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Habituation: Breaking Habits So We TAKE NOTICE


LISTEN NOW! So often we can go through our daily lives assuming that the things that we encounter is how things will always be. For those who are in the business of product design, this is not an acceptable mindset. Product designers look for the things that others often missed. Sometimes it’s the small detailed item, or it could be the reality staring at you in the face that people accept every day. What if we applied this open minded, critical thinking approach to our lives? How does a product designer look at life? As the originator of the iPod, Tony Fadell, recently shared at a TED Conference to talk about these very things.
As each of us live our daily lives, we encounter new endeavors. After the learning curve is successfully navigated, some processes begin to become habits. We can only learn so much. According to Fadell, “we have limited brain power. And so our brains encode the everyday things we do into habits so we can free up space to learn new things. It’s a process called habituation and it’s one of the most basic ways, as humans, we learn.” From learning how to drive a car, to tearing that little sticker off of fresh fruit before you eat it, we each do things without really having to think about it. Some of these “habits” are good, and some of them are not so good.
Fadell talks shares the intriguing story of how the windshield wipers on all of our cars were created by a woman while riding on bus one cold, dreary, and rainy day. What may have caused others to complain, this moment caused one woman, Mary Anderson, to immediately begin writing out a concept that is now expected to work any time a little bit of rain, debris, or dirt is on our windshields. How do we see these opportunities? Fadell shares from his own experiences, “Well, it’s seeing the invisible problem, not just the obvious problem, that’s important, not just for product design, but for everything we do. You see, there are invisible problems all around us, ones we can solve. But first we need to see them, to feel them.”In reality, it’s about seeing what others don’t see. As Fadell continues, he shares a handful of tips of how we can apply this understanding to everything it is that we do. Because we have a tendency to see the world strictly through the perspective that our eyes reveal it to be, Fadell shares this encouraging truth, “So my advice that we take to heart is to have young people on your team, or people with young minds. Because if you have those young minds, they cause everyone in the room to think younger.”

If we don’t pay attention to our surroundings, and the life that God has given us, our days can turn into weeks, weeks can turn into months, months into years, and years into decades. We must take advantage of every opportunity that we’re given; we must live out each day that we’re given, with purpose. The older we get, we have a tendency to defend what we know, rather than grow. What would happen if we lived every single day that we are given to make a positive impact for the Glory of God? Be greatly challenged and encouraged as you see how your life can impact the world around you, and so much more. Also shared in this segment, Apple iPhone, iPod, Seinfeld, windshield wipers, New York City, charge before use, Blues Brothers, driver’s education, Steve Jobs, thermostats, energy, vision, and purpose. John and Steve shared in this segment. 
Courtesy of schatzy/shutterstock.com



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