As Bennett has continually sought to advance the Gospel, he shares the intriguing perspective of what took place in the life of Jesus and the Apostle Paul when we share the Gospel with others. “We see wherever the apostle Paul went in his travels, there was either riots or revival. When you preach the gospel and you put it forth there’s often reaction, so we should expect that that’s normal and should happen and not be afraid of it. There’s going to be some turmoil from time to time.” Speaking of turmoil, Princeton University refuted Christian Union’s attempted to start a chapter there, but as Bennett shares, because of his tenacity, the University eventually agreed to their application and welcomed them on campus.
What about you? What do you believe in? Do you choose truth or freedom? Unity or Diversity? Do we live in a way that lives out the convictions that we believe in or just say that we do, exercising hypocrisy instead of authenticity? America is not a perfect land, nor are the people within it perfect, but we do have the freedoms that allow us to live out our daily lives in accordance to the values and beliefs that we hold near and true in our hearts. In our homes, we should each have a Bible, The Declaration of Independence, and The Constitution, because this is what we are ultimately fighting for in America. Be encouraged as you see the entire speech from Congressman Gowdy, how we can live out a life of inspiration and action, and so much more. Also, shared in this segment: education, Dinesh D’Souza, persuasion, hypocrisy, The Potomac River, drowning, rope ladder, Jefferson, marriage, the rule of law, conviction, and surrender. Greg and John shared in this segment.