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Home » WATCH! Jobs are Going Gone? Globalization, Automation, and Artificial Intelligence Coming Like a Freight Train- Not Future its NOW; Driverless Cars 200% Safer says Elon Musk; They will Take Over by end of 2019; VFNKB #SuccessSecret: Readers are Leaders: Dolly Parton

WATCH! Jobs are Going Gone? Globalization, Automation, and Artificial Intelligence Coming Like a Freight Train- Not Future its NOW; Driverless Cars 200% Safer says Elon Musk; They will Take Over by end of 2019; VFNKB #SuccessSecret: Readers are Leaders: Dolly Parton


JOBS ARE GOING GONE? Globalization, Automation Artificial Intelligence COMING LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN-NOT Future-It’s NOW!

Many people are thinking globalization, automation and artificial intelligence are a thing of the future when it’s a thing of the now! Eric Schmidt CEO of Google Alphabet says it is here to stay and talks about how you can prevent losing your job to AI. “The solution to job problems is education.” He is saying that companies are not employing enough people. The idea is to keep educating people, so they can do the intellectual jobs. This change is happening rapidly. What do we do with the time that we have left because life is a vapor? James 4:14 says, “whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.”  We need to tell the world about Jesus!
Jared Kushner shares on how he thinks all medical data should be digital. He says that it is time-consuming to go from doctor to doctor and for your medical information to not be readily available. Jared is saying the answer is to put all medical data in one database, so it is available for all doctors. The word he uses is interoperability (in·ter·op·er·a·bil·i·ty) which the definition is: the ability of computer systems or software to exchange and make use of information. His view is that it is about saving lives. Right now, there are laws in place to keep our personal medical information private. Many systems, including banking systems are being hacked so it seems that if this were to happen this medical database could be hacked as well. What do you do with this? It sounds like the last days talked about in Revelation. Revelation 13:16-17 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.” What are your thoughts on globalization, automation, and artificial intelligence? We want to hear from you! Share your comments with us. Also shared in this segment, Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, Canada, England, HIPA Law, Netflix. Greg and John shared in this segment.

‘DriverLESS CARS 200% Safer then HUMANS’ Elon Musk-They Will Take over by the END of 2019

Elon Musk says driverless cars will take over by the end of 2019 and they will be 200% safer. Innovation is here! It is not a future thing; it is a now thing! All money transactions are being tracked; it is leading to the beast economy. Revelation 13:16-17 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.” Everything is about technology today. The top companies in the world are technology companies. You can’t stop this from going forward. God has called us to go into the world and be a light in the darkness. Don’t hide out during this time. We are to lay our lives down for our nation. You can get the wisdom you need by abiding with God. We have a free plan for you at iAbide.org. No matter where you are in the world it will come to you instantly. Let us know what you think about this. Share with us your comments. Also shared in this segment, Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Rockets, Donald Trump. Greg and John shared in this segment.


Present Day Banking Will Not Survive

In the banking industry everything is about to flip. God showed Greg a vision of paper money burning. In this vision, he saw all the paper money on the earth being sucked up, like there was a vacuum in heaven and the paper money was as big as a mountain, and as it was sucked up, it caught on fire. Now we see bitcoin, and electronic payment like Apple Pay become prominent. Brett King author of Augmented says, “In financial technology you have thousands of startups coming in and disrupting the distribution and the experience, and it’s just not possible for banks to survive this transition.” If you work at a bank, learn how to work with technology so you can stay educated and shift well with this change that is taking place. Also shared in this segment cryptocurrency, Japan, computers, ledger. Greg and John shared in this segment. 


VFNKB #SuccessSecret: Leaders are Readers-Dolly Parton

Dolly Parton says God’s commandment to honor one’s parents is the reason why she dedicated her Imagination Library, a nonprofit organization that donates books to children worldwide, to her father. What inspired Dolly was the fact that her Dad grew up not knowing how to read and through this, she is now called the “Book Lady” which her father was able to hear before he passed away. Dolly Parton has given over 100 million books to children for them to learn to read and now she was able to donate her 100 millionth book to the Library of Congress. “If you can read, you can dream, if you can dream, you can be successful, and if you are successful, you have a good life ahead of you.” You can go to the Imagination Library to sign up for your children to receive books.
Don’t give up reading! If you want to be successful, learn to read things that will help you and develop you. Which in turn will educate you and it will give you the knowledge you need to help influence the sphere that you are in currently. You can go to The Torch on VFNKB to choose from over 6000 posts to read on subjects that interest you. Also shared in this segment technology, slavery, music, Bible, America. Greg and John shared in this segment. 

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