For those of us in America, we may not fully understand the cost that was embraced by those that fought for America to be birthed. As a professor at George Mason University, Professor Walter Williams shares some incredible insight into the reality of what sets America apart when compared to the long list of other countries throughout history. One of the values that sets America apart, is the value of freedom.
For those of us in America, we may not fully understand the cost that was embraced by those that fought for America to be birthed. As a professor at George Mason University, Professor Walter Williams shares some incredible insight into the reality of what sets America apart when compared to the long list of other countries throughout history. When he sat down with Mark Levin, he shared some thought provoking comments about America.
One of the things that sets America apart is its free exercise of liberty. According to Professor Walter Williams, he explains it as “people being able to engage in peaceable, voluntary exchange, without interference by others.” What is additionally intriguing about liberty, as Professor Williams explains, it simply isn’t normal in history. “Throughout mankind’s history, he’s been subject to arbitrary abuse and control by others.” Do we presently understand the blessings of liberty afforded to us in America?
According to history, liberty has always been lost. When we look at the flag of America, the red represents the tremendous bloodshed that was required to birth this nation. What are your thoughts on liberty? What is your response to Professor Williams’ comments? We want to hear from you. Also shared in this segment: Mark Levin, Fox News, George Mason University, Professor Walter Williams, liberty, American liberty, and freedom. Greg and John shared in this segment.
LIBERTY IS BEING USED TO DESTROY LIBERTY! Professor Walter Williams, George Mason University
For those of us in America, we may not fully understand the cost that was embraced by those that fought for America to be birthed. As a professor at George Mason University, Professor Walter Williams shares some incredible insight into the reality of what sets America apart when compared to the long list of other countries throughout history. One of the values that sets America apart, is the value of freedom.
When Professor Williams sat down with Mark Levin, he commented how the very practice of liberty can be used to come against the ideas that liberty stands for. “[People] can use liberty to destroy liberty.” What is additionally intriguing about liberty, is how it has often been used as the launching pad to create the many totalitarian governments that we now see around the world. “They always start out, they are for free speech. That is, because they need free speech to get their foot in the door. But after their foot is in the door, they want to eliminate free speech…and you see this all over the world; and we’re beginning to see this in the United States.”
Understanding how liberty can be used for the ultimate demise of liberty, Professor Williams asks this applicable question to America. “Which way are we moving, tiny steps at a time, are we headed towards more personal liberty, or towards more government control over our lives?” That is a sobering thought.
What are your thoughts? What direction do you see America headed in? See the full conversation and interview with Professor Williams, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Mark Levin, Fox News, George Mason University, Professor Walter Williams, liberty, American liberty, totalitarianism, government control, and freedom. Greg and John shared in this segment.
GOVERNMENT LEGALIZES THEFT; Americans Love Living at the Expense of Someone Else? Professor Walter Williams, George Mason University
For those of us in America, we may not fully understand the cost that was embraced by those that fought for America to be birthed. As a professor at George Mason University, Professor Walter Williams shares some incredible insight into the reality of what sets America apart when compared to the long list of other countries throughout history. Presently, it appears that people want to live off the expense of others expecting the government to provide for their needs. As Professor Williams explains, our government is used to do what the American individual would get arrested for.
“I think there is a temptation, among all humans, to want to live at the expense of somebody else.” More specifically, Professor Williams gives an example of a farmer that we can all understand. “If a farmer is having trouble, and he comes and puts a gun to me and says, ‘give me your money’, he’s gonna go to jail. But if he goes to Washington, and gets a Congressman to write a law, enabling the I.R.S. to take my money, he doesn’t go to jail.” In a more pointed statement, he says, “people like to use the government to legalize theft”.
This thievery is often defined as being compassionate, where you take something from someone to give to somebody else. But, the truth of the matter is that compassion is when YOU feel something about it, and YOU do something about it. Doing something legally, politically, doesn’t necessarily mean it is right. This is the essence of Law versus Morality. All of us will answer before God for our actions that we did in this life.
What are your thoughts on how our government can be used for purposes such as this? Instead of turning to government, we need to turn to God. See the full discussion with Professor Williams, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: U.S. government, Mark Levin, Fox News, George Mason University, Professor Walter Williams, jail, legislation, and morality. Greg and John shared in this segment.
‘POLITICAL SUICIDE REQUIRED to deal with the Surmounting Debt due to TOUCH CHOICES’, Professor Walter Williams, George Mason University
For those of us in America, we may not fully understand the cost that was embraced by those that fought for America to be birthed. While America has achieved amazing accomplishments, we have also accumulated a staggering amount of debt. As a professor at George Mason University, Professor Walter Williams shares some incredible insight regarding the matter of our national debt.
When Professor Williams sat down with Mark Levin, he shared that “the big collapse will not come until 2030 or 2040.” The downside regarding any potential leader who decides to do the right thing, is how the nation would respond to any such individual. Professor Williams explains. “The major big problem in our spending is Social Security and Medicare. Any Congressman talking about doing something about Social Security, doing something about Medicare, he’s gonna be run out of office”. Knowing these realities, Professor Williams asks this pointed question; “Is it reasonable for us to expect a politician to do what he considers to be political suicide?” In his thoughts, no.
Sad to say, we are treading down the very same roads that so many empires that have gone before us have traveled. What are we going to do? What do our politicians need to do so that we don’t suffer the same demise of consequences? What are your thoughts on our national debt? We want to hear from you. Also shared in this segment: U.S. government, Mark Levin, Fox News, George Mason University, Professor Walter Williams, national debt, politicians, Social Security and Medicare. Greg and John share in this segment.
TOTALITARIAN! ‘America is Moving Closer to Totalitarian form of Government’ Professor Walter Williams, George Mason University
Some assume that if something starts off well, it will always continue on the same path. When people get married, they have no idea that things will be drastically different 10-20 years later. Changes must be made. What about America? For those of us in America, we may not fully understand the cost that was embraced by those that fought for America to be birthed. As a professor at George Mason University, Professor Walter Williams shares some incredible insight into the reality of what sets America apart when compared to the long list of other countries throughout history.
When Professor Williams sat down with Mark Levin, Professor Williams was asked what his take was on the present government in America. “Well we’re moving towards totalitarianism”. More specifically, he says, “I’m not saying that we’re a totalitarian nation yet. But, which way are we headed? Tiny steps at a time, more government control over our lives, or more liberty?” Professor Williams point to the government control.
What is more alarming, according to Professor Williams, is how the American people view the U.S. Constitution. “The American people have contempt for the United States Constitution. Contempt and ignorance.” As Professor Williams explains, people would refuse to elect someone into Congress that pledged to uphold and support the U.S. Constitution.
The Constitution is critically vital to America. It is the very concept that holds it together. In other words, imagine an aquarium. If one were to smash the aquarium by breaking the glass to pieces, what would happen? Water would come pouring out and all the fish would die. The same is applicable of America and the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. Constitution is the “glass” that holds the nation together.
What are your thoughts on the Constitution of America? How close do you believe we are to losing our freedom in America? See the full conversation and interview with Professor Williams, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: U.S. government, Mark Levin, Fox News, George Mason University, Professor Walter Williams, the U.S. Constitution, and freedom. Greg and John share in this segment.
Prophecy! Venezuela’s President Nicolás Maduro is Out! Could A Christian Pastor Replace Him?
Cindy Jacobs has recently shared a prophetic word that evil dictators around the world are about to be the brought down. In this prophetic word, she spoke specifically about certain dictators, and one of them was Nicholas Maduro. While God is showing how these evil dictators are coming down, there may be godly leadership that is potentially on the rise.
Javier Bertucci, a pastor in Venezuela, has recently declared his candidacy for the presidential election in Venezuela. He wants to put Jesus on his platform and believes that he can turn the nation around. This is such an important time to pray that godly leadership would arise in Venezuela. What are your thoughts on Venezuela? Also shared in this segment: Cindy Jacobs, Venezuela, Nicholas Maduro, and leadership. Greg and John shared in this segment.