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Home » Education Disparities No MORE; Every Student Succeeds-Sec. of Education Betsy DeVos

Education Disparities No MORE; Every Student Succeeds-Sec. of Education Betsy DeVos

LISTEN NOW! Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM! When Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, was recently interviewed at the 2018 Conservative Political Action Conference, she was asked about what new developments are taking place in our education department under the Trump Administration. In our present system, there is a large chasm between what resources are offered to some while limited resources are provided for others. Secretary DeVos was asked about these “Education Disparities”, and how we got to this reality.

In response, Secretary DeVos pointed out how policies have provided resources for pre-school and higher education, but when it comes to K thru 12, there is nothing. “I believe there is a very strong argument to be made that all families should have the same kind of power, and the same kind of choices, and the same kind of opportunities that I had for my children…” Secretary DeVos continues to emphasize, “but make sure that your child’s quality of education is not going to be based on where you’re living, or your family income.”


This is so important to understand. We have shared in a previous program, how the NEA was not for students having a lottery system for school choice. People were protesting the very option of students having the ability to choose. It is deeply exciting and encouraging to know that our President has appointed someone whose ultimate goal is the betterment of our children. Share with us your thoughts are on our education department. See the full story of what is happening in our Education Department, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: 2018 Conservative Political Action Conference, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, education disparities, Pell Grants, military families, BI Bills, and the National Education Association. Greg and John shared in this segment.



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