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Home » President Trump Holds Listening Session with Parents, Teachers, and Leaders of Education

President Trump Holds Listening Session with Parents, Teachers, and Leaders of Education


LISTEN NOW! (Or WATCH FULL PROGRAM!) As the President’s schedule is non-stop, meeting with leaders of varying industries, he also recently sat down with leaders in the Education industry. While the table was filled with teachers from Charter Schools, Home Schools, as well as Private and Public Schools, the new Secretary of the Department of Education, Betsy DeVos was present. While hosting these Educational leaders, the President also spoke about his concern for all students, their present realities in our schools, as well as the future.

“As I said many times in my campaign, we want every child in America to have the opportunity to climb the ladder to success. I want every child also to have a safe community, and we’re going to do that very much.” As Betsy DeVos has been a champion for School Choice, the President remarks about how not having this option for parents is greatly effecting students.  “Right now, too many of our children don’t have the opportunity to get that education that we all talked about. Millions of poor disadvantaged students are trapped in failing schools, and this crisis — and it really is a crisis of education – and communities working together but not working out, and we’re going to change it around, especially for the African-American communities.” These realities are not acceptable as he shares his take on School Choice in America. “That’s why I want every single disadvantaged child in America, no matter what their background or where they live, to have a choice about where they go to school.”

Be encouraged as you see the President share his heart for concern for the students in our Education Industry, how is creating many new jobs, and so much more. Also shared in this segment: Las Vegas, factories, educators, autism, and New York City. Greg and Steve shared in this segment. 
screen capture from youtube.com/The White House



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