiful reality that history is being told. Our history is not being slanted. It is additionally encouraging to hear Bunch describe the overwhelming participation that took place in order to make the museum a reality. Be sure to bring the whole family as you secure your tickets during your next trip to our nation’s capital and you visit the tremendous beauty of this historical museum. See the full interview with Director Bunch, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: diversity, Black Lives Matter, artifacts, colleagues, Harriet Tubman, curators, Muhammad Ali, and legacies. Greg and John shared in this segment.
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