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Home » Inspiring, Bold and Courageous Commence Speech by Tate High School Salutatorian Lauren Kirkland

Inspiring, Bold and Courageous Commence Speech by Tate High School Salutatorian Lauren Kirkland


LISTEN NOW! It is an exciting time of year as another school year comes to a close and graduation ceremonies are beginning to happen. Whether someone is graduating kindergarten, high school, or college, it is a time of celebration. It has been said that the opportunity of a lifetime must be seized within the lifetime of the opportunity. Lauren Kirkland did exactly that. As the Salutatorian for the graduating senior class of Tate High School, she boldly declared the Good News of Jesus Christ to all of her fellow seniors, administrators, and full audience.

Kirkland composes herself very well as she recognizes her fellow seniors and all of the administration present. What is even more encouraging is her acknowledgement of the Lord; “I’d like to give thanks to my God and my Savior, Jesus Christ. Without Jesus Christ, I would be nothing and nothing real would ever happen in my life. My life would have no substance.” It isn’t a high school graduation without remembering all of those difficult moments and classes over the last four years. Or as Kirkland expresses, “when we were in Ms. Gray’s class trying to figure out her graphs”, or her American Government class. It was authentic and encouraging as she expressed her enjoyment of her fellow students, “We may have wished much of this time away but I hope you all know that time spent with you has not been wasted.”


As Kirkland also shared the concluding remarks as well, her bold statements for the Gospel continued! “I wanted to share with you guys what I thought was most important.” She continues to quote the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians, “May I never boast except in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world, neither circumcision, or uncircumcision means anything.” What is so beautiful is how she brought this point home to her own reality as a graduating senior and to her graduating class. “My hope is that I never boast in any worldly thing but only boast in the fact that Christ had redeemed me.”


With her final words, she encourages her graduating class to seek that which she believes is most important, “I dare you all to pursue true truth; a truth I know is only found in Jesus Christ. I dare you to pursue holiness, righteousness, and excellence. I dare you to give all glory to God, for He deserves it.” Thank you Lauren Kirkland for seizing the opportunity of being bold for the Lord!


Kirkland is another demonstration of what the Lord is doing in this generation. It is so encouraging to see this generation hungry for the things of God and to be bold for Jesus. See the full speech from Kirkland, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: graduation, commencement, graphs, government, glory, gratitude, courage, and celebration. John and Steve shared in this segment.

screen capture from youtube.com/ECSD FLorida

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